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Everything posted by Eldarion

  1. I've only done a few of the plastics so far, and find most of the "attach small-bit" parts to be reasonable. The part that was toughest for me was Ama No Zako's ribbon. Attaching two flat bits, edge-to-edge, not too bad. Keeping them from rotating/sliding before drying, so that it looks like one long ribbon - that drove me a little crazier.
  2. No FLGS in your area? Or even an Un-Friendly Local Games Store? Even if they don't normally stock Malifaux, they should be willing to do a special order alongside their regularly scheduled order.
  3. *goes to the Store and looks at the plastic Nephilim set* Yeah, the Mature Nephilim looks rather generic "Big Winged Brute" but so does the metal. There's only so much to do with that form factor, especially if you're not giving it outlandish clothes and giant flaming swords... I give tentative approval to the looks of those young Nephilim, though (I'll only go so far from box art).
  4. From what I understand, the only things that are not present in either 1) the Arsenal Packs or 2) the downloadable cards, are the Avatars. The beta downloads for those were, last I checked, still available as a separate download.
  5. Well, I haven't tried it myself, but there has been discussion about the thermal reaction from CA accelerant doing Bad Things to the plastic kits.
  6. Well, I've only been around here, farming minis, for a few months, but... Sometimes when i go digging around the web, looking for painting ideas for minis, I encounter blog posts where the author's all up-in-arms about something in the M2E beta. There was one particular blog that had an incredible amount of anger (and arrogance - this guy seemed to think he was more important for Malifaux's continued success than Wyrd was). If he was getting half the attention he thought he deserved, he probably chased away a lot of people that didn't care to deal with his anger.
  7. Whoops, this was supposed to go into Miniature Matters, not General. :-fate
  8. I've seen a few references (and pictures of) "test run" kits in shaded clear plastics (particularly the Tara box), although this came and went before I discovered Malifaux. I'm curious what the outcome was. Should we expect to see regular runs of clear plastics? Only some limited production run kits? Or is it sufficiently more expensive to be a "flop"? There seem to be several minis that seem like they just call out for clear plastics. Elementals such as fire and ice gamin or Shang. Spell effects on some of the Avatar kits. And, perhaps more than any other mini - Kirai's Avatar.
  9. As someone who won't be there, I say to those of you who will be there: "Be healthy, have fun, make new friends, and gather some excellent swag trophies." ... and, "May the force be with you."
  10. Very nice little stand. Don't forget about Home Depot, Lowes, or just about any other home improvement/electrical/tool shop. I picked up several packs of hockey-puck sized, self-adhesive, battery-powered LED lights, and stuck them on the bottoms of my bookcase's shelves (it alternates between books and minis). On the plus side, they're out of sight, due to the lip on the shelf front, and the shelves are still adjustable. On the downside, their lighting is "adequate" at best. I can't help but feel like I should've tried to figure out a way to get AC powered lighting into there somehow, instead. So... I recommend against going cheap like I did.
  11. Yeah, I think I'd be afraid to eat one of those cupcakes, though.
  12. A couple more Tengu options: Many long moons ago, Ral Partha made a Kenku 3-pack that (although arguably small for Malifaux) were rather nice, if you can find them. Enigma has Lox Jarg: http://enigmaminiatures.com/shop/massive-darkness/lox-jarg-wings-of-dishonor.html Mierce, who I've never heard of before, has a pricy but impressive Griminn: http://www.mierce-miniatures.com/index.php?act=pro&pre=mrm_dkl_nor_sfg_min_401_000 darksword: http://www.darkswordminiatures.com/shop/index.php/miniatures/special-edition-miniatures/strange-companions-hawkman-warrior.html A little "off" imho, but Helldorado has: https://cipher-studios.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=36_41&products_id=712&zenid=eje6anjfrsu9lrv4brufst9e93
  13. Ah, Relic Knights, that would be this! Good idea. That reminds me of one of SodaPop's other products. If you don't mind getting a little silly with your proxy: http://sodapopminiatures.com/super-dungeon-explore/succubus-vandella
  14. Probably need an Arm-swap, but Hasslefree has: http://www.hfminis.co.uk/shop?product=winged-imogen~hfx003&category=miniatures~fantasy-daemonettes%2Ffaerie Searching reaper for "wings female" turns up 51 results, of which there are probably 8 or so that are applicable. They're all quite a bit smaller than Nekima, though. You'd have to base them up quite a bit to make them look appropriate on a 50mm base.
  15. Box would be Pandora, not Rasputina. Unless Raspy started moonlighting in some fluff I haven't gotten to. The mismatched arm could be amusing on a Neverborn lady (ponders Lilith with Giant Sword in one hand, 2x4 in the other - and the visible muscles on the 2x4 arm). But your comment led me into dark, dark paths... Mr Tannen has an extra arm. Even better, the Lynch & Huggy box has two sets of arms for the female illuminated. And a second, rather messed up, head for her, for my Dead Doxy conversion. Jackpot!
  16. While I haven't tangled with it (yet) the Hired Swords box has something of a reputation, above and beyond the normal "tiny bits" comments seen on several other boxes. The Lady Justice set is also well known for having a few very delicate bits, and Yan Lo for his beard being its own piece. On the flip side, I seem to recall the Pandora , Sonia Criid, and Ortegas boxes as well-reviewed. I recently picked up a couple of the 10 Thunders boxes, and while I haven't started into them yet, they look reasonable - except maybe Misaki herself. The site http://gmortschaotica.blogspot.com/p/unboxing-malifaux.html has a selection of good unbox-and-assembly reviews of the sets.
  17. To chip in my 2 cents... Testors' red tube or blue tube? I'm not sure what the real difference is, but I've been told that the blue tube glue is their higher-quality glue, and my personal experience with model kits made me agree (although preconceived notion bias may be a factor). The blue tube Testors glue worked dandy on the few Malifaux plastics I've used it on.
  18. Banker boxes are fairly tough, for cardboard. Assuming you're talking about "a few pieces of terrain" and not "I binged and got enough terrain to reproduce victorian London", you want to go a little sturdier/rain resistant, and don't mind paying more... The 'really useful boxes' plastic tubs are tough, stack well, have little or no taper, and come in many sizes. Many office supply stores (including office max and staples) carry them. Of course, there's also the ever-popular toolbox and thrift-shop-briefcase options. My local Harbor Freight Tools also has some interesting, and not horrendously expensive, aluminum briefcase-styled cases.
  19. Interesting. Nice rebuilds with the green stuff. A bit less lost, a bit more aggressive. Not how I normally picture Molly, but I'm a bit behind on the fluff.
  20. And has anyone actually seen the May releases in their LFGS yet? I haven't, but mine stocked (way) up on crews in April.
  21. lol, isn't that arm larger than the metal Raspy?
  22. And busily playing Through the Breach? Can't wait for those TTB minis to make their way to retail.
  23. I do have some WHFB Elves buried away, and went perusing the GW website to see if there were any bits likely to work, and the odds are long. They tend towards scalemail, big sleeves, or both - and connecting at the elbow. [Edit] Of course if I replace both arms, big sleeves would help hide differences in scaling... I have a Beckoner pack that I stole a head from, figuring I could use a mismatched head there later as a Dead Doxy conversion. I might just write off the bent-over one completely, steal the arms-plus-cane bit, and try to convert that to a pair of end-of-spell-casting arms for Raspy.
  24. I like it! Hmm, shoulderpads... or maybe the little shoulder-shields on some termies? Playing around is required. I've got some tiny little brass tunbuckles around that could pass for hydraulics, add some more support to the legs. Yes, this could work.
  25. Scale's slightly off, but the railroad section of your lfgs might have appropriate accessories as well. (Oil cans! I forgot those.) .... Doing a little digging online, the S Scale or American O scale railroad stuff is probably closest to the right size (most minis are 1:60 to 1:56, S Scale is 1:64, O is 1:48) There's also the Imperial Guard Tank Accessories sprue, albeit a tad pricey. GW may have that sprue available, or through bits sellers on *bay, or bum some from IG players at your lfgs.
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