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Everything posted by Guslado

  1. I love the story this tells.
  2. Very nice! I didn't realize that it was a stitched together as the base model until I read all of your caption. Great conversion!
  3. That is an impressive amount of painting to do in a week!
  4. Great looking mini! A thinner border would look better next time around.
  5. Great looking mini, but not 100% certain on how it connects to the theme.
  6. Guslado

    'Fool's Gold'

    I love it! Tells a great story!
  7. That is some really great basing!
  8. Really great job on his outfit!
  9. Very cool idea for a model. Nice story.
  10. Very cool looking scene, would love to see some more angles.
  11. The armor looks really great!
  12. Guslado

    goldrider copy

    Doomrider!!!! He would fit in great with my all gold Slaanesh army...
  13. Guslado

    Dragon's Gold

    Nice Job! Where is that dragon from?
  14. Great looking dwarf! Nice job on the NMM!
  15. Very clean looking yellow, nice job!
  16. Really great sculpting! I like this a lot!
  17. I love the outfit you painted on him!
  18. I am loving the story this tells.
  19. Great take on the theme and a very clean paint job. Nice work!
  20. Nice looking, clean paint job.
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