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Everything posted by Jordon

  1. Converted from the miss step model using greenstuff.
  2. Unfortunately yes Cojo will need a 50mm base to be considered "legal". However most opponents will probably not take up too much issue in friendly games until you come across a proper base. It's probably in their best interest anyway, as Cojo is the master of movement effects and placing him on 50mm base actually increases his abilities
  3. Can Kaeris use her trigger "born of fire" on a model without the burning condition, while she is being affected by arcane radiance? - Born of fire trigger says "after killing" but before removing the model. The model must have the burning condition however. - Arcane radiance says "models damaged" gain burning after the attack is resolved, unless you discard a card. Does arcane radiance kick in when damaging the model, but before killing it, thus gaining the burning condition and fulfilling the requirement for "born of fire"? Or does the "after resolving" aspect of arcane radiance only apply once the model has already taken the damage and subsequently died? Sorry if this has already been brought up before now.
  4. Has anyone ever gotten any use from her "shell game" ability? I know the surge on prompt is probably the main reason anyone would even consider this upgrade. I just can't think of a scenario where I need to be moving doves or mannequins. Both models are capable of high mobility anyway and colette has better things to be doing with her (0) action in my experience.
  5. Not sure if this has been discussed elsewhere or if another version exists on other models or not. Soustone manipulation states that it may only be used "once per activation." Prompt simple says "target may perform a (1) action." Cassandra has the "understudy" ability and is able to use any of Colette's 1ap Ca actions. Lets say she decides to use prompt and target Colette. So the question is, could I prompt Colette to use her soulstone manipulation ability, and then also use it again once Colette activates? One instance of the ability would be used during her activation, while the other would be outside her activation. There may be other instances of these situations with "Obey" masters targeting models with "once per activation abilities", however I cannot think of any off the top of my head. Thanks!
  6. I'm just curious how people rank the arcanist totems. My local group were debating the best and worst of our totems and I was wondering how others may rank them. 1) Wendigo - I honestly rank this guy as one of the best totems in the game. He's cheap, significant/minion, great Wds and mobility. Amazing utility and can be downright scary in certain situations. 2) Emberling - Cheap and fairly resilient. Also significant/minion. Can be a real nightmare in burning heavy crews. 3) Jackalope - Extremely annoying, dirt cheap and can disrupt enemy activations. Keeps on returning to play and can occasionally surprise you with its damage output. 4) Brass Arachnid - Plain and simple, reactivate can be nasty on some of our beefy models. Thats pretty much it though. 5) Mech Doves - They have great utility and are relatively easy to summon. They are great for out-activating the opponent too. 6) Eternal Flame - Extremely Cheap, and great for healing. It has a good WK to keep up and will occasionally disrupt via pyre markers. 7) Mouse - Not going to lie, mouse doesn't impress me much. He's our most expensive totem and he's peon/insignificant. His heal can affect any model, however it's harder to pull off then the eternal flame's. Rope toss is alright, but for 3 more points you can get a December Acolyte which I think is much much more effective for the 3ss investment. Arrest also seems kind of meh. I don't think he's terrible, he's just not that impressive. How would you rank our totems and why? *edit* Forgot the Essence of power! - He seems decent. Your pretty much taking it for it's +1Ca, which is amazing on Raspy, however it competes with the wendigo... Other masters that I can see it being taken with would be Ramos and Colette, but most of our other masters will outpace it to get any real benefit from it. I'd probably put it near the middle to low ranking as most of the time I'd rather take the master specific totems.
  7. While I don't see the doves as a mandatory include, they can do some pretty incredible things at times. The key thing about the dove is that it's ability lasts until the end of the turn so you can really beef up the damage output of a particular model. Add in the ability to prompt and still benefit from the doves buff, and even in certain cases to gain re-activate via prompt and all while benefiting from the dove. If you give any model a to damage flips and 6-7 ap worth of attacks, it will get some work done.
  8. This may have already been posted at some point, but basically what I was wondering was if the focused condition had to be used in its entirety when declaring an action, or if you could use it in increments. Example: Master has an ability with a trigger to "take this action again" after succeeding. So my first action I gain focus +1. I then use my second action to gain focus +2. I use my third action on an ability that has a trigger that lets me take the action again after succeeding. So for that action could I use one of my focus to gain the and then after my trigger to use the action again, use the remaining focus? Or am I forced to use the focus +2 on the initial action? I'm sort of inclined to think that you use it all at once, but i'm not 100% certain.
  9. I think that they have three main synergies that can cross over between masters and it's usually how I like to construct crews. First big one is constructs which every master with the exception of marcus can utilize quite well. I think overall it's the core to our faction the same way ressers use undead. The two sub themes I think the arcanists play a lot into is burning and M&SU. Just about half of our masters and a vast chunk of models are M&SU and some of our best upgrades are to do with the M&SU characteristic. Lastly we have access to tons of burning and a handful of models that can interact with said burning. I find some of the best synergy is found when I combine all three in a single list. For example Bleeding edge tech and powered by flame are two such upgrades that bind together well. They both require M&SU, and both effect constructs and one of the results (powered by flame) is fire. Fortunately there are quite a few models that fit this criteria of M&SU constructs and quite a few masters (Ironsides, Mei, Ramos, and Kaeris) who can all share crews quite well. There can also be an argument for Colette as she plays well with pretty much any crew. But Raspy and Marcus are generally loners who don't play nice with the rest of the faction, but fortunately for them, they are still awesome, and in the case of Marcus, he is almost a faction on to himself.
  10. @Thedirtofluck: The nice thing about december's touch is that it also grants +2 armour so on a fire gamin, that is armour +3, which can take considerable resources to put down. Also the wendigo can use magical extension to cast decembers touch and thus saving raspy's AP for killing. @Umbra: I've thought of running the mages, but points are pretty tight. They can be extremely effective with the EOP but I feel like a large portion of your list would be very static. Sure they can get buffed up with frozen heart, bite of winter and the EOP for a very impressive 3AP (furious casting) Ca7 min damage 3 (4 if you use the fire trigger), however that requires a lot of cards to burn and basically your whole list to brick up. All one needs to do is engage the brick and that could easily shut down a huge portion of your list. You can do a similar thing using the silent ones however and while they can't quite reach the same damage output as the mages, they can provide more support, able to heal and disrupt using ice pillars. They also are way more survivable with their DF trigger, and don't suffer from being engaged as none of their abilities are I know it's not the most practical of lists, but I'm wondering what scenarios this list may be strong in and which it may have trouble with? I'm thinking turf war and reckoning are probably it's stronger matches, while reconnoitre is probably it's hardest match. I'm not sure how it would perform in squatter though. Clearly the list is designed around damage output making it ideal for killing schemes. However burning makes this much more difficult as death by fire doesn't count as being killed by this crew. The firestarter helps out in this way, but it also places a bigger bullseye on his head making it tricky to say if killing schemes are a good idea for this list.
  11. I've been able to use devour on the wendigo with a decent in hand but the cats seem way more situational. As mentioned, they are not bad models to include regardless of devour, but I doubt its an ability you can bank on reliably. One thing to remember if you do feel inclined to run a list like this is raspy's "shatter" upgrade. With a to DF duels, even MI4 attack can reliable hit.
  12. Hey everyone, this is going to be a long post, but I wanted to see if we can cook up something interesting here. So some of you ver 1.5 veteran arcanist players may have remembered a certain list that used to be quite interesting to run. I am of coarse referring to "fire and ice" which consisted of running Raspy and Kaeris (cause she was a henchmen back in the day). I personally never ran the list myself, but I heard it could pump out some serious damage, but at the cost of being soul stone intensive. Well it's now m2e and that list is no longer valid, but I still think the spirit of "fire and ice" can still be achievable. I was wondering if anyone can think of some neat synergy by running both frozen and smouldering heart models? I know it's probably not the most competitive list as both smouldering and frozen heart models generally synergies well with each other and not so much out of theme. This list is meant to be striking, thematic and fun to play, with maybe a few neat twists to throw at your opponent. I know both the gunsmith, miner and december acolyte are technically frozen and smouldering models. However nothing they do really demonstrates fire or ice and so I'm not sure i'd include them in my list personally. The blessed of december I feel also falls into this category. Here are some of my thoughts: Master Has to be either Raspy or Kaeris. I know mei can also kind of be considered as fire and i'm sure she has some decent synergy with both crew's, I still think thematically it should be Raspy or Kaeris. In my mind I think Raspy is the better choice and that's because I think frozen heart functions better as the backbone of the crew and because of the fact that Raspy can give other models "frozen heart" it opens up more functionality. For example you can put frozen heart on the firestarter, giving raspy a highly mobile "arc node" for her spells, while also allowing the firestarter to play more aggressively with the added benefit of +2 armour and also being able to benefit from "bite of winter" Crew So here is where you can really experiment and see how things work together. I think there are a few "key" models that really must be included to make this list run well. Firestarter: He's the big deal for the fire side. He basically functions as Kaeris Jr. and there are a few key abilities that make him a must take. First off he's M&SU which grants him access to "powered by flame" and seeing how many of the fire and ice models happen to be constructs, it feels quite fitting to have in this crew. His mobility and access 3ap makes him ideal to maximize this upgrade. His mobility is also a welcome addition to a Raspy crew as most of her models tend to be slower. Also his twirling with a gas can is one of the few abilities that works off of the burning condition so it's a nice fit for this crew. Also he's extremely cheap for a henchmen and that's very important for this list as it has to share space with our next model. Ice Golem: This is the big deal for the ice side. It's role doesn't really change much from what it usually does for Raspy, but it's a great sturdy model that can compliment a few abilities on other fire models. I also enjoy giving it both the "killswitch" upgrade as well as "sub zero" or "armour of december". Sub zero can greatly improve the survivability of the ice gamin who have the trigger built in and who are also a critical part of this list. Also the armour of december can push it's own survivability into the absurd level if the opponent has no way to deal with armour. There are also many ht1 models who can benefit from being tossed as well. I now wan't to talk about a trigger on the ice golem that has always been boarder line useless for me in the past. That is of coarse decembers sigh. Usually -2 wk/cg was never something that interested me as generally if it was engaged with the golem, it would likely be dead, or would simply attack the golem instead. The really neat thing in this list however is that there are two models that can benefit from this -2wk. Those models are the rail golem and the firestarter. Now realistically you probably won't be running both golems, but who know's it could happen... The rail golem uses the opponents "wk" value for it's vent boiler ability and the fire starter uses it for his "twirling gas can" ability. Now that trigger doesn't seem quite as useless. Ice Gamin: These little guys are my next mvp's of the list as they can give frozen heart models +1 dmg. Now we can give out frozen heart to our fire friends and have them benefit from +1 dmg. Even the humble fire gamin can do a very respectable min damage of 3 with burning+1 or +2 if you have powered from flame close by making it sort of like min damage of 5!! That's mainly they're biggest use, but it's quite an important one and hence why I like sub zero on the golem to help keep them alive. Oh and they explode, which Raspy tends to enjoy nuking her own stuff from time to time. Fire Gamin: As mentioned above, they get to ridiculous levels of damage and they also explode. They are also the best way to "spam" burning for their cheap cost. Wendigo: Another reason why I prefer Raspy to Kaeris is because the wendigo is one of the best totems available. The main benefit in this list is it's magical extension which allows it to further dish out frozen heart to the fire models. Aside from that, it's highly mobile and non-insignificant and from time to time might even be able to give raspy "fast" which is always a win. Arcane Effigy: Yet another reason why Raspy win's over Kaeris in my books is because she can make better use of "arcane radiance". She has blasts and loves to use them. And under radiance, can now also set the opponent on fire, which doesn't really make a lot of sense but fits beautifully in this list. Also condition removal is super handy and can even help put out some flames if you accidentally set your own stuff on fire. The next few models are where you can play around to see what fits. They are not "mandatory" but they fit the theme and deserve a mention. Metal Gamin: They are an ice golems best friend. They can also dish out lots of burning and with frozen heart they reach absurd levels of resilience. I'm not sure if you'd really count them are "fire" but I think they fit the theme. Magnetism can be effective as you'r already taking fire/ice gamin and the ice golem who can explode, which can be handy at times. I'm not sure if the 2 damage from magnetism will get the benefit from bite of winter or not, but if it does, that could be a bad day for a hoffmen or another arcanist player. The Captain: Again, he seems more like wind then fire, but there is certainly a fire sub theme to him. His pushes are excellent for allowing the ice golem to get off his mighty "smash" attack. Or for moving Raspy much quicker then she'd normally be able too, or get her out of danger if she becomes engaged. He's also a big fan of the +2 armour from frozen heart and the +1 damage from bite of winter makes that relic hammer hit even harder. Rail golem: He certainly fits the bill for a fire themed model but he doesn't really gain a whole lot from this list. The firestarter can fuel him up and frozen heart makes him a real tough nut to crack. Thankfully the rail golem kind of does his own thing anyway and doesn't really need support. I'm reluctant to bring both golems in a list, and I feel the ice golem does more if I had to choose one, but it's still a decent option either way. Silent Ones: They are a definite consideration and they can fill in the gap that Kaeris would have provided in that they are excellent healers. They are less effective in this list due to the lower amount of frozen heart models. The fire gamin also tend to bring more ranged firepower and thats why I don't think they're always a must take model. Snow Storm: For similar reasons as to why I don't think the silent ones are a must include. He/she a fantastic model in a frozen heart crew, but his/her effectiveness lessens when you introduce non FH models. He/she can use pushes to move the crew into and out of danger, however I think the captain does this just as effectively and also cheaper to boot. He/she is very expensive and I think those points are better served elsewhere. Mech Rider: Now I know she neither has anything to do with frozen or burning. However she can summon gamins like a champ and the gamins are the real bread and butter of this crew so thats why I think she can also be a consideration mechanically, but not thematically. Sue: He's only being considered due to his "ring of fire" ability. He does also give "finish the job" to model, which can be pretty handy on gamins, especially raspy lead gamins. But he is also pretty costly at 9ss Freikorp specialist: He's pretty neat and can put out some serious levels of burning. I see him using similar tactics to Raspy in that he won't hesitate to BBQ the gamin to try and get those blasts out. He also doesn't mind hanging around gamin as when they die they won't hurt him with their explosions. Unfortunately 9ss is a pretty heavy price tag on this guy as well. He's certainly have more weight in a Kaeris lead crew, but he's not necessary with Raspy. So that's my thoughts, but i'm sure we can think of other synergies that I may have missed. I'd love to also hear people's opinions on Kaeris lead crew's and what you could pull off with her as well.
  13. You certainly can't go wrong with his starter box initially. Next in faction in my opinion would be the moleman as the are extremely effective scheme runners and are surprisingly resilient for 4ss. I feel they offer something that marcus' battle box is lacking and that is cheap durable schemers. They are also good targets for marcus' DF trigger. The next purchase from the arcanists in my opinion is the malifaux raptors because they are absurdly cheap and again provide something valuable to a marcus crew. They are really great at quickly harassing ranged models as to let your brawlers get across the board easier. They can also mess around with your or your opponents deck, which can be great to set yourself up for an effective activation. They also can hand out the beast condition, which I probably don't need to explain how amazing that is in a marcus crew. Outside of faction, I would say the canine remains is probably the strongest consideration. They are also dirt cheap and are great scheme runners, they also synergies well with they crew's ability to spam poison and charge for 1ap against poisoned models. Most of all they have an amazing trigger that gives the beast condition for the rest of the game. They can also give -1DF and -1WP, which can be devastating with marcus. You'll almost never regret spending 4ss on this model.
  14. I really enjoy steam arachnids with her as they can base up to a model, lowering their DF and them Mei can rail walk and make full effect of it. Another neat combo is to take Howard Langston and using his steam cloud to stack with Mei's vent steam giving most ranged attacks a , this can be situational, but if you have a good idea that you may be seeing a lot of range then it can be an effective combo. Plus he's a fast construct that Mei can rail walk to. Thematically you have to with Willy. He doesn't necessarily synergies well with Mei, but he still has a lot of neat tricks that come in handy more often then not.
  15. Now that we've had a while with our new wave 2 upgrades. I was wondering if anyone has gotten any experience using killswitch and if so then would you consider using it again and what crews do you recommend taking it with. I personally have not had the opportunity to use it yet. I find myself rarely having 3 enforcers/henchmen in a crew to utilize it correctly. The whole face down element of it seems difficult to pull off in many scenarios in my head. One way I think it could work is by putting it on an ice golem along with imbued energies. This allows for a papa loco level of damage upon it's death as well as a nice 4 card draw for your trouble. It's expensive, but could be devastating in the right circumstances.
  16. The ice golem lobbing it as a grenade is a neat idea. Also Raspy is a fan of bombing her own crew to try and generate blasts, so the golem could toss it, have it activate and do some damage and then let Raspy blast it to pieces. The idea of having Kaeris use her wings of fire ability could be neat as at least it can drop a scheme and hopefully still cause some damage afterwords. Also if you can manage to keep it on fire, then you could immolate it and trigger "born of fire" and get a fire gamin out of it.
  17. Hey all, Ive recently been looking at the arcanist range and have been trying to look at potential synergies with models outside their intended theme. I'm pleased to find that our faction is full of fun and crazy combos, however the one model that still leaves me scratching my head is the electrical creation. At 4ss and the fact that it'll never live to see beyond 2 turns, I just can't see reasons to take him outside of a ramos crew. I really like him as a summon for ramos, and will often hire one for the all important turn one scrap marker. Aside from that, I'm finding it difficult to see why any other master would spend 4 stones on this guy. Is it really true that perhaps it was only ever intended to work with ramos, sort of like a second totem? Has anyone had any success outside of ramos, or could share some interesting tactics/ideas?
  18. Her DF trigger is pretty scary and can act as a huge deterrent. There are not many models capable of doing potential 4 damage out of their activation. This may be resource intensive, but luckily she comes with a healthy cashe of stones. Challenge the crowd gives her a 3/4 chance in flipping a , so if your planning on playing her aggressively this its a must have upgrade. I find her sweet spot is around 3-4 adrenaline. Now admittedly this can be difficult to obtain at times, but when you do, she can get quite a bit of work done. My experiences have been mixed as some games it's been a real pain to get adrenaline, and without adrenaline, she really seems handicapped. However on the other hand, when you can consistently sit on 3-4 adrenaline a turn, she can do some pretty incredible things. As for models I use to get take off a point of damage to gain a benefit from HPM, mouse is perfectly suited for this. Generally I'll use the cptn to push up mouse and then use mouses drag for a movement bonus as well as the ever important 1 damage on the weak flip. Also Willie is a efficient way to deal damage when running a construct based crew as he can walk and place blast markers, so your not wasting your AP and all of our constructs have at least armour +1 so they'd only take 1 damage as a result of this. Also I find the firestarter works as well if not better with IS then with Kaeris. Wreckless lets her immediately gain fast, as well as being able to benefit from HPM. Buuuurn can do some incredible damage when given to damage flips and again given the crews plethora of push effects and potential burning, both her gas can and trigger on buuuurn can see some play.
  19. I think my issue is in the order of operations. Burning damage -> Purifying Fire -> Covered in Gas or Burning damage -> Covered in Gas -> Purifying Fire I definitely think in the first example, it's pretty clear that purifying fire prevents fire damage and thus no CIG. But I can also read it the other way in that you would suffer fire damage, in which you would suffer +2 for CIG, but then purifying fire would kick in and allowing you to heal that damage instead. Its just that the wording has the potential to be interpreted differently and might need a clarification.
  20. Not sure if this has already been mentioned on here but I was wondering with how TWAGC is worded and Kaeris' purifying fire ability. Would this allow a friendly model to heal +2 damage when resolving the burning condition and also being "covered in gas"? My gut feeling is no, but it can be a little confusing with how TWAGC is worded. Covered in Gas: When this model suffers damage from the Burning Condition, it suffers +2 damage. Purifying Fire: Friendly models within a6 do not suffer damage from the Burning Condition. Instead, they heal that amount of damage.
  21. Cassandra is a fantastic model. She generally preforms well in any situation I have presented her with. She has to be one of the most flexible henchmen in the game allowing her to "borrow" powers from other models and being both resilient and mobile. She can harass models and zip away to safety, and I usually send her out to accomplish the more difficult schemes. Performers are in a similar boat. They provide a lot for their points and even when they die they are still giving a benefit to my crew. I try taking two in my lists, but they don't necessarily "have" to be taken. Colette is a master who plays nice with a whole variety of models, so you can play around and find out what feels best for your play style.
  22. I think the important thing to remember is your mission and schemes. The key is to "force" the opponent to come to her. Toni effectiveness can really be dictated by certain missions and schemes. She can perform fine in most games, however you will run into issues in certain missions that tend to space out the crews. One way to help mitigate that is to pick schemes that can be more centralized and tend to work well with your mission. I think trying to cram your list full of pull/push models is not necessary. Toni tends to have a pretty well rounded crew of melee, ranged and support. Gunsmiths and mages excel no matter where they are. The benefit of the smiths is that they don't loose out on effectiveness whether in combat or at range. The captain can easily give the whole crew cover, and the metal gamin can buff Toni and her smiths to a respectable DF6. Use the mages to easily pull them in the open (which shouldn't be difficult with furious casting and a built in push trigger) and then have Toni use her "you looking at me" to bring the party to her. Another thing is to try and change up your play style on Toni herself. She doesn't necessarily have to be in combat to be successful. Try taking her with "message from the union" and some gunsmiths for some serious pain. The fire ignores cover, and the burning allows the smiths to basically ignore cover, but still retain a + to hit. The mages provide her with a ton of benefits and provide support her multiple play styles through their triggers and runes. Have them stick close to Toni, and the opponent will almost have to come deal with them. Don't let her card fool you into thinking she's a one trick pony, as she has many layers to her that make her a very tactile master. Try playing around with her as a support master and I think you'll be pleasantly surprised with her effectiveness. It may not be apparent right away and it may take some time to get used to her, but once you do, she can be an extremely versatile master.
  23. Wow! Some great looking figs here. Tania Tanker looks exactly like she fits the bill, minus the huge weapon and all.
  24. Thats awesome looking! I think they both fit the image pretty well. The captain looks especially badass, although I'm not going to lie I love the look of the leaked pic of the captain from word chronicles and I can't wait to pick him up.
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