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Everything posted by jonahmaul

  1. We premeasure all the time in our games but we never move the models. Usually we just put our finger at the end and then work out whatever it is we're looking for (i.e. if I move here will my Aura be in range). Sometimes we measure on from that finger if necessary but usually we just work out total distances (as it's often walk/charge/melee range). Personally I think premeasuring is a fantastic rule as it stops arguments and people can agree before the models are moved. For this reason I think it's important the models themselves shouldn't be moved whilst premeasuring as it can then create ambiguities about the starting position which could lead to arguments.
  2. Almost certainly I would say. Seems unlikely they'd do a run just for prize support. Does anybody know if we'll get an announcement of what's available in advance ala Gencon? Would love a bit of advance notice so I've got time to convince the wife that it's absolutely necessary that I buy more toys!
  3. OK, there's six of us planning on coming over from Cardiff (maybe seven, just waiting for another mate to respond). We're just sorting hotel plans and then we'll get entrance booked and paid for. Names: Michael Rees (Jonahmaul) Jon McCarthy(Bertmac) Neil Harrison (NeilH) Solomon Hill Dominic Westerland (Dumb Luck) Michael Green (Ampers&nd) I don't think Solomon is registered on here
  4. Only ran Mei Feng once but the Emberling being a Minion is soooo useful. And I'm a massive fan of Toshiro who makes most of my Resser lists.
  5. OK, cool. A few of us are playing 100SS fixed pool in January (without painting requirements) so that should give us an idea of what to work towards. Thanks. We'll try and sort out plans and get paid up soon if we're going to come.
  6. Any ideas when this will be revealed? In terms of painting it makes a big difference to myself and several friends who are considering coming but don't have all our stuff painted yet so would like to focus specifically on the stuff we're likely to need. Thanks
  7. What are the rules regarding factions/masters/pools?
  8. I'd be interested in Dead Justice depending on price including postage to the UK?
  9. Nice game report. Seems like a very odd game with not a lot happening! Just got to dive forward with McMourning and get him chop chopping (I love him in Reckoning!).
  10. Based on the information that we have that Wyrd provides. Is this actually their position though or something that they are claiming in hindsight to excuse poor quality/QC?! Playing Devil's Advocate here but we have no way of knowing for sure these are deliberate design issues seeing as in all the instances that I can think of this line of reasoning as come after the models have been seen. And regarding the splitting up of the sculpts this is, according to Wyrd and if memory serves me correct, a fault with their 3D designers and not the manufacturers who just manufacture to the specifications they are provided. They see these designs before they are sent for print so could get them changed (although the practicalities of this are more difficult that changing the completely off scale of some miniatures).
  11. Let us know how it goes if you get a chance to get it on the 'table'
  12. As Math has already said, not everybody checks the forums in depth before posting topics, particularly if they are new members (I know that I often don't do this).
  13. We're just expressing our opinion too MD. Certainly nobody wants you to feel that you have to pull out of a thread. Everybody here is entitled to their opinions as long as they are presented in a fair way (which they have been). It's very hard to get intent across in a forum because you cannot show facial expressions (beyond smilies), gestures etc. and people aren't arguing. As Math says, it's an issue that is important to people and if they want to discuss it then this is the place to do so. It is an issue that Wyrd are addressing but whilst there are still problems people will continue to voice their opinion.
  14. You could argue that the steam thing could be thematically wrong. Surely it would just create a bigger cloud of steam which should increase the size of the aura rather than making it more difficult to see through? The example in the thread that Razhem linked also talked about Night Terrors using Night Falls. Surely you can only make Night Fall once! According to the rules it would stack to give Ca action -8 range but there's only one night! Most games only allow models to benefit from a benefit from a single source with the same name. Malifaux explicitly calls this out with conditions and / stacking and gives the examples of multiple instances of the same aura from different sources. Unfortunately Justin's input isn't official unless it's in the FAQ so that doesn't help. Just doesn't sit right with me is all! It may just be another of Malifaux's rules querks of which there are several but still won't make sense to me even if it's official (but at least it will clear up any arguments one way or the other).
  15. Masterdisaster - your response just comes off as a big defence of everything Wyrd. We all understand those issues and give Wyrd some leeway because they are fantastic. At the end of the day we're all on the forum because we love Malifaux and Wyrd miniatures. But as Math has pointed out, the Samurai isn't just slightly different scale to the others, he is HUGE!
  16. It just seems odd to me that you can have multiple of the same auras coming from the same person. I guess thinking of RPG Video Games and other systems it's not something that generally happens and just doesn't make thematic sense (in the steam case it does a bit as Adran has pointed out, but that's not going to happen in every instance).
  17. So this question arose from a good Mei Feng tactics article over in the TT discussion board and so I'm asking in relation to Vent Steam but also as a more general discussion (Vent Steam has been discussed here but I'm not convinced by the answer). So I'll break it down as I see it: The rules state that conditions stack if they have / next to them, otherwise they don't However, if something is not a condition then you can benefit from multiple instances of it (the example given in the rulebook is Canine Remains and their -1 Df aura) Models can have more than one aura that effects others (for example Sebastian and his two different poison auras) Considering all this does this mean that the same model could put up multiple instances of the same aura which would stack? I'm thinking about Vent Steam here but I am sure there are other examples of it (Mortimer's shooting Aura springs to mind). Although the rules don't seem to explicitly state otherwise it seems a bit like 'gaming' the rules to me to have a single source put up multiple instances of the same aura that stack (it doesn't make sense to me that you could sustain the same aura in multiples).
  18. I'm with Math. Your explanation is sort of acceptable in some instances but I'm afraid the argument falls down here in particular: There are a lot of miniatures that are a pain to put together because they are in so many pieces (one of the common complaints about the Wyrd plastic despite how awesome they are). Just go look at the Zombie Chihuahua, clearly they're not concerned about whether size is an important indicator of being easier to put together. And the look better argument falls down as well I'm afraid because the massively oversized miniatures look crap! As Math says, Wyrd are aware of issues with the scale of some miniatures so it clearly is a QC issue (albeit one they are thankfully addressing).
  19. I agree I gave away my kneeling Samurai to a mate!
  20. Other effects can stack but the specific example in the rulebook lists them as coming from separate sources. I can't see how she can have the same aura up multiple times.
  21. How does Vent Steam stack? I can't see anything on the card that would suggest you can get multiple bonuses for it? I'm sure I'm missing something very obvious but my understanding of it was that it just gave a single
  22. Poor QC! Some of these have been picked up (Amazon Viks for example, the Brewmaster box has also been held up by scale issues apparently) but some have been allowed to go through (the ones that you mention, the giant victim being held by the Flesh Construct, TTB Multi-part females, and I'm sure some others that I can't think of); most likely (pure speculation on my part here) because it's too expensive to get them completely re-tooled when there's only some that are off on a sprue. Whilst having different scales is realistic (similar to the proper scale on the hands/feet) and represents well that we are not all the same size some of them are just waaaaayyyyy out (giant kneeling Samurai for example).
  23. My poor Ressers poor Guild too for getting no votes but at least they got some honourable mentions!
  24. Was just about to post the same thread myself so a bit of threadomancy! Anybody thought up any other cool combos? Are Graves/Tannen/Depleted all NB but Darkened to allow him to take them out of faction?
  25. I was just about to post about being able to stop interact actions but NeilH is my regular opponent! Having played against Pandora a lot the ability to shut down interactions is huge is so many stats and schemes. Put Distract or Cursed Object on somebody then smash then put Briliance on them and keep the Beckoner in LOS and voila - no removing. Same thing if Squatters is around.
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