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The Godlyness

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Everything posted by The Godlyness

  1. It's a ttb thing if I had to throw a guess. I don't recall him in crossroads at all.
  2. Easiest way I saw to beat him at gencon was understanding that he would at any point in time kill one of your models and accept that as truth. But since it was only one model summoning masters had it easy. Unless of course Mcfister targeted them. But judicial use of terrain helped limit this a lot. The master might be unbeatable but the player playing the master is quite fallible and can make mistakes you should capitalize on.
  3. Actually it was. Back in 1 not 1.5 you had to pass a horror duel to shoot into combat. They changed that into randomizing which just worked better. I seem to be showing my age....
  4. The rules tell you exactly what flips you can cheat. Duels damage healing. Unless you suffer one or more So yes the rules do give a clear no.
  5. Well mindshred played Tara competitively. Got third in the avatar. So there is that.
  6. Eta Hoffman (Joe) v.s. Icemyn (Dean) forum names and such.
  7. Regardless of the model in the way the line passes though cover. Why would the line stop at the model, when you have not completely drawn it to the target.
  8. Well 95% of players I have met played it like this lol. Now I know we are all wrong. Good to know.
  9. I swear saw in the rules somewhere that if you and your target were both within 1" of the same terrain feature you ignored cover generated by that piece of terrain. Now I can't seem to find it any where.
  10. How does ashes fit in this? Does he die split apart then respawn and still have his little bits on the table? Or is he the exception and if one or both parts die he respawns?
  11. During gen con?!?!?! Blasphemy. Alas no will be at gencon
  12. BFRENCH!!!!! Hello to you. Coming to gencon I hope. But Willie and gun smiths are fine. Or ten thunder side archers snipers Fuhatsu.
  13. That's really my question. Which Ausplosions loves this question. Can you be killed twice by two different or same attacks? Or is the act of removing the model when it is actually killed. Then you would get a gaki/onryo Again I hate killed. But if they don't get one ok if they do ok. I just want to know.
  14. Collodi's trigger was errated. Onslaught, maul, blood frenzy, etc A model being killed does not prevent it from being targeted. Usally it's just not there to be targeted. BUT as after damaging explicitly states that the trigger is resolved before the model is removed. The target is still there to be targeted. Also if teddy triggers peekaboo and the damage kills the target he still gets to push the model even though it's killed. I uses this frequently for free movement.
  15. Yes. There are 85 threads that are closed now. After Damaging triggers are resolved before the model is removed. So onslaught maul any action that causes an additional attack must go off even though people usually just remove the model and don't flip cards.
  16. No sadly. The second attack must go off. Its not a May it's an "immediately take this action" So yes you are attacking a model with 0 wounds. But both of you are still flipping cards and so on. The trigger has to resolve which in this case is another attack.
  17. If I use judgement and reduce the model to 0 wounds but I trigger skinned alive and I successfully cast/ enemy fails to resist weigh sins do I get a gaki or onryo. Even though the model was killed by judgement? I love the game. I hate killed.
  18. Weird been playing that wrong then. It's missing the verbiage "in any direction" So it has to be away or towards. But it's also missing that verbiage. So it needs some clarification.
  19. Simple answer to all questions in his thread. No.
  20. He is not a minion or a nightmare so no he can't use it on himself.
  21. Hey its working Thought provoking Questions i knew the answer to before i posted but wanted to see what the rest of the community thought. you would be surprised how many odd questions i get some times. or are brought up.
  22. I think I disagree with you. On one part. End of turn is resolves effects. (Ie burning poison etc) Score vp here and now. See if the game ends. If game ends they count as killed. So I guess you could reveal assassinate now even though the game is over. But in murder protege it says if the model is killed before the end of the game score points.
  23. If Dreamer or Levi are buried do you gain points for assassinate at the end of the game. If your murder protege target is buried and the game ends do you gain points for the scheme.
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