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Everything posted by Bacms

  1. Just read Hoffman are the avatar rules out? Not sure how I am going to be able to manifest it? Also move from one deployment zone to another in a single action is now impossible as far as I am aware. In one turn is game but in one activation no chance. Also there is no construct override anymore I guess the intended is called O.S.A now?
  2. Awesome news congratulations to all the winners which in truth are all of us for the amazing wiki we have been putting together
  3. Easy or not it looks insanely good
  4. Paid for sunday. Just to many 2 day events this year to be able to do both.
  5. Cheers Dirial I can call it done on my part. It needs editing and for some reason I seem to be unable to understand how to place the picture in a sensible position. If someone can have a look at him and do the normal editing and typos I would greatly appreciate. Will try and work on the models that haven't been touched yet like the Mechanical attendant, Purifying flame and Clockwork trap but as usual this is probably going to take a week or two before them being finished so if anyone wants to claim them first please go ahead and I will add my thoughts on them after that, after all that is the purpose of the wiki
  6. Can someone give the name of the upgrades that provide armour +1 and the one that allows you to place a scheme marker when you die. Also can someone point me the name of the McMourning ability to push and take an interact action for poison +2? I need these so I can finish the Pale Rider and forgot to check on the book yesterday. Once I have that I will give it a final edit and that should be the Pale Rider done.
  7. I have started on the Pale Rider but haven't gone very far being having to go back to work. Will try and finish it either tonight or tomorrow. I also managed to get a few more games on this week tournament so may have to go through the list of things to do to check which ones I can contribute
  8. How do you go about changing those numbers then? There is no way I can see to increase the number of models of changing that. I tried swap to the right or left but to no avail
  9. In that case I will be taking the Judge for Sunday. But happy to swap that for Ryle if someone else wants to take the Judge. I am also happy with 3 or 4 rounds as it just means I will have the chance to play more games. But again not driving
  10. Agree with this similar problems on the collection as you need to scroll all the way down to select the model. Just having an index from a to z you could select would help loads
  11. Brilliant you are more than welcome. Thank you for the extra effort to put it up to standard. Need to recheck the list of whatever is left to see it I can tackle any other models
  12. You are all wrong. As someone from Portugal should point out you are all northerns https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=northern+europe&es_sm=122&tbm=isch&imgil=qPtVYbMkKANnvM%253A%253Bhttps%253A%252F%252Fencrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com%252Fimages%253Fq%253Dtbn%253AANd9GcTobruyEANS8zi8ZxB5NinJmZeVe0QNsbFth6-QDaSg_tlBePoW%253B750%253B632%253B-juGF_yIjYUMIM%253Bhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fwww.freeworldmaps.net%25252Feurope%25252Fnorthern%25252Fpolitical.html&source=iu&usg=__n0rCXav1dHOJNYd4wmUL_sAPTaI%3D&sa=X&ei=wT-XU63TDNCp7Aa3_YGYAw&ved=0CDUQ9QEwAQ&biw=1687&bih=992#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=qPtVYbMkKANnvM%253A%3B-juGF_yIjYUMIM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.freeworldmaps.net%252Feurope%252Fnorthern%252Fnorthern_europe_political.gif%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.freeworldmaps.net%252Feurope%252Fnorthern%252Fpolitical.html%3B750%3B632
  13. Peacekeeper finally done. Sorry for the delay in sorting it out
  14. I think we will have to miss it as McDoogle who is driving need to be back in Cambridge by 7pm on Saturday
  15. Thank you very much for the time and effort you deposit here and around the Web helping others. I hope that whatever is concerning you in real life gets sorted quickly. And I will be looking forward to see more of your stuff in a not so distant future. As for the cold red that was one of the pearls that Rafael teached me. Since red sits in the division of the colour wheel is neither warm or cold. Depends whether how that pure red is mixed an orange red is warm a blue red is cold
  16. I will send you my lady J during the weekend as I don't have a picture of herself only
  17. Same as Joel although I could in theory take any guild one so happy to accommodate if other people have stronger preferences
  18. Is anyone driving through Cambridge that could perhaps pick me up? As McDoogle just realized he is double book the weekend and can no longer make so I have no transport
  19. Definitely in as I will be a very sad player when the points from last year gunsmiths drop out of the rankings
  20. I thought the peace keeper was done? Can work on it tomorrow as well
  21. Hi Mike I don't have a board but do have enough terrain to cover one. Would that be useful?
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