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Parker Barrows

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Everything posted by Parker Barrows

  1. So, looking through old Chronicles and found this way back in Chronicles 14. Zoriada talking about the Governor-General “There is fire in your ending, Your Excellency” Zoraida says aloud to the night. “But not that fire. Not yet. You listen to Zoraida, now: you have more to do before you burn.” Props Wyrd for setting that up WAY in advance. Sorry if someone else had noticed this, and I missed it.
  2. Well, take it from someone who has been here for a while. Wyrd is a pretty good company who listens to player feedback and if they say something, hold to it. The Masters will be Beta and people will test them. Henchmen will have the choice to include them or not (and most seem to be on the including them side). Bigger tourneys might not, but I suspect most smaller ones will. Wyrd is not GW.
  3. Previous Fluff McMourning revealed he was a Rezzer by attacking Lady Justice during a ritual that would have sealed the Grave Spirit's power (and end necromancy in Malifaux). Lilith was mortally wounded by Nekima during the Nephilim Civil War. Nightmare and Zoriada saved her by tossing her into Nytheria. It was heavily implied that she will become undead and would have preferred death. Yan Lo manipulated Lady Justice and Nicodem for a fight to the death and a vote was held last GenCon. Lady Justice won and Nicodem was killed in the battle. Ramos was arrested by Sonia. This was a good thing as he was (unknowingly) trying to unleash a Tyrant (Witness if I recall right) believing there was a Soulstone he could . Less good is that it was sealed beneath ice and there was a magical battle invovling Sonia. Misaki killed her father and took complete control of the Ten Thunders. Zipp had issues with the vote for the Gremlin General and left before the vote which was apparently him going Outcast as well. Oddly, Zoriada who was thrown out is still a Bayou Master, and Lenny who became the Gremlin General is not a Master. I forget the specifics, but the Brewmaster has been questioning his relationship with the Ten Thunders for a while worrying he was selling out his people for the power they gave him. Hoffman's introduction story seemed to set up him up as an Arcanist/Guild Master. So, this was more an inevitability. ME3 Blubs Jakob apparently sees Nekima's leadership as a sign that he should move on. The new Governor-General has fired McCabe for some yet unrevealed reason. Though someone like McCabe probably wouldn't have been too comfortable under the Governor-General. Unknown Collodi Tara (though she only had a tenuous relationship with them at best) Marcus (technically, the blurb says he makes an agreement with Titania, but without a reason why, I'm throwing him in this category) Jack Daw (he always fit in thematically, but there is no story reason yet) ---------------- Concerning the Governor-General: He's not corrupt. At least, he hasn't shown it. That's not to say he's a good guy. But he's doing his job rather than just getting what he can out of it. Of course, Governor-General of the Guild means he's more than capable at being a monster if need be.
  4. Well, I suspect that Cornelius will take that roll. His fluff has being a rural marshal. It makes sense if he becomes the Guild's horse Master (and explain why McCabe was made Guild only). Maybe he'll have a similar dismount mechanic so McCabe's Nightmare Box will be transferred to him.
  5. New Master I'm Most Excited For (Including New Dual Factions): Dashel. I like the idea of a thug rising through the ranks to become the leader of the Guild Guard. I'm really interested in seeing how his relationship with Lucius and the other Masters is like. And his summoning ability sounds like a lot fun. I like how summoning can represent anything from raising the dead to summoning demons from another dimension to calling reinforcements. Cornelius is a close second with his frontier justice theme. Though I'm not as enthused about the Home on the Range ability which gives Dashel the edge. Lost Master I'm Most Disappointed In (Including Masters Who Lost Dual Faction): Lilith. I remember buying her because she was the newest plastic out and I had just been paid back some money I had I loaned. I didn't even want her. I just wanted to get the plastics for my factions. Oh. How lucky I was. She is still probably my favorite Master. And while I'll start playing with my new goodies, it always feels good to go back to her. Even when I lose, I have fun. I'll probably play Nekima and might even enjoy her. But I don't see her replacing Lilith. Of course, 5+ years from now when it comes time for 4E, I'll be waiting to see my true love once again. Master That Should Have Been: Lenny should have replace Zoriada. That was everything the Gremlin story in Broken Promises suggested was going to happen. But I'm mollified by the fact the Gremlin Faction was changed to the Bayou Faction (I'm hoping for a Gator Master in the future). A close second was Ironsides joining the Guild which the Broken Promises story suggested was very possible. I believe if Lady Justice had lost, Ironsides would be the Dual Faction with Guild instead of Hoffman joining the Arcanists. Existing Master Change I'm Most Excited In: Marcus's Mutation Ability looks like a lot of fun. I just wonder if he'll no longer to bring any Beast like he used to (though non-Arcanist/Neverborn probably won't be able to mutate which seems a fair trade off for versatility). I'm interested in what other people are thinking.
  6. Go to the Kickstarter. Go to Updates. Scroll to the bottom. They're in Backer Update #1.
  7. I'm assuming models will be able to have multiple keywords like now.
  8. YES! Honestly, they could still support them to an extent easily. For example, Dreamer gets a creepy Ventriloquist Dummy as an Enforcer. It could have both Nightmare and Puppet. I'm not saying they'll get the same amount as regular Masters, but a few here and there seems very possible. Some more so than others. Lilith is literally set for return (Zorida says she's needed). Nicodem might legitimately be dead or come back in another form (Henchman to Rezzer's newest Master, Mortimer). Honestly, I fully expect at least some of the ones that return to have a different card than the DMH's hand card. For what it's worth, I will totally allow proxying them in in the few non-DMH events I run. Looks at the newly promoted Dashel and Cornelius. Nah. I'm going to have say this is the Guild Edition. PS: Sorry for the double post. I didn't think I had time to finish the Thread.
  9. Actually, mercenaries being banned makes the new "no mercenary" standard inline with the fluff. Well, of all the DMH Master's Lilith is the one who is being hurt the least. Nekima is stepping and fulfilling her role. All of Lilith's theme stuff should be able to be used by Nekima no problem. When Lilith does come back (as a legit Master, possibly not until ME4), I see her running an entirely different crew. While Marcus is shifting his focus a little, I suspect Lilith will be shifting her focus by miles. 1. Aesthetic and lore are intertwined. The lore makes it work. Seriously, ever try to explain Malifaux? Cowboy steampunk Victorian horror with a side of ninjas and hillbillies thrown in? Lore ties the very different themes into one unified aesthetic. 2. Well, OK then. But you have to understand you have an extremely tiny minority opinion. It's a bit much to get this mad that someone assumes that you hold an opinion that most people have. Honestly, I consider caring about aesthetic as a part of caring about the lore. Even if you don't bother reading the fluff. Also, for someone upset about having words (a reasonable, if incorrect assumption) put into your mouth, but you certainly have no problem strawmanning other people. Just saying, this is the kind of attitude that drove me against the people who didn't like ME2 during the last change. It doesn't help your cause. It just helps divide the fanbase and brings nothing but negativity and bitterness to community. Nothing Lalochezia was being snide. He explains that he thinks caring NOTHING about the lore is so different from his point of view, that there's no use in arguing about it and then genuinely wishes you find some satisfaction in what happens. He uses the term absurd, but that is clearly in the extremity of your stance on the scale of what he sees and logical opinions. It was in no way an insult to you or your views. And even if, for the sake of argument, there was a little passive aggressiveness in there, openly calling him a jerk is not cool. If you felt he was being rude, call him out (as I'm doing with you), but find a better way than just calling him a jerk. EXAMPLE: "My point of view isn't absurd. And I don't appreciate the passive aggressive framing my views as absurd before wishing me well." There. That's how you could have called him out without being rude. I would still think that was not his intention, but might have said so, but I wouldn't have called you out for being rude and certainly not wrote this long post about it. Look. I get that your angry. You have every right to be. But from a logical standpoint, you are not helping yourself by being so aggressive. Honestly, I was very sympathetic to people losing their favorite Masters. But the more I read posts like this, the less I care. *Why would I feel bad for people who are running around insulting people? I remember being happy when the hardcore 1E people left. That IS NOT saying I would be happy to see you leave. I do not want you to quit. I am just trying to get you (and some of the other aggressive posters) to temper your anger before it poisons the community like it did during the last edition change. Because it won't get you what you want. If anything, it will only rally the community around the other side. Of course, I'm not saying you shouldn't feel angry. Only temper that anger into well reasoned arguments than devolving into name calling. If you feel someone is being rude, call them out on it. But do it in way that isn't insulting. Like this post. Despite it's length, I haven't attacked you personally, just calling out your behavior. I want you to take it as constructive criticism so you can improve your future arguments (whether against 3E or someone who you feel is being rude to you). Remember, if you actually want change, you will need most people agreeing with you. Wyrd isn't going to change their business model based a few people being rude to each other on the forums. They are going to change their business model if their fanbase unites against it. And it's not going to do that with calling the other side jerks (even if you feel it is justified). *Obviously, most people who have been complaining have not been acting like this. I'm just worried about the future. Even if it is just a minority of the 3E haters running around insulting people, it will cause bitterness in the community and turn many who are neutral or only lean slightly one way or the other against the side that is being so aggressive.
  10. I support Wyrd's way. As a TO, I prefer the default being no. That way I can say yes rather than having to say no. It's kinda of sad. Now the Guild's victory won't even result in their Nightmare Edition being usable by them (well, besides a few models) I'm actually pretty excited about Dashel. Between him and the new terrain guy, I'm really thinking of making Guild my main faction (currently, they're number 7). I second this. This. We got one guy like that in my playgroup. I personally prefer physical cards over Apps (those are for gambling disguised as games, except winning doesn't get you money).
  11. What about as proxies? I love busting out Nicodem's Avatar for my Carrion Emissary. Oddly, seems even more appropriate now. Actually, I think it works better thematically. This way, it's not a random Illuminated helping Asami. It's Jakob and Asami teaming up to achieve the Ten Thunders' goal. As a Henchman, my default will be allowing all models barring world events/possibly story events.
  12. You are almost certainly in the minority. I got into Malifaux after Mason posted his Kirai from first edition on another forum years ago. As a Henchman, one of the most common ways new players get into Malifaux is to look at the game (either people playing it or a box on the shelf) and become interested. I do understand your point and do consider it valid (even if I side with Wyrd on the point, if not some of the choices). But to say that a majority of people would feel as you do and care nothing about the story is stretching it a bit far. I would even guess most people who agree with you care about the story somewhat. But I understand being bummed. My arguably favorite Master is Lilith. So, here's to waiting for 4E.
  13. Amazing. Looks like I need to sell some plasma soon.
  14. Yeah. My store didn't get anything either. Ran a previous one and everyone seemed to have fun.
  15. Who: Anyone one who wants to learn to play Through The Breach. What: Running a One-Shot Adventure of Through the Breach. Why: For fun and learning how to play. When: Two demos, one at 12PM and one at 3PM Where: Top Cut North in Loves Park Illinois
  16. The Obsidian Gate TTB World Campaign Act 4: When: 6:00 - 10:00 PM, May 30th Where: Top Cut Comics South (on South Alpine and Harrison) The Final Act. Maybe.
  17. Copycats and Deceive Triggers. So, so many times that just wrecks the adventure (in a fun way of course). I can't count the number of combats I have planned that our Copycat has managed to avoid or even recruit the enemy.
  18. Late to the party reply: I always took as rules for models not being compatible rather than characters shifting from one setting to another.
  19. Actually, we hit the Syndicate model a while ago.
  20. I'm surprised there wasn't one for these (or at least in the latest 10 pages). One of my players started a campaign and I finally get to plat TTB as a player. I made a Bully and picked the "Nothing Personal, Friend" Trigger for Intimidate. NOTE: Paraphrasing, not direct quotes. Me: I take 2 Walk actions to get close and then use Terrorize. FM: OK. Now the Gang Lead... Me: Hey, wait. I got my trigger. FM: OK? It fails. You're Terrorizing him. Me: But it says I get a flip. I should get a chance. FM: With your -1 Charisma and no Bewitch? Sure. *I flip a 13* FM: ........ OK. *pained look in his face* He's scared of the man with the giant hammer approaching him, but he understands that he brought this on himself. Next turn: I do 16 damage (my Rail Hammer is enlarged giving me 8 Severe Damage) and (I assume) got the amputation Crit Effect to his head. FM: As you slam your hammer down, he nods his head letting you know that he is accepting with what is happening and doesn't hold anything against you. As the one who has been Fatemastering for a couple of years now, I have to say that it is nice being on this side of the table. One or my players greatest hits? A cult formed in Innocence worshipping the Nameless Tyrant. The mayor (a Fated who won through manipulation and raising a riot against the former mayor for the only crime he didn't commit) managed to convince the cult that the (Master-level) leader was in fact two Gremlins in a trench coat which led to the cult turning on itself and pretty much annihilating itself with only a couple of survivors. Why was this so great? Because the mayor is two Gremlins in a trench coat.
  21. The Obsidian Gate TTB World Campaign Act 3: When: 6:00 - 10:00 PM, May 9th Where: Top Cut Comics South (on South Alpine and Harrison) Don't worry about joining in half way through. Act 3 actually is an interesting point to bring in new players. So, feel free to come and join in the fun.
  22. I'm going to guess an enemy in the upcoming Guild book for TTB. Maybe a Neverborn member of the Court of Two.
  23. You'll be missed. Good luck with what the future holds.
  24. Whelks. Them and dual factioning with the Cult made my the Hordes my choice. Oh. AndI do like the Siren too. Evil mermaid are awesome.
  25. I apparently never realized this change. Would have really helped my graverobber/necromancer who kept flipping 1's on his stitching checks. On the plus side, he did find his place as the worst Rezzer ever within the group.
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