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The Godlyness

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Everything posted by The Godlyness

  1. on a ruthless models turn there is no way he could take misery damage as he just ignores wp duels. now after he activates he is free game
  2. Hey guys its me spamming this again. Any one down for a game?
  3. So this just came to my attention and i wanted to know if this is how it is meant to be References To perform a damage flip the model dealing the Damage flips the top card of its Deck and compares the card’s value to the damage flip chart below. A model may Cheat Fate on a damage flip with the same restrictions as any other flip. Chart Black joker- No damage 1 to 5 - Weak 6 to 10 -Moderate 11 to 13 -Severe Red Joker -Severe + Weak Leave it to luck Until the end of the Turn, models within 6 treat any cards which they flip or play as having +2 value, and any cards which they flip or play as having -2 value. So For one This abilty stacks the same way Canine -1DF stacks. no debate on that So with many Lighting bugs you could easily get +/- 6 to any duel total. Now my main question. On the Damage flip if i flip a 4 does it become 6 . So instead of doing Weak damage it is now doing Moderate. But now if i flip a 13 for the damage flip how much damage does it do since we have no chart or anything above it (sans red joker) I would just say severe to keep it simple even though it doesn't say what to do. if the chart said 11-13+ severe that would fix this easy. No i am not obtuse enough to say it does nothing since there are no rules for it so if in an aura of three lighting bugs does my minimum damage always be moderate when flipping or cheating s?except when i flip the Black joker? I Think the answer is yes i just don't know if it should be edit. i am an idiot and cant read some days. They do not gain any of the modifiers (Fate or otherwise) that were applied directly to the Duel that might have caused the damage flip. Effects that modify the damage flip will State that they do so specifically. unless leave it to luck does still effect it but now i really dont think it does
  4. For dreamer doras box does nothing and dreamers does nothing with Dora. But the twins stitched together and insidous madness work well with both. As does coppelius. And of course works with both.
  5. Tara combo you see a mile away. So not mitigating some of that damage is player error. Reactivating rail golem was an issue but you don't hear about it anymore. Belles are s running joke in my games. (Oh liked your dual total is at 20 ok I be walking. ) Austringers can peck a few things and people hate it. But o enjoy all of it since I can only become s better player by playing against people who thought of a combo or used something I have never thought of.
  6. So do this write some battle reports so we can see how this went.
  7. Played him with Zoraida. Sticking the voodoo doll with blood curse so every turn it takes Damage then with hex bag giving it burning 2 so the hemmed model takes absurd damage.
  8. A ruthless model attacking Pandora does nothing unless Pandora has "the box opens" upgrade which gives her terrifying. Which you would ignore the horror duel and just attack her. Ruthless ignores things like insidious madness make a tn 10 duel or fail ability. It ignores horror duels. It ignores things that make you do a wp duel. Also when you attack Pandora you are using Sh,Ca,Ml. So for your model it is one of those Pandora can always choose to use her wp and for her it's a wp duel Which if she wins will trigger fading memory. Edit. And ninjad
  9. So played Mah Tucket last night. It went decently well. By decently I mean I forgot half the things she does. And Trixxiebelle is pushed when she shoots her gun. So my problem is with the little lass. She is 4 stones that is insignificant. She gets a free upgrade which feels like a 4 stone tax for Mah to have 4 upgrades. Does average damage with average ml on an again insignificant model. I feel like using her to attack one of your models and sacrificing her for and get your free upgrade. Again a 4 stone tax though. Guess I will try to do some shenanigans like walk walk lure with Trixxiebelle. Then use mahs 0 to push the lured model. Then yell at it for hopefully 16" of movement before the beat stick model is in the face. Or if using the whiskey golem lure lure lure for crazy inches. Unless it's a Gremlin then I am sad you can't but I don't have my card off hand.
  10. Death marshals are great in combat.....crit strike is amazing. Witchling stalkers are good in melee but terrible shots. Shooting combat rifleman are great as are Austringers. Melee you got executioners a myriad or robots and things. The latigo posses all around good.
  11. So I have Seen little to No debate or tactics on this bayou bushwacking spoon wielding Gremlin called Mah Tucket. I have faced her once and she 1 action diving charged nekima and made he say it's dolly time. Having a in the initiative plus aim for the sore spots put her at ml8 which is down right brutal. Trixxiebelle being able to cheat at chores makes for a better desirable outcome. All and all I want to play her just because it seems like it would be fun.
  12. Yes. Wong has no need for pork. (Unless you turn an enemy into a piglet) mah tucket also does not need pigs to work. Neither does the kin.
  13. True but they need a suit to continue. With shot in the rear just needs to kill the model no suits required.
  14. Undead death marshals are just as good as their living counter parts. (Maybe cause they are more dead then livig?) Thanks karina.
  15. Sadly flight does nothing for pushes. pushes are not normal "moves" therefore arent effected. incorporeal states that it is effected by pushes so its better in that aspect.
  16. Any one down for a game? free all night and morning
  17. What is there to get away with? Spend an action to light a bundle of dynamite. Spend second ap to teleport bundle of dynamite near or around target. how now my next question is how is this a strawman. here is an Internets definition there are prolly many more You misrepresented someone's argument to make it easier to attack. By exaggerating, misrepresenting, or just completely fabricating someone's argument, it's much easier to present your own position as being reasonable, but this kind of dishonesty serves to undermine honest rational debate. i did no such thing. i Posted a scenario that i have done. cause it can be done. i wanted to see if being "magic" was over the top and how when i am a fate master how to tone it down. i might give the target an easy tn 10-13 duel to dodge it which would be Move value + (3, 5, 7, 9,11) plus any other mediation circumstances like enclosed hall way you are getting hit or dive behind crates ala movie style when someone throws a grenade. Teleport by far is the best spell this game has to powergame. who needs walking when in non dramtic time you can just port around. Course doing so in the city can and rightfully will draw the wrong or right attention depending on how the story is progressing.
  18. Ryle. He is all around better than Lazarus. Can still poke him for cards can heal any construct. Has a built in + to shooting and if you don't use raking fire a built in + to damage. More mobile can push around has a hydraulic fist which hits like a truck. And can use soul stones.
  19. I see what you did there Kadeton.
  20. After succeeding, target is pushed until it is 3" away from this model. Directly away. Its does not day may push in any direction.
  21. I did fight the friekorp with Wong and won I might add. Wong made it across the board and killed Hans some bugs Ted up vonsholl long enough that I won on vp and a magical Burt killed Hannah and specialist and a fman. Cause ignoring armor 3 ap and dual attack. So fighting pigs I guess is on my list of things to do I guess.
  22. BOOray for the red joker ruling. well half of it. the nix part made me sad but i got over it. Smiles
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