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Everything posted by Patzer

  1. "Select a 1 AP y action on the target. Apply the printed damage results of the chosen action to the target,no other effects or triggers from the chosen action are applied. The accuracy modifier is determined by the result of this duel." What constitutes an effect or not isn't clearly defined (If I can recall correctly) but I would say that a blast marker is an effect. For instance: "Bearskin Armor: This model may ignore damage from p and b effects."
  2. masterfullydisastrousweddingwithanaustringer.org?
  3. If the Ressers win in the Standoff, the Austringer is on (its on anyway, but lets make it fare).
  4. No official ruling on the Blackblood-condition this time. Neither the Wings of Darkness and Devils' Deal interaction. I will wait patiently On the Obey in Collect the Bounty question, I would rule it as model A is obeying model B it is still model A's action. Since if an action results in another action it is still a part of the first action. So, if model A's Obey would end up killing model C it is model A that is acting and model A that is scoring for the bounty. Of course, I might be wrong.
  5. Outstanding Joel! I am particularly interested in if you still are fond of the Sorrows, or if they have been replaced by Iggy and Insidious Madnesses.
  6. Nurses and Moonshinobi is quite a pairing (on paper). Definitely worth a go. The Nurses can give the Shinobis on all duels and armor +2, not bad.
  7. Just go another idea(s). If you are doing Shang Tsung for Shenlong, Quan Chi can be Sensei Yu. Goro might be a better fit since he is Tsung's henchman in the first game (he could fit as Kang or Ototo too, big burly fighter types), but I quite like the idea of having the deadly alliance leading the crew Granted, to do Quan Chi you'll need to be able to paint tattoos fairly well, which is quite hard and I don't know you painting skills. You could also do Onaga as a stand in for the Dawn Serpent
  8. That is a great trick. Outstanding! Poor Pandora. Stryder, who do you feel like the Dead Rider is so good?
  9. Well, as long as you are willing to pay 22ss for Hannah and Lazylaz... But its pretty darn cool ^^! 4 marionettes 12 Laz&Hannah 22 Brutal Effigy 4 Arcane Effigy 4 Collodi, some upgrades 3 (47) Cache: 6. 9 models. It could definitely work! Hannah and Laz its quite a cool and fluffy combo too.
  10. Malifools, and I think that their site is down. Fear not! I got the episode saved on my computer. I saved episode 50-60 of the show since it was the time when I really got into the game, and it is also the best stretch of the show (in my humble opinion). If you got google Drive or Dropbox I can send it to you. PM me!
  11. Internet...its all about the cats... Zfiend, what are your cats called, Little-masterdisaster and Sybelle?
  12. Ouch... I have to say, Molly-Datsue Ba is quite a solid 1-2 punch. Interesting, very interesting. The only model I have summoned with Horror Molly is Punk Zombies and Drowned. The latter is great if you want markers and they can survive a big hit as long as they have 2 wounds (you will need min damage 3 against them). Punk Zombies are great for two things, killing stuff and tying things up thanks to having Hard to Kill. The latter can Spirit Molly also do, but with the humble Night Terror instead. Since all of Molly's summons comes with Slow, the Punk Zombies need to survive to the next turn (or by Reactivate) to really shine, so they are ok but not great. With all the potential paralyze in a Molly crew, Gakis is quite scary too.
  13. If you play Neverborn or Thunders you will want some Illuminated.
  14. I'll do a stand in for Zfiend here, "that's what he said".
  15. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Welsh Sheepwash could never be in Wales, because they like there sheep dirty... The English have a higher standard when it comes to zoophilia.
  16. A blister of Night Terrors was my latest buy. Because they are awesome.
  17. Levi is (a) cute and cuddly (dirty old man).
  18. Like today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow in these parts of the woods? Right...
  19. Wait, are you on a cap of "that's what she said"?
  20. Joel, you did an excellent piece on Pandora on your blog, and talked about her at length on Malifools, but that was in the beginning 2.0. I will make a humble request for a new blog entry or pod on Pandora
  21. Ok! Range is pretty neat against Brewie. Hanged, Seamus, CCK, Kirai, are all options here. Tie him up before he can tie up your crew. Night Terrors are quick enough to get to him early, and cheap enough to not be sacrificial lambs. Lots of masters can summon stuff and just send it to him. Brewmaster can then get stuck in a place where he doesn't want to be. Your guys will not kill him, but he will not kill them either. Another very important thing is to try and kill, or separate Wesley. Sebastian and McMourning can make life miserable for Brewie.
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