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The Godlyness

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Everything posted by The Godlyness

  1. No no no. After Damaging triggers happen after you apply reduction and prevention. And if all that happens and the model still apply wounds to itself triggers go off. Same with black blood. It doesn't actually work Untill you start ticking off wounds.
  2. According to the faq what ever you flip is damaged suffered for triggers. I assume abilities also. What the model takes after reduction and prevention has no bearing on things like dumb luck. Again according to the faq. Not my rules I just follow them.
  3. .....I like it. Ou just need counters which if you summon stitched then kill them your self. You can then make a teddy.
  4. FAQ go. Its answered there. My copy paste skills are supreme Q: When a Gremlin deals damage and activates the Dumb Luck Trigger, does the gremlin take half of the total damage flipped, or half of the damage actually put onto the target? For example, if Dumb Luck caused the target to suffer 4 damage, but the target had Armor +2, reducing that damage to 2, would the Gremlin take half of the original 4 damage, or half of the 2 damage suffered after accounting for armor. A: The Gremlin takes half of the total damage flipped, so the Gremlin in the example would suffer 2 damage (4 divided by 2). This answer applies to any Triggers which generate something based on the amount of damage suffered by the target (for example, the Desolation Engine’s Restabilize Trigger).
  5. any abilities and triggers and effects would definitely take place before the end activation step. Eat your fill triggers after killing or sacrificing and enemy model. this is done before the action is resolved. therefore before the end activation step
  6. Under cover (1) Under Cover (Ca 6C / TN: 10cc / Rg -): Until the start of this model’s next activation, z attacks targeting models within a8 of this model suffer -. vent steam (1) Vent Steam: Until the beginning of this models next activation, all Sh and Ca Attack Actions taken against models within a4 suffer -. two different effects from two diff models Effects which are not Conditions always stack unless they state otherwise. For example, enemy models within a1 of Canine Remains suffer -1 Df. If an enemy model is within range of two Canine Remains, it will suffer -2 DF (1) Night Falls: Until the start of this model's next Activation, all enemy models within a8 suffer -4 Rg to all Ca Actions, to a minimum Rg of 1. ok so now we have are they within this a8 of this model yes ok they get minus 4. doing it twice i don't see how it would stack. But now if two night terrors do it. two different models bam bam stack. i could very well be wrong i just dont see how a double aura originating from the same model would apply the effects twice.
  7. Doesn't dopple say non leader ability? and hannah say This action may not target friendly Leaders unless the target has the Freikorps characteristic
  8. oh no i am not upset. I Play dreamer....alot. and the setup it takes to make most of this happen is more than just i sacrifice a day dream i summon x models. which you can do. really well for that matter but you only have 6 cards in your hand, 7 if you take the Primo magic just to have it die first turn (best use ever imo) ((no not really)) when i play summon dreamer i spend more ap using empty night then i do actually summoning. why you ask well that action Dilligaf's conditions and is a free obey with a push that gets you a melee strike (lets be real here only a few things shoot in neverborn) or fast? or the rarely used but super effective Heal 2 wounds. if you said oh man dreamer's empty night ability is super good i would agree. But asking if his summoning is Too Good. or too powerful is neither here nor there. its an opinion of a person who has been on the receiving end and lost horribly or on the giving end and won. both are completely biased. Main point of contention i see. summon a stitched together accomplice heal gamble. lose reactivate do it again. or win and not. 3/4/7 with no +/- ok so i give you summon a punk zombie companion it. is not slow gets +++ to attacks and flurrys with a ?2/4/7? profile. but wait they could miss yep so can stitched. Another too good abilty RIFLEMAN!!!!! yeah they be good.
  9. I just can't believe this has hit three pages. Is it decent sure. But I still don't see Nico or kirai spending 5 stones for there summoning. So they need corpses or other spirits. Never seem to bee a problem. But if a little kid can spend 11 stones and then pray to 2-54 cards it's broken op and needs cuddling. No one forgets Tannen has to go before the dreamer. And if you have any tomes in your hand you wanted to summon with becomes harder. So paying 11 stones limited activation control and 2-54 cards. Yep. Clearly broken. No setup needed. Auto win button.
  10. Read the Twins ability again. It says after healing any damage suffered. The other one heals. So a full health twin does not heal its other twin.
  11. Uhh after damaging only stops the defender from being removed. If killjoy triggers onslaught but dies to ironsides counter punch. and dies the attacker is no longer there to make the second attack. (Her trigger is the only thing I can find thst goes off before after damaging) So when her trigger resolves no model to attack back. Black blood could kill lady j or coppelius in which again no trigger. But otherwise the second attack is made even if the defender is dead.
  12. Rulebook und stacking effects. Should be a huge call out box. But to quickly answer yes. If 2 different night terrors use that ability it's good. But if one uses it twice it would only apply the effect once.
  13. I guess no one has mentioned you stitched reactivating themselves. Hey good job attack and winning that duel. Now I gamble you and relent. Now you have reactivate. Now I gamble you back and sweet you have reactivate then you gamble the main. Target 3 more times. For a grand total of 4 times. 6 if you are not slow. Op op op op cuddle cuddle cuddle cuddle. Rant Rant Rant. Also chompy dreamer works just fine for reckoning and turf war. And when. I use summon dreamer my of my ap is spent on empty night since the ability is pure gold.
  14. I am just surprised this came up so quick after the other thread was locked. It's like it's a frequently asked question..!
  15. I think the AND makes it a 2 part ability. One it's immune to falling damage. Then when it moves (not pushed) it ignores models. So pushing a model with flight off an edge would not deal damage. Now if you are incorporeal and have flight you ignore models and falling during pushes and movement.
  16. No you and have +9. But the max cards you flip ever is 4. So if they have cover shadow effigy 0 steamcloud and you still get your bonus see.
  17. So what you asking is a cuddle. Have you ever actually tried attacking the dreamer himself? Or are the scary nightmares dragging your attention from the child. Drop attacks on him and watch how he can no longer summon. Or heal since he is dead. Butbutbut he can pass off attacks. Sure at the cost of a card and usually the day dream he wants to use for summon. And if you target his wp he needs a mask, so stone cheat and still the cost of another card. Dreamers worst fear Rasputina and Sonnia. Or stacking poison and blowing him up. So can it be good yes. Would it seem really good if your opponent never played against a summoningmaster sure. But by no means is it over powered.
  18. Sadly she neither a minion or nightmare so she sees little in my dreamer crew. But otherwise she was just walking doing things like plant explosives. Or copying a decent ml attack. A lot of time lure. But if I want her to be nigh invincible I copy lilitus + to all duels and go defensive lol.
  19. Nekima +fears given form Killjoy Alp Alp Full of win.
  20. So i am free the rest of the night and day and such feel free to pm me.
  21. You were looking for marionettes. They care not for poison (unless induction is floating around.) or burning +1 Or blood curse.
  22. here i thought that was answered by the red joker being its own flip. relevant wordings from blast marker placement it seems that with out this wording a red joker would deal severe. :The Blast is placed, and then all models suffer damage as noted above. As well,the Red Joker's damage is stepped down to Moderate (not Severe) damage.: then their is that sweet damage chart that has it in its own category. which i cant copy and paste for some reason then we have the actual wording. :The Red Joker always deals an amount of damage equal to the Severe plus the Weak damage. Damage that is staged down (such as extra models hit by blast damage) becomes Moderate so again no it is not effected by nix's ability. it uses the severe and weak profile to give you the damaged suffered. for instance if the Desolation engine flipped the red on damage flip the target would suffer 9 damage. not 6 and then 3 but 9. and would also heal 9 (according to the newly renditioned faq)
  23. Oh pick me pick me. When I find time I will face you. And crush the soul inside of you to feed my fear engine I am bringing to gen con.
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