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Everything posted by Tawg

  1. Thank you Solkan, for always being the life of the party. And enlightening us of the historical accuracy of buttons placed on either side of the jacket To be fair, most clothing probably isn't being mass produced or anything, and if it's hand man, I can guarantee you different people do it differently. Hell even the same person might accidentally do it one way then the other (Or on a whim for that matter). Btw, not trying to insult you, if this comes off as rude. Just poking fun, because your comment seems really 'stick-in-the-mud' ish. I am totally down with the identical-ness of it all. That Deja Vu sort of creepy feeling they go for, I'm very ok with. Although I agree the models are somewhat lacking, as many people have suggested. However I have a suggestion that is not what others have been saying (I really don't feel like a female in the mix is the right solution, personally). Thank you! Zeeblee, I'm starting to think you're me. You have exactly the impression I got looking at the render before I got to reading comments. The thing that bothers me most is the mask all being the same. The whole needing girls comment I'll ignore, because we all make mistakes sometimes What I think would really set them off though, is if their masks were mirroring their actual expressions. The first model, which is clearly the basis of the concept embodied, is doing this, simply holding it's mask to the side and revealing it's true face. It has the same grin (Albeit slightly larger and with wicked teeth), and is simply presenting that "ohmygod" moment when the victim realizes just what is wrong with the picture (Or at least that should be what they're thinking if a little kid tore their face off like that). It's great. The second one would be vastly improved upon if it had some sickly-monster tongue coming out of the mouth licking the lollipop, and the mask, which represents the face it would normally present as a typical little boy, should have it's tongue out in a similar gesture of licking a lollipop. But he's removed it, and you can see the truth of the picture and the reality. The third then, would follow suit and simply have the mask cracking a slightly toothy smile. A gentle full smile like a kid might while laughing, that mirrors the Changeling's chuckle smile. Everything else about them is completely legit. I just think the mask representing their respective Changelings would really liven up the models and set them right over the top. At least for me, I would be completely in love with them. The first one is already perfect, it's just the implementation on the second two that seems to have fallen a bit short.
  2. Not bad. I certainly envy your get-up-and-go. I'm far slower of a hobbiest, so my things tend to be far more... unpainted. Good start though, you doing all the 10Ts next in a bunch?
  3. I would not let Good Cop // Bad Cop be a cycle. I don't know all the gremlin tricks (Or general tricks) to add suits, but the thought of going back and forth for free attacks seems unappealing. Especially since the phrase is just Good Cop, Bad Cop. Not Good Cop, Bad Cop, Good Cop, Bad Cop. I didn't look at it too thoroughly, since I think most of the intentions are clear enough, but a handful of wording discrepancies could be improved. Like "Df/Wp () Blocked By The Book: Reduce damage suffered as a result of this action by +1 per in the final duel total, to a minimum of 1." Since it says "as a result of this action", which would be referring to itself, but it is in fact an Ability rather than an Action. But like I said, it's clear what's intended here. I'm also not the biggest fan of the minion with this. The "News Paper with Eyeholes" especially irks me. It seems more like something painting the picture of what the model should look like, than what I'd expect to be the name of an ability. Might just be me though. It also seems like "I don't even know these guys!?" is not terribly interactive with the intended master, which makes it seem a bit odd to me. It seems like it comes out being all positive rather than having a negative influence on them at all, since there are hardly any Aura // Pulses to be affected by it. Granted it might have more purpose when paired with other Gremlin things (Oh god, don't take them with Brewmaster), but not really seeing the point of it.
  4. HOld the HORSES! So I thought it had no head, and the skull was the head, but looking back over it... Looking form the back shows me nothing, to prove it's a head. At least how I see it. But I was looking, and I noticed that in the middle one, where the face is pointing left, what I thought was simply a bandaged neck? It actually looks to have a bit more definition to it, and rather much looks like a chin. And then I realized that it's probably actually a humanoid head, but.. the whole wearing a skull thing, and blocking his sight doesn't matter. The head is completely covered in bandages! Which really ties it in with Lady J, and her whole blind justice shtick. Or in general the whole Guild's blind obedience idea, because as far as I know, they are the most militarized of the factions, and try to impose the most forceful of leadership. Granted persons like McMourning break that mold, but whatever.
  5. Certainly the first thing I noticed! "Those boots... go on.. for days!" I was just like.. "is he wearing knee hig-- no, they don't end above the knees.. good heavens where do they go?!" Plus I was struggling to grasp the idea of what is under the skull, and after looking a bit, I decided it's just bandaged neck straight into skull. The skull doesn't look like it's covering anything.. it is the thing. The head thing. Connected to the next part. And there's knees somewhere in there, but I couldn't find the thigh bone so I gave up on the song. The point is, I'm still ok with it. I actually like the plain sword, contrary to what appears to be the more general consensus. But hey, what can you do. As for the "What is that thing?" question, and why it's huge, or has no head under the skull. It's my understanding that the Emissaries are simply.. enhanced versions of the effigies? Which were originally simply dolls made by Zoradia (And stop me at any time if I'm wrong here). So they started out as simple dolls, made to infiltrate the other factions, by the devious Zoradia, but then they somehow were freed, or some weird magic made them their own entities, and they believe they work for their respective factions. From there I am not exactly sure what happened to them, but I thought I heard that some sort of advancement or magical effect caused them to grow in power, and out came the Emissaries, their full fledged beautiful butterfly selves. But I may have made that story up.
  6. I will say, when I look at the bottom of the "currently online list" while browsing the forums, and I see one or two mods on, with names listed in pink, but flanked by normal black text? I honestly can't read their names unless I highlight them. But I don't find the issue nearly as prominent when reading a full post in pink.
  7. I have been interested in it, vaguely, because obviously it's a Wyrd product, so it's got to be good right? So I decided this month, I was interested enough to pick it up (Partially for the FLGS promo Corphee). Unfortunately I haven't had a chance to play it yet, although I have read all the rules and opened and looked at everything contained inside. All I have to say is, without playing it yet, holy crap. This game exceeds expectations of quality. I own a whole ton of games, from various producers, and DCR does not fall short on any count. The box itself has a great design, and I am very happy all the components have a comfortable and clear section to be placed in. I love the little bag, for randomizing the Curses applied in game, and it keeping the smallest of all the tokens in the game in order while transporting is quite nice. Many games I end up using surplus of 15 ziplock bags to help organize all the small tokens, so that is certainly a plus (And not having an over abundance of tiny tokens to sort constantly). The board itself is very nice. The cardboard is what I'd expect from any game of good quality. The one notable aspect about the DCR board that I really appreciate after having questioned it? The shape of it. The fact that the board is a circular center piece, with the 4 winds being their own "corner" sections at first made me question why the game wasn't simply a single larger square, instead of the five pieces it is currently. But after thinking about it, I love the fact that the board is a circle, and how it ties into the whole motif of sphere (Sun) and circle (Snake, semi-ouroboros style) and general cyclical ideas, and the nature of 4 winds representing that symmetry as well. That seems like such a great design choice to enforce concepts first, which is one of the great things about Wyrd in general. It's also interesting when you're playing with the option of having the winds abandon the world, that you can actually remove them physically from the play area. The little heart gems are really great too, it's nice to have those over the typical card-board die-cut heart symbols. Obviously the game is limited in how many you'd need to use at once since each character has at most what, 4-5, so it is perhaps a function of limiting the mechanic to allow that choice. Nice none the less. The cards are good on their own, my only slight complaint would be that the smaller stacks that were packaged together (Specifically the artifacts) seem to have already affected a slight bend to them, upon opening the game. But it's hardly detrimental to the point of being an issue, just a slight annoyance. Arguably the biggest let down is the central players being cardboard rather than figures. Although I completely understand the choice, and for what they are and the fact that it is simply a board game, they suit their role just fine. The only tinge of regret comes from the fact that I know for a fact that Wyrd makes some of my favorite miniatures, and I know that the characters from the game would have come out awesome if they had made them. But it's not a miniatures game, and it's understandable that they did not focus on including them for cost reasons as well as not wanting to alienate people who would like to play the game on its own but are not as thrilled about miniatures. Although guaranteed if Wyrd ever finds time to release a set of these, either strictly for DCR or as some sort of story encounter or tie-in to Malifaux, I will be on them in a heart beat. Overall, the game looks and feels amazing. Its packaging and quality of production are stellar, and I love the minor decisions made that show how much care and effort everyone at Wyrd purts into their products. I can't wait to play, although I have a feeling the game may be easier with more than 2 players (I am thinking 3-4 may be more ideal), but I'll see when I get a chance to wrangle some friends to try it out. All around, I'm very impressed. Pun intended.
  8. Well it's a bit personal bias, since I have never had the experience of reading being such a challenge that it is worth me complaining about. Which is why I suggest that anyone interested enough would probably not have an issue, although to be fair the two options are not really on the same spectrum nor mutually exclusive. I was simply suggesting that anyone who was interested enough would probably be willing to overcome the obstacle of pink text to indulge their interest. But again, I've never seen anything I felt was so difficult to read that it was not worth reading. As for my opinion of you, my post was not directed at you, or made with any knowledge of you. Again, it's a bit personal bias. I seldom, if ever, complain about anything, and typically view most complaints as less than well-grounded, with the people placing them often being vocal minorities that simply like to be loud. Maybe there is issue to be had, and if that is the case for you then, I'm sorry I can't relate. But I did not post with any intent of opinion on any individuals. It was more of my general mind set. I just think most complaints aren't as founded as would provoke me to raise them. I mean, I see that Rath's text is clearly not the same level of contrast (At least on light theme), I just don't think it's an issue of any nature. Especially with click&drag to highlight text, which would remove all difficulties I could imagine, save for exclusively reading his post on a phone (Which makes it far harder to click and highlight).
  9. Yeah, as long as it's not a Baby-fit Tee, or what ever those ones are called with the slimmer cuts that.. simply don't fit a male torso. But wearing pink? Definitely not an issue.
  10. I exclusively use the light theme, and I have never had an issue with reading your post. I don't even think I normally have to click-and-drag to highlight the text in blue&white to make it easier (Although that does, I suppose). Clearly if you're trying to pander to other people, dropping it is the right idea. (Or if you are wanting to be considerate, if you want to call it that). If it makes you happy, and that is important to you, or you enjoy the identity of it here? Have at it, people saying they have a hard time don't strictly matter. If they can't be bothered to read text because it inconveniences them, who is it hurting? I doubt there is a party that is both dying to read your text and comments, while also claiming inability and feeling alienated. If people are bothered enough to skip because the text is pink, I feel like they are crying about a tummy ache more than wanting to be connected to a person who's comments they find interesting and worthwhile. Moral of the story, if you like it, I doubt the people who complain are being hurt enough to validate you stopping something you enjoy. If you just do it for no reason and it doesn't matter to you? Then yeah, it makes sense to stop, because I can see the ease it could provide by not using pink text.
  11. Awesome, glad I could shed any light with my suggestions (And yeah, that color wheel is sweet as hell). I'm interested in seeing what you come up with, perhaps in the next month or so for the painters challenge? I mean, the original stands as testament to great skill, if a little lacking in composition. So I look forward to seeing what comes next
  12. Well, I wouldn't exactly call myself an expert on color theory, but maybe this could help. I personally use this site as a basic color wheel. It's really nice, and interactive. If you have a strong feeling for one or two of the colors you want to use, this can really help point you towards a solid color to build the different color harmonies. I tried to emulate the main colors on that guy below: So I ended up with a bit of odd formatting by trying to copy and paste those colors onto the Wyrd Forums.. hopefully this will post and look normal enough though. At anyrate, it looks to me like a blue-ish or light purple color might be complimentary to the stronger (by which I mean, more surface area on the model) cream and the floor boards of the base. I think it's important to note that the wood he's standing on are fairly in line with the cream color, so it makes a LOT of the model look much more monochromatic or at least analogous (All basically the same small slice of the color wheel). I feel like with your two pictures the top one (Front of the model) is a little white-washed in the picture, because I feel like I can't quite tell what color the goggles are? I want to say a semi-bright green. I think the biggest issue is just that the base and the robes (Along with all the leather accessories, sheath, pouches, arm wraps) are all very analogous, and it creates a very large, unbroken surface to look at. From the front, the chains and goggles are some of the only details breaking it up (Which honestly look good, I like the look of the chains over his shoulder). The issue is just adding or picking out the details to break it up a bit more, I think. I think the bright-green goggles aren't exactly tying with the green-ish metal, just due to the contrast between very dark greenish-blue to a much brighter yellowish-green. They don't tie well with each other. Beyond that though, perhaps the pouches along his waist could see more color, a bit of blue or purplish cloth to create more contrast on the main body of the figure. Or the base, if you could find a way to incorporate any elements on the floorboards that break up the brown and allow a bit more color in besides the small hint of boots, that might help a ton as well. Maybe a broken weapon or pipe, some rubble or ice (Depending where he's suppose to be). Hell you could even paint the cloth covering the face in a drastically different color from the rest of the robes, if you really want to break it up some, although I feel like perhaps that would be too much? I might just be making things worse, so feel free to ignore my comments. But if it helps, then awesome, glad I could offer some advice.
  13. Nice. I feel a little weird about the gem, hilt and blade all being the same color, but it's cool. Both of the colors pallets look good, the brown/cream neutral and the teal-ish/black blade and boots. Although I feel like it's missing an accent color that ties the two together, but that might just be me. I do really like the way the robes came out though, cream/beige is one of my favorite colors.
  14. I really wish. Honestly I do. Although Angel Eyes looks nothing like her namesake, and he is my favorite character
  15. Wow, thank you for sharing that man. Those are disgustingly awesome looking. One of my normal gripes with MDF scenery is how... stiff it looks, or very made-to-fit together? It just doesn't normally feel very organic to me, but those things look quite awesome, at least the last image you have where it's put together, very very cool. And I like the style of the street lamps. That is a really great find, thank you.
  16. None that I know of. I think I asked about this before, or maybe just heard it around the forums, but I thought the answer I saw was along the lines of Ressers and Neverborn being an anathema to each other? Like, Neverborn detest the magic involved in the Ressers "arts" and likewise, the Ressers are unable to put their magic to use on Neverborn subjects, or something along those lines? But then again I guess Hayreddin is kind of treading that thin line, being at home with the Ressers but a native Neverborn (Nephilim, right?) race. So maybe I imagined that all up. But as far as I know, the "cross-factions" that haven't happened yet are: Gremlin/Guild, Gremlin/Ressers, Gremlin/Arcanist, Gremlin/Outcast, Guild/Arcanist, Guild/Outcast, Neverborn/Ressers, Neverborn/Arcanist, Neverborn/Outcast, Arcanist/Ressers, Arcanist/Outcast. Interestingly, the least mingling faction is the Arcanist, with only 1 cross over (Only with Ten Thunders); Outcast and Gremlins share only 2 cross overs with the others; and Guild, Neverborn and Ressers have 3 each. Then of course the Faction of Factions, crossed with everything it can manage, the Ten Thunders. Of course, there is more to the idea of simply making models that are dual-faction than wanting it to be so, because thematically some of the Masters already walk the line of being oriented towards one of the others, but it's a far bigger pig to gut trying to balance models when they can be taken by a full set of Masters for two (Or more) factions with all the combinations of in faction models that entails. Vs having a master like Wong, who could be "magic user" enough to cross into Arcanist territory if he and his gremlin friends wanted to fight for the rights of magic users, but they fit the bill of being simply gremlins that explode themselves and others when given the chance. And then there are simply themes that don't terribly work well together, like the Resser/Neverborn cross, or something like Guild/Arcanist which in story are dynamically opposed. But Guild/Neverborn are certainly not in league with each other, while Lucius makes the story work. I'm sorry, what were we talking about? All I know is I think the idea of Ressers/Gremlins is a funny combination, even if it may be a little off for the story, I'd still like to see it happen . Oh good heavens, don't even suggest such a thing. I get the transition from 1 to 1.5 and 2, having some of the handful of expanding stories (The then "new" Ten Thunders breaking away as their own faction, thus requiring masters), and a handful of lovable characters being upgraded to Masters along the way (That was the case for Hamlin I believe?), but back to back book release for a model to transition into a Master? That would be brutal on the story line and the in game logic of mechanics. Granted while playing, any of the named characters may appear up to twice in a game due to say, two opponents taken nearly identical crews, and that will happen. No point fussing over that when the Mechanics of the game don't rely on story more than anything. Although if playing friendly story-based games, I would try to avoid taking my opponents models in my own crew, or at least "re-skinning" them for flavor. But allowing having to establish rules in game for why Master Hayreddin can't lead a crew including Henchman Hayreddin would make my brain melt. Although I personally wouldn't mind if Malifaux had an efficient enough production cycle for them to do say, a 2-3 year cycle for a "new" format, like Magic: The Gathering's "Standard" format, and then letting models stand in older formats as well, allowing them to cycle characters from Henchman into Master at a much quicker rate. Rather than the current structure which is really only shaking things up that much when they had the first big edition change. But I would hate if the Edition change were to be the focal point of that sort of massive "Story overhaul" that alters the dynamics of the story in that way. But I don't know about how easy it would be for them to implement a system like that, I figure all things considered, it probably would take a few years down the line anyways, because they need to establish an older set of models to even have a "new" vs "legacy" format style. Not that I know anything about how to run a game company. And typically such companies aren't going to be shelving older models, unlike magic which is more than happy to simply quit printing the new set to move on, and anyone who was not present becomes subject to 3rd party sales for no longer available cards. Typically model companies (From what I have observed from my years) only really shelve older models when replacing them with a nice new set, not to eliminate them entirely. Although there is always Gamesworkshop.. which is a flagship for integrity and good marketing plans. Heaven's know 40k books see anywhere from a few months to over 3 years before being renewed to a usable state or being completely obsoleted by a new edition or codex trumping it. And I don't think anyone wants to see malifaux fall into a cyclical pattern like that. Moral of the story though, in short, upgrading a named character from Henchman to Master in two back to back book releases sounds like a nightmare for the players. Logic errors of "Is he master X or Henchman X this game?" considering that they are not already precluded from being in the same game. Like Warmachine which only makes new versions of the one model you can normally only bring a single one of anyways, so they run no risk of them being taken in the same match.
  17. Is that an ability on him or something?
  18. "Honorable Weapon" doesn't mean "Flaming bag of poo" in this case, does it?
  19. It may or may not have been discussed, but Aaron's reply wouldn't change. He's probably just putting that more as of an indication that you've spotted a connection they (Wyrd staff) may have intended. Also, I got into this thread, and the first thing I saw was the Angler Fish, and I was like "Did I read the title wrong?" But then I read the 2 lines of text, and it made more sense I wonder if those things are underwater. They'd fit in just fine with the creepy things at the bottom of the sea.
  20. So I was thinking about it, and there should be an Outcast shirt that has the word "Hired" above or next to a wheel, like a prize wheel style thing And each of the sections has a word. Gun (Von), Sword (Vik), Plague (Ham), Assassin (Misaki), Hangman (Daw), Oblivion (Tara), Technomancer (Levi). Levi and Tara might need different tags, but the general idea for the shirt stands. It kind of tickles my fancy, I think it would be a cleaver shirt
  21. Oh, Aaron was in charge of TtB? I had no idea, I just always figured it was Mason in the first place. Good job tricking me Mason.
  22. How many can I get for one paycheck? I seriously want like.. as many of these things as I can get. Like (if) I ever finish assembling and painting, I just want another on deck to paint. Also those little creepies will definitely be used off of the main base on 30mm as the new Changelings (Or what ever those new things are called), because god, those are the best part. All my hopes and dreams Wyrd. You carry them.
  23. I have to say, considering how hard I tried to attach Yan Lo's beard to Chiaki's head somewhere.. I am certainly glad I never dropped that tiny piece of plastic. That aside, the shirt is pretty funny. The Yan Lo reference not withstanding as the only "masochistic modeler" ordeal presented by Wyrd. Dem models are fiiiinnneeeeeee. First brand that has deeply inspired me to to want a set of hobby tweezers, for sure. Also, so much resser love. The 10T splash over from Yan Lo is nice, but I have to imagine you have a set of shirts oriented at more than one faction. Unless the real message you're trying to spread is eco-friendly hobbyist..?
  24. Things escalated quickly in here I see...
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