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Everything posted by Ryin

  1. I also had the metal one. That's why I did the sheer sheet. Next time I am able to, I'll try and take a pic of it and post it. My skills aren't particularly awesome though, but ideas are ideas.
  2. I painted it more like a sheer sheet. Not a thick towel, but more like a see through bed sheet, where you can see the skin through it but it has a different color so it's clearly not skin.
  3. If you can't make Sam work, you should probably change your avvie ;O
  4. if it was more soulstones but crew-wide, or maybe an aura or something, I think it might see more play. It's often not worth putting on a Master because they usually have better things to do with their upgrade slots, and any other model either also faces the same problem or, it's a crap shoot at best. The other thing is, even the times when the black joker is flipped, it's still a small amount of THOSE flips that are game changing and USUALLY there's very little that isn't recoverable from somehow
  5. Ryin

    card draw

    What master(s) are you playing? Because I know some of them are going to destroy your hand no matter how awesome your card draw is.
  6. I'm fine with that. It gets their models out of position most of the time.
  7. I've usually never really had any issue getting the PM where it needed to be. If it's breakthrough or something like that, hardly anyone pays attention to it. (even I forget about it sometimes >.<) But yeah, using Lilith sounds like it would work very well.
  8. Insidious Madness as well. Move 7 - incoporeal. As long as you keep it out of danger, it can probably do the job by itself. And don't forget Primordial Magic in a pinch!
  9. That's how I was assuming it would work, because it makes sense with how pretty much all rules work in Malifaux. If they wanted it to be conditional, they would have wrote it that way.
  10. I wonder why they didn't write that in specifically then. That's what I'm worried about.
  11. yeah... They have like, all the WRONG kinds of things Ulix wants. If you want them to benefit from their out of activation then you bring them in the ball, where they won't benefit from from the shadows as much. if they USE from the shadows, then they don't have anything around them to really herd them properly and they aren't big enough to summon off of. I guess the idea is you could set them up like a chain or an advanced force, slightly ahead of your crew and use them to move Ulix up the table, but that's at the expense of leaving the rest of the ball behind. I'm sure there are ways to get creative with them, but in the usual two kinds of Ulix lists, they don't really have a good place. Though... now I kinda wanna try some things >.>
  12. I like to use Old Cranky and Merris for my triangle of bacon-y doom since I also play Ulix as a summoner. Merris helps keeps those pesky blasts from obliterating the farm and I just prefer Old Cranky to Penolope as I get enough movement from other things (like Old Major) to get the war pigs into chargin range. Not to mention that once you're tired of calling forth the pork, Merris can go run schemes pretty much by herself. I think Merris is just great anyway though. I also like to bring the pigapult but I use it more for shipping my summoned piglets off to run interference. There's nothing like watching your opponent trying to spend 6ap worth of fast gunsmiths to try and kill a half dead paralyzed piglet because it's squatting a scheme marker. Trixiebell also isn't a bad choice to help keep order. She can push friendly pigs around to where they need to be or turn an angry Misaki into a glorified scheme runner by showing her the goods! And that is not even mentioning Ill Omens
  13. Let me clarify a bit with an example. Let's say a death marshal buries the Scion of the void and keeps it buried until the end of the turn. Would it be sacrificed because of Returning Home or does it only get sacrificed when it buries itself through the Returning Home ability.
  14. This would certainly make him MORE useful in my eyes, but rules seem to be written absolutes. There's not anything to distinguish it as pertaining to just that rule and there are plenty of abilities that have multiple independent effects on them. Tara herself is a good example with Heartless. I really don't KNOW either way, which is why I asked. I'd certainly PREFER for it to only be for that ability though.
  15. Scion of the Void's Returning Home ability reads as follows: Returning Home: When this model is targeted with an enemy Action it may discard a card to become buried and make the Action fail. At the end of the Turn, if this model is buried, sacrifice it. Does the "At the end of the turn, if this model is buried, sacrifice it." Apply only when Returning home is used, or is it sacrificed at the end of the turn if it's buried no matter how it came to be buried? Thanks in advance.
  16. Queeg and a guild Sergeant can pretty much run schemes by themselves if you need them to, just be careful not to let an enemy tough murderize them because the Sergeant is about as effective in combat as a wet paper bag. Queeg can hold his own and definitely is way more survivable than he LOOKS, especially with promises, and has some pretty decent triggers on his crap. A changeling and a Performer might also not be a bad choice, but you're going to need either something killy or a tarpit of some kind and the guild does not really excel at tarpitting stuff. I also love the lawyers, but I know Ludvig is not a fan. They can kinda sorta be a speed bump for things and even in death serve lucius' cause. Lucius, in my opinion, does not win very pretty. I have had plenty of games where I've won and been tabled or close to it >.< You could try Lust or Sloth maybe to help mess with people a bit and/or help you control the board as well, but they are also pretty expensive and Sloth can be kind of tricky/can die pretty hard. I have wanted to run the Emissary, Pride, and Mr. Tannen just for yucks in a Lucius crew. I doubt I could win anything, but the idea of seeing hateful glares across the table is almost worth the loss to me.
  17. I was thinking of giving her huntin bow and letting her roam around the midfield being disruptive and sending my warpigs up the battlefield. I tend to keep Ulix in the back and have him do heavy summoning work.
  18. What about with masters outside of Zoraida? I've been considering her with Ulix myself.
  19. If you're creative enough with magnetizing, you can certainly get it to be both. It comes as two models though. Also, it really wasn't as bad to put together as I figured it was going to be.
  20. Why choose when you can take both? Also, Pandora only gets a push from enemy models. And I don't necessarily consider the Blink a gimmie every turn either. You need a 7+ which isn't exactly low. however, I DO think changelings are pretty awesome.
  21. I was thinking about that as well. It helps deal with the out activating a bit. The idea with anything is to get them to play your game rather than to play theirs. By even thinking bout "how do I counter this" you're already on the defensive. Hunters make someone who has the activation advantage take a moment to have to think more about how and what they activate. Pathfinders in a good position might not be a bad idea either.
  22. The reason it's once per model is that because once a model passes that horror duel, it becomes immune to horror duels generated by the same source for the rest of the turn and doesn't have anything to do with commanding presence's wording but rather something built into the normal rules of the game- how horror duels work. Since the model is now immune from the source, it can't take the horror duel to pass it and thus can't benefit from commanding presence a second time. Is that not correct? (I don't have either rulebook on hand atm) Just to sort of remain on topic, the commanding presence on austringers is a very dangerous game. With how card intensive Lucius already is, even with a to the duel, I don't think it would be unusual to have at least one paralyzed austringer a turn or every other turn without ditching your hand, As far as Lucius goes, I would be more inclined to use dops, changelings and Envy as opposed to rifelman to take out bayous. Lure in the models you want to kill with a beckoner and you can probably kill with a changeling. One changeling, one dop and envy is potentially 8 shots a turn at to the attack with one of those guaranteed to be focused and a moderate dmg of five. The range is still 12, but a lure is 18 inches if you bring a beckoner. I don't know if you're looking for purely guild solutions or not, but the list can be taken in the guild. As with anything, positioning and terrain are probably your best friend more than anything else.
  23. How are you getting three extra commanding presence raptor strikes with only two austringers?
  24. Queeg has a gun, a push (which you can use on a changeling first turn with since they have regen) he can help your changelings move out of activation, he's a great scheme runner and has a 3 with a built in push on the attack which helps lock targets down without having him get caught in the crossfire as well as building in the push for ranged Surprise! Shots. He's a LITTLE squishy, but he's cheap for a henchman and with promises and SS use, he can become more survivable.
  25. Kill the slop hauler or attack their wp/paralyze them. Get them to set'r off away to somewhere they aren't useful and keep them engaged. While they can be annoying to kill, they probably won't kill anything either. Blasts also help but that's hard to come by in Neverborn.
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