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Posts posted by Phinn

  1. I can't rememeber what Monday Preview it was, but for every X Likes we would receive another information - an artwork, model preview etc. We shared the link on social medias and messaged them to our friends. The hype was through the roof!
    I would love to see that happen again 🙂

    • Just like @yool1981, I would like to hear more about actual Box Sets.
      For example, are models going to be sold mostly in "Keyword Boxes"? Something like The Plague Cometh and Brotherhood of the Rat?
    • Are there going to be M3E Fate Decks on release date?
    • Is the first M3E book going to contain campaign rules? If not, is it something you are planning in the future?
    • Is there going to be an event during M3E launch?
    • Like 3
  2. I haven't read the whole Chronicles yet but I very much enjoyed the article about different communities around the world. Remindes me of old issues that featured photos of models sent by fans 🙂
    And, of course, I really appreciate the glimpse into M3E in Soulstones in Rough (which in my opinion is also very clever marketing move) and hints in Starting Malifaux on Budget - Gremlins.

  3. On 7/27/2018 at 7:37 PM, Urfin said:

    Can we finally expect actual rules for Carver in M3E?


    On 7/27/2018 at 7:57 PM, Mason said:

    Just because you asked for it, I will make it happen.  :)

    Thank you. Carver is one of my favorite models in the whole game but never saw a reason to buy him. Does this mean, though, that Carver is no longer going to be a legal proxy for Killjoy?

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  4. If that is actually the case then I think that it is going to prove unenecessarly difficult to balance all the masters and in my opinion is uterly avoidable. I understand that 50 SS pool and free Leader is a tradition, but...

    • Pay for your Leader as well.
      In that case you can make some Masters "weaker" with stronger Totems or higher "SS Cash" or they would be able to hire one cheaper model more or... It would be just so much easier to balance.
    • Up the SS pool to (50 + price of the most expensive Master).
      The most expensive Master (and their Totem) - let's say 15 SS - has a SS Cache of 0. A cheaper Master that would cost like 10 SS would have a "SS Cache" of 5 or could spend their SS on one more model.

    This is based on the speculation that the format is 50 SS and you do not have to pay for your Leader, though.

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  5. 20 minutes ago, Fetid Strumpet said:

    She’s [Bete Noire] been pretty lackluster and under par for the entirety of Malifaux’s existence. Despite being one of the intital models released and designed.

    Tell that to Desperate Mercenary that was even featured on M2E Rulebook 😃
    Or Teddy - one of the most iconic models of Malifaux. I, personally, like him, but a lot of people see him as lackluster 😕

  6. Mister @Mason, can a model have multiple Keywords?
    For example Waldgeists, Silurids, Spawn Mother, Gupps... Are their Keywords going to be Swampfiend (Zoraida) and Beast (Marcus)?

    Are some Keyword pools of models going to be much larger than others? For example Beasts versus... well, anything else actually 😃
    Not trying to complain or anything, just being sincerely curious 🙂

  7. On 7/10/2018 at 10:03 AM, (Keenan) said:

    I remember seeing that too.  One of the creepiest things I've seen in my life.  Inspired me to paint my insidious madnesses flesh colored, which were not painted to the same quality, but were pretty creepy too. 

    @(Keenan), that sounds revolting. It sounds like a nightmare that a nightmare would have 😃
    Would you kindly post some pictures? 🙂

  8. I have been playing Neverborn Zoraida exclusively for past three years (I am a filthy casual though - one game every one and a half months on average I would say) and every new year of Malifaux league I think about starting new master or even faction, but then I remember that if I try hard enough I am capable of painting a single miniature a month. That is if I try hard enough 😐
    Over those three years I realized that I enjoy painting the minitaures much more than playing the game so If I were to choose a new master now I would choose one that is preferably straight forward to play but mainly who's crew box and thematic models excite me as a painter. The problem is that with each miniature I paint my excitement shifts. One moment I am sure that I would like to paint models that are colourful and that I would never start Resurrectionists and then, after painting a colourful model, I realize that painting Resurrectionists would be fun, because it would be challenging. Then I realize that it would be great to paint a robot or two to properly learn NMM and so on and so on.
    #LifeWithWp2 😃
    And there is also something tempting about starting a master that doesn't share any models that I already have. To slowly finish their Crew Box (start now so it would be ready for next year's league), buy a Box Set, finish it, buy another one... I have like 9 unpainted models - I know, that's nothing compared to boxes or even cabinets of other people 😃 - but I find it quite demoralizing. Somehow it suck the enthusiasm out of the whole thing.

    But to answer the question - every two weeks a different one đŸ€Ș Currently the following ones 😊

    Resurrectionists - Seamus or Reva
    Outcasts - Hamelin
    Guild - Lucius
    Neverborn - Jakob Lynch or Collodi
    Arcanists - Marcus


  9. @misterfinn, @Caedrus and @Burnin' Coal, I will tag you in the post, guys, when I post pictures of finished Miss Erry :)
    Not that much left to be done, but... it's the less-fun-to-paint parts of the model, so I am not sure when I will finish it.

    I really enjoyed painting the patches. There weren't enough patches to utilize all the ideas, so I will probably use them when it comes to painting another Stitched Together :)

    Starting to realize how much I like models that give you freedom to paint what you want and to make the model truly yours :)
    That's why I like Neverborn models :) When it comes to painting people, I feel that there is much more restrictions. That is also the reason why I am probably not going to return to Gremlins - I feel like the green skin restricts you too much when it comes to other parts of the model - even though I think that a lot of them would be fun to paint :)

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  10. Unfortunately I will not be able to finish Miss Ery today. 

    I like the model very much and would like to do it justice :) I would say that I am at 65 % at the moment. Here is a WIP picture (this part is the least painted one):
    As I said, I want the patches to have children's motifs with a twist if possible. Here, as you can see, one of the ducks has tentacles instead of a beak :) The green patch at the top of Miss Ery's head has little hearts and one of them is anatomicaly correct (with aorta, vena cava superior etc.). The one around the eye is more simple to not steal attention away from the eye itself :) Two patches are still blank, but I think I have an idea for one of them already :)
    When I finish the model I will post some pictures :)

    Sadly, this is the third time I wasn't able to finish my pledge for the month, which means... this is a goodbye as well.
    I am looking forward to seeing your works and will continue to creep here :)

    I am also already looking forward to MPC 2019 :)
    Up until then I would like to finish the models that are unpainted/half-painted and when MPC 2019 comes I would like to purchase a Crew Box and work on that :) If it is going to be another Neverborn master or a master from a new faction I do not know yet. Those are my plans at the moment :)

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