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Everything posted by solkan

  1. The effort isn’t relevant. The specular highlighting and radiant emission calculations/effects are inconsistent with the rest of the table, is what I’m saying. How’s that supposed to make the figure look better while being used in the game?
  2. Okay... For the record, almost none of the models depicted covered in paint come with either the paint or the bases they're shown with. That's going to be true for pretty much all of the plastic, resin, or metal models. It's especially true of the "Malifaux Classics" metal figures. For the rare models that do have integrated base decorations, that's going to be shown in the grey model rendering.
  3. Yes. Do note that the Construct Additional Pylons trigger is 'After succeeding', so the new Pylon is created with 3" of his final position. Two. Both the effect of the action and the effect of the Last Defense ability resolve independently. Drop the Scrap marker as specified in the action When you attempt to remove the Pylon marker, last defense goes off Drop the Scrap marker as described in Last Defense Resolve the pulse as described in Last Defense Note that in both cases you're dropping the scrap markers (Create has more restrictions than Drop, so the distinction matters). Edit: And if you somehow managed to move through more than one Pylon during the push, the sequence is: Drop the Scrap marker as specified in the action When you attempt to remove the Pylon marker, last defense goes off Drop the Scrap marker as described in Last Defense Resolve the pulse as described in Last Defense Remove the Pylon Drop the Scrap marker as specified in the action When you attempt to remove the Pylon marker, last defense goes off Drop the Scrap marker as described in Last Defense Resolve the pulse as described in Last Defense Remove the Pylon Just remember that Hoffman needs to move entirely through that Impassable marker while he's ignoring it (from the FAQ):
  4. Shading and lighting effects are the root of all evil in painting the point where you're not really painting figures for use in a game, and start painting figures for use in dioramas. 👻 And where that all comes to a messy end is that when you mix diorama-painted figures and regular painted figures on the same table. Sort of like what happens when you've got a bunch of scenic city bases on your models and you're playing on a ship or a sand table. Or, to put it another way, it's a bit like wearing a three piece suit to lunch on casual Fridays.
  5. I thought Belarose (the alt with the model that says ‘Victorian Lady’ on the runner) was the character used as plot device for the Through the Breach beastiary sections...
  6. Did you miss the callout box "Unaffected by Terrain" on the lower right of the page that you included a screenshot of? And the FAQ entry? That, by the way, is part of the answer to "What happens if you ignore an impassible terrain marker?"
  7. Well, the most succinct lists I can think of are: 1st edition bundle: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/261853/Malifaux-1st-Edition-Core-Books-BUNDLE 2nd edition bundle: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/261854/Malifaux-2nd-Edition-Books-BUNDLE (Edit: And mixed in between the books are the various stories in the Chronicles: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/browse/pub/5162/Wyrd-Miniatures/subcategory/23027_23030/Wyrd-Chronicles ) For M3E, you're looking at the M3E Core Rulebook, the eight faction books, and the Malifaux Burns books.) The stories for 1st and 2nd edition, and the The Other Side, are available in audio form on the Breachside Broadcast: http://www.breachsidebroadcast.com (which should show up on the Apple podcast list, and elsewhere. If for some reason all of the episodes don't show up, you can find the first story of 1st edition here: http://www.breachsidebroadcast.com/page/19/ (Edit: I think the order of the stories shown in the Broadcast is a good one, even if you just want to use it as a reference as you read the Chronicles and 1st and 2nd edition PDFs...) I'll admit that I've completely lost track of where the podcast is in the M3E stories. But that should be a good start...
  8. Dropped markers can overlap other marker, it’s created that can’t. (With the confusing point that impassible markers are always Created even when the effect says to Drop them...) So Titania can’t put her Underbrush on top of a Shadow Marker due to Create, but Misaki can Drop a Shadow Marker on top of an Underbrush Marker.
  9. I think there have been a few seasonal models featuring Waldo, but nothing “serious”. :] I don’t know that anyone has claimed the credit or blame for making up the mascot yet.
  10. If it helps, look at the Jokers callout box below the part you were reading. It has a rephrasing of the Black Joker rule, and you can contrast how that’s written with the way the Red Joker rule is written.
  11. Player A cannot cheat fate if Player A flipped the Black Joker. The “they” you underlined is the ‘singular they, used as a gender neutral third person singular pronoun’.
  12. Technically not a Nightmare box. “Twisted Alternatives”, I think, are regular stock.
  13. It's for Malifaux*. I don't know if I have the timeline straight, but first edition books had enough artwork of puppet versions of the various characters that I get the impression that in some sense Puppet Wars ended up being an excuse to make the models for those versions. And after the "full size" puppets last year... (* Wyrd did a beta for the second edition of Puppet Wars before the current plastic box was released, and there were beta rules for all of the current metal Puppet Wars models. But there was only the Dead Rider puppet, out of the four riders. So if there are rules for the other three puppets somewhere, Wyrd's been keeping that a secret...)
  14. It's not really a question of "editing". Basically 'gains' doesn't mean that anything permanent has happened. There are a lot of places in the rules where the conditional is implicit, or at least the fact that what is 'gained' can be lost is. If an upgrade is discarded, the effects of the upgrade are lost. If a model leaves an aura, the effects of the aura are lost. If a model is in a bunch of auras that specify 'friendly models', and it becomes controlled, those auras no longer affect it. Even though all of those effects are quite likely to just use the word "gain" instead of something more elaborate like 'gains while this upgrade is attached'. To make a point of it, look at Ophelia's Arsenal upgrades, where the model gains an action and an ability which allows it to discard the upgrade. No one is going to play it that a model that discards the Arsenal upgrade still has the action that was on the upgrade.
  15. How did this get quietly put on the release schedule? 🤯
  16. I’m confused. What are you using that’s granting you an Armor Piercing trigger conditional on what sort of attack it is?
  17. It should, since Create is just Drop with additional restrictions. To quote the rulebook:
  18. That has the same odds as Wyrd licensing Finecast. But also see paragraph two: because the distinction didn't matter when that FAQ was published but it matters now.
  19. solkan

    Yasunori typo

    There’s a typo on Yasunori’s card in the app. Revel in Chaos, second line of text, “damgaed” should be “damage”. This is a typo not present in Yasunori_Errata0320.pdf, possibly fixed there.
  20. From the FAQ: That's a General Action, without actually saying so. Blame @Waldo for the fact that Wyrd gets to edit that to explicitly point out that it's a General Action now that a half-dozen or so of the new titles have actions generating 'General' or 'non-Charge General' actions. 😤
  21. For what it’s worth, damage flips get called out because they’re separate from the action’s duels, and the convention is that fate modifiers to an action are applied to that action’s duel. That’s part of why this sentence is in the damage flip rules:
  22. Edit: I misremembered the replace fix for McCabr. But, I think if push came to shove, it’d be errata’d before it became possible to have multiple titles of a model in play (other than temporarily during a replace).
  23. They have to be your scheme markers. 😛
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