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Everything posted by Fireuser

  1. He looks straight forward on his card, but he is actually a little more tricksy than he seems. I really enjoy him and his crew though.
  2. It is in the general rulebook on page 51. Summoned models that are a result of an action require LoS. Otherwise they do not. Since Malevolence is an ability and not an action it does not require LoS.
  3. Malevolence does not require LoS as it is an ability. Actions that summon require LoS however, so I think McMourning still needs LoS prior to the other models removal.
  4. I believe, unless otherwise noted, all markers are 30mm.
  5. I really like the Ortegas... there is something about mexican gunfighters that appeals to me quite a bit. The Family also feels like a family that is watching out for each other. Which I think is awesome. Just be careful not to group hug Papa.
  6. This crew would not be a legal crew. In M2E you cannot spend the Master's cache to hire models. So the most you could take would be 3 young uns for 6 SS, and 14 Bayou Gremlins for 42 SS leaving 2SS for upgrades or to add to the cache.
  7. It makes sense that the austringer would have to randomise in such an instance. The bird has a handler that is calling the shots, perhaps when the bird is overzealous it is harder for the handler to get the bird to attack the correct target.
  8. At least something good came from 40k... they pushed me to Malifaux
  9. I bought the 1.5 models... they look pretty sweet to me. And since they are plastic I am not sure when a new kit will come out for them.
  10. A Necropunk would have denied that to you as well. I am afraid that I do not agree that every model should be one-shottable. Rezzers tend to be hardy across the board, in order to make up for lack of shooting and some rather low damage tracks.
  11. In a recent Battle Report, it was commented that Rotten Belles seem to be an auto include for rezzers. So, in an effort to to thread jack, I started this thread for discussion on the matter. I personally do not think that they are. Granted, I run them frequently. However, my current model collection consists of 6 belles, 3 punk zombies, seamus, cck, sybelle. I am of the opinion that rezzers lack ranged options, so belles stand out in this regard. Nurses have a ranged 6 action. Crooked Men have a rather sad ranged attack. (I'm sorry but 1/2 blast /3 blast damage and poison is hardly the epitome of a ranged attacker). The Hanged have 2 ranged options, a low damage attack that does terror stuff, and one that screws healing (I love this one). Sybelle can shriek. Mortimer can fling rot, and allow movement. Honestly given how melee-centric the faction is, I am not surprised that Belles are valued. It was suggested that they may be too good, and should perhaps lose a suit on their lure. I think this would be disastrous to them (and to Seamus and Sybelle to a lesser extent). So I guess the questions are: Do you always field Belles, why or why not?
  12. Midnight the start or midnight the end?
  13. *Squeels like a little kid at christmas*
  14. I run these guys a lot, and I also tend to master hunt with them. The best defense is really something to get rid of the condition. Condition removal would benefit a crew regardless of who the opponent is. Though some factions have a harder time finding this.
  15. I believe it would work as follows. The armor makes them immune to damage, so if the ability caused a condition after damaging they would not gain the condition. If the ability just gives the condition, the armor does not stop the condition from being gained. The condition does not remember how it was applied though. Therefore, it would take the damage at the end of the turn as normal. Hope this is correct and helpful.
  16. My LFGS is also having trouble getting books. I live in South Dakota. I asked why there was no Malifaux on the shelves, even offering to invest in the business so they could get models, arsenal packs, and books. I was told that they were waiting until they could get books on the shelves before they would get models. I believe the feeling here is also no rules = no game. This may be an issue worth looking into and raising its priority. There is interest in my area now, but if it takes 6-8 months to get books and models here, it may all have died.
  17. Hello. Just wanted to note that Nicodem cannot summon mindless zombies without the maniacal laugh upgrade. Rotten Belles are a solid all around model. They can take a little punishment, reposition your models or your opponent's models, and slow the enemy as well. Punk Zombies are also good too summon as they can be quite sturdy and also pack a bit of a punch. Hope you enjoy your games. Edited for spelling.
  18. Fireuser

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