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Everything posted by ehren37

  1. Don't forget their weird legs. Sorry, the female either sprue wasn't fixed from the original scale error, or we got shipped the wrong ones. That or they decided to make a box of 13 7 foot amazons.
  2. To be fair, the figures were packaged with the male sprue on top, and that one seems mostly fine. If the manufacturer mixed in old "big scale" female sprues, it would be hard to catch. On the up side, it looks like you can actually make 13 figs per sprue by my count, not 11. Granted, I haven't built them all, but there's 13 heads, torso's and sets of arms/legs.
  3. They're not really any more detailed. Just bigger. Also I see no reason to make them out of scale when you would also be using Malifaux minis in the RPG. The male figures are also all smaller than the females, so I'm leaning towards they fixed the scale for one sprue but not the other.
  4. I got my package today, and immediately ripped into the multi-part miniature sprue. I noticed the scale seemed off, similar to the initial Viktoria box. For example, the females are all as tall as Mr Graves and tower over everyone else. I remember them saying the scale was off initially. Are they sending the correct version later? Did I get a packing error? Or are these new MPM's supposed to represent a race of giants?
  5. The miniature should represent an iconic snapshot of the core of the character, not some generic outfit they wore one time to escape notice. Its not like McMourning literally walks around with a severed head on a plate at all time. The core of Colette is pizzazz, and this art doesn't really reflect that. In general, I find the female plastic masters lacking the real charm or character of the metal versions anyways. Weaker undercuts and the lack of any exaggeration in the sculpting really hurts them when you view them on the table as opposed to blown up on a monitor. Particularly when they tend to have the same generic closed mouth/blank stare face (see Rasputina, Lillith, Pandora, Tara, Taelor, etc). And its not like they cant do it - the plastic male masters, save perhaps Lynch, are great! I've generally upgraded everything but my female masters to plastic. A pity, I was hoping to break that trend.
  6. Fenris Games sculpted the Flying Polyp and Dimensional Shambler for Cthulhu Wars, so those might work when they get released.
  7. I do think more money should yield something more unique/interesting than a regular old upgrade they could simply print out on a card and include in the next wave's faction decks. At this point it feels you'd get more variation in gameplay by just buying another unit (and that gets to go on the table on round 1). Kaeris, for example, was was an interesting idea that was scrapped rather than go through the effort to balance it. If they went with the more daring design with the expectation that it only impacts the game for a couple of rounds, I'd be more excited.
  8. Unfortunately every time I've posted suggestions to boost them, they've been shouted down that avatars cant be better than a master's existing upgrades (despite the other upgrades not requiring anything to achieve full value). When I try to point out the few avatars that actually DO offer good advantages and interesting game play, I've been shouted down again that we cant compare avatars to each other since they're still in beta. Which again makes no sense, as we had to compare beta models to each other in wave 1, but whatever. Wyrd will either make them interesting or bland as they see fit. Hopefully the former if they want to sell expensive game models, because for 40-50 bucks you can get some amazing boutique pieces if you just want something pretty to paint. I don't think they should grant VP however. I'd rather the cards themselves actually be better. Not having the avatar take an upgrade slot might be a better option if they are going to keep the effects minimal.
  9. My money is on 10 thunder as well, maybe Shen Long since he's the 10T only master and isn't released yet. I'd love a new hungering darkness given how terrible the original is.
  10. I'm in the same boat as the OP. At this point I've just decided to accept that what I want from avatars is different from the designer's. Most of them just feel so mediocre for an upgrade you have to jump through hoops to use.... I would expect them to be better than a regular upgrade, but that isn't so much the case. They don't want avatars to be game changing, but we still have to fiddle around to bring them out? A few masters with lots of people championing them seem to get exciting ones, others not so much. If one of the masters I use happens to get a good one in the end, great. If not, I get to save myself 40-50 bucks a pop for the new ones. For me, the price tag and manifesting hassle is just too much for something that is just a regular upgrade in disguise.
  11. Definitely not a fan of either of the new artwork for skipping Kirai or Molly Quinn. For an Asian themed Molly, Bushido's Ikiryo might work (or an alt Kirai)
  12. I don't have any spare, but both miniature market and discount games inc have them in stock. Shipping probably wouldnt be too bad on those if you're in the US.
  13. 1) Nightmare Hungering Darkness/Avatar - Sorry Wyrd, the design on the happy tadpole is just terrible. Another sculpt would be welcome. 2) The LE Pandora Clear Green set - Yeah, I know it was released, but I wasnt paying attention and missed the sale by 15 minutes. Hoping it goes back on sale soon. 3) Lord Chompy Bits - The art for the new version looks closer to the nightmare edition, which is great! 4) Coryphee/Duet - Complete pain to assemble and the arms were nigh impossible to pin 5) Nekima - I swore off buying this after assembling and painting a friend's model. Heavy model, tiny ankle. The horns have snapped off multiple times from being snagged on foam in transport.
  14. That would be pretty awesome. I really dug that story... the king kong balls on that dude... going deep undercover to get partially lobotomized to uncover witch hunter secrets. I did notice Arcanists have the fewest crossover masters, with only one dual faction master in Mei Feng. Guild has Lucius, McMorning and McCabe. Outcasts have Tara and Misaki. Ressers have McMourning, Tara and Yan Lo. Neverborn have Zoraida, Lucius and Lynch. And Gremlins have Zoraida and the Brewmaster. So an Arcanist and either Gremlin or Outcast would work. Thematically, I feel Arcanist/Outcast works best, and that guy would be a potentially good fit.
  15. Yeah, its mainly that the game is aimed to be a neverending cash suck in the "free" to play model. If it was a one off transaction like most other games I've seen funded on kickstarter, where you get your copy and can enjoy it without the endless cycle of cash shops I'd probably feel differently. I've backed 37 projects now on Kickstarter, but this just leaves me feeling hollow. The card game might be fun though, and it looks like that's the only real involvement Wyrd has. Our group tends to enjoy co-op games more (Arkham Horror, Pandemic, Zombicide, etc). I notice it says Lucius has a special stat card. Anyone know if he actually has different rules, or is it just a gold bordered (or whatever) version of his regular card?
  16. Yeah, pay up front for a "Free" to play game a year+ out? 30 bucks each for a 32mm mini.... blech.
  17. I understand that as the plastic versions become available certain metal sculpts might cease production. But are the metals being phased out before the plastics are released? Certain figures like the Silent One and December Acolyte have been reported to be out of stock at the distributor for months now. Same with certain bases (30mm ghost town, victorian streets). Are these out of print, and we're just stuck waiting until a plastic version comes along? I know December Acolytes are at least on the horizon, but the Silent One is a wave 2, so no telling when it will see the shelf.
  18. Aim for the support. Beckoners are stupid squishy and Lynch basically has soul stones to stop him from faceplanting. Tannen is a speedbump. The only tough unit in the crew are illuminated really.
  19. Or lower CA and the suit. Oiran needed a little love.
  20. Yeah, that's Liefield-esque in their inability to touch the ground. At least they have feet though!
  21. Right, but there's a big difference in how a 25% table plays, and how a 50% table plays, despite both being in the listed acceptable range. You keep stating the guys with lower coverage (33%) are doing it wrong and need to l2p noobs, but the rules tell them its the average. If its meant to be 40-50%, it needs to say that. The recommended range spread is probably too large and vague. Also those buildings on the demo table look better than most of the MDF kits I've seen. Are they scratch built?
  22. Ok just so we're clear thats not what a standard table should look like. It still appears to have more than 50% terrain features. Which probably does make for a more balanced game, but again, isn't really what is reflected in the rules. Its not that those with 30% table coverage are doing it wrong.
  23. Those look more than 50% terrain, with most pieces bigger than 3" (and that last town table looks the wrong size). I'm also seeing more buildings than other types. By the book, with a roughly even mix, it should be about 10% blocking terrain on average. If the game really wants 60-70% board coverage that's great, but it needs to say so in the rules.
  24. And slow, and be reasonably tough to take out. Most models in that price range only do one thing well.
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