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Everything posted by wadesauce

  1. Hello everyone, I was wondering what models you would consider essential for a TTB game. As in enemies, npcs, and bystanders. Also curious to see how many of you plan to use models extensively and/or the malifaux combat mechanics in TTB?
  2. Great job! reminds me of hellraiser
  3. Bump. I am really Interested as I like Johan's rules but I dislike both his old and new sculpt, and absolutely love Johanna. I've contacted two local stores to keep a lookout for me. I don't care which box she comes In, I'm going to buy it just to get her.
  4. This! After wave 1 plastics are all released, and wave 2 plastics are about halfway done, I think scenarios would be cool. I loved the Idea of university of Trans, and I think it's a very clever way to release new models in between waves/expansions. also, themed scenarios including alt sculpts of fan favorite models would sell like hot cakes
  5. Actually, because of the way that TTB is written in terms of final stats and such, it would be possible to use the system to create custom characters for one off scenarios. Granted, not everything will work together, but a great deal of the things will. Otherwise, you've got a ton of fluff on the history of Malifaux and how the city is laid out. Actually, me and my group are planning on using the stats of our characters and converting them over to masters at the end of our campaign! (I don't get a character as I am the Fate master so I will probably use whomever becomes my favorite NPC/Villain I decide to use.
  6. Do you know if the fate masters kit will contain those delicious multi-pose minis? or will they be sold seperate?
  7. Im using the dead justice box. If you have it its a good fit. Lady J/Doxie is Lady L, Judge/Punk Z is Monstresor, and the three undeath marshals are our guilty.
  8. very cool! I like reading both perspectives. It gives me great inspiration to Document my game when It arrives.
  9. My local gaming store, and from what I could tell from the online community in general was that in the adjustment period from 1.5 to 2e, the game was rough. peoples familiarity were getting shaken, people were afraid of their investments becoming worthless, and overall just plain feared change. And with having to release rules in Waves, Malifaux did not receive a speedy recovery. I think once people started to see that the game was still fun and more balanced than ever, a little faith was restored; however, we follow the game closely and know about all the beta rules, and printed rule cards for wave 2, the average potential new gamer seeing half metal, half plastic, new vs old rulebooks, and what i imagine piles of old malifaux stuff in clearance bins across all their FLGSs, I could see it be daunting. I'm pretty certain that Wave 2 will be released around gencon, and with that, If they keep up with a decent release schedule along with henchmen doing their part, I see a bright future for Malifaux.
  10. Now I have noticed something of a trend with the nightmare editions.. mostly they are all a bit different. Tara's was an unreleased crew, and pioneer for 2E. Dreamer/LCB, and Teddy were just two standalone purchases with no crew attached. Dead Justice was one Lady Justice crew, that were intended proxies for various resser models, etc. hell, the Hanging tree is Terrain! I would like to see the next Nightmare release be a "verses" set, which would Include Sonnia Criid, Vs Rasputina. Two nightmare alt sculpts posed dynamically as if attacking with a spell or something. It would have a cool theme in my opinion. they are both popular masters, and they haven't used any arcanists for nightmare models. I could see wyrd doing this. And as far as the Miss model. . . Miss Direction is supposed to be an outcast according to Fall shematic, But I still think Miss Match would be great for Alt Viktorias
  11. Yea, probably this. . . http://www.crittohit.com/imagestore/articles/5151/P1140265.jpg as soon as we can get our hands on one. If that does not suit you. you can wait for his new plastic, or, you can use a union miner. third party models are an option, like this. . http://www.shop.microartstudio.com/alice-tinkerly-mk2-p-1030.html or if you want to get really creative, you can combine plastics from joss and rail crew, smooth over inconsistant join lines with proper green stuff work and arm him with kangs hammer, (give kang the shovel.)
  12. wow, that was awesome. please do continue to post. I am hoping to learn from your games, and look forward to enjoying more posts!
  13. For me, It was Perdita. She just looked so sexy and tough, then it was the witchling stalkers, so I bought The box sets for both crews and ran a Papa loco + witchling stalker super explode friends list. . . I miss those days, lol.
  14. Things I want. Wastrels, Performers mannequin Pistorelos 3rd party Victorian/western models that could pass as bystanders wong hanging tree I have the rail crew assembled and primed on blue translucent bases (can be switched to the black basses.) I have the old marcus box unopened I also have dollars. extra black bases. and two Legion of Everblight Battle boxes (hordes.) thank you
  15. I certainly hope so nathan. I plan on being a henchman by that time next year, and access to discount/exclusive product would see a bounty of success for you, and happiness for us. I was saddned by the lack of wyrd product this year. I did get a blister of living impaired for half off though!
  16. I will be there Thursday morning, I would like the Jacob Lynch box. and can I be a back up for Tara if the deal falls through? I will be there all 4 days. Thanks
  17. Also, I have a nib miss terious for trade at adepticon.
  18. I know Wyrd will have a product booth of some kind, but this isn't gencon. Will they have any kind of products or swag for sale I couldn't just get at my flgs or through the web store? will any kind of limited products be likely to be available?
  19. Just curious, what are your plans to hold diverse groups together, for example, aspiring death marshal, guild guard, grave robber, and December cultist? I forsee either fluff or role play problems with oddly diverse parties. What do you guys think?
  20. Fated Almanac. Pg 63 "Masks has influence" should be "Masks have influence" this error is repeated for all 4 suit descriptions. Just pointing it out.
  21. Although I really like the guild hound models, I don't think the armor on them looks appropriate for allyway dogs. Falconrider, do you like the blackscorpian minis? How well do they scale?
  22. well i found some really good miniatures at black scorpion. the civilians 1 and 2 really fit the bill and a select few from the cowboy range. I think the old latigo pistorelos, hollow waifs, and the stolen could pass for civilians if modeled underwhelming. also with a little conversion on a couple, wastrels could look like ordinary people. I also think if i got the old performer/mannequin packs, i could use the performer as uptown women and use the mannequins in the window of a dress shop. what do you guys think?
  23. which is good because I funded through the breach at the $200 level. but it supplies just enough models for a few player characters. . not a town. lol
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