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Everything posted by Requirement

  1. NNNNNNAAAAAAATTTTTTHHHHHHHAAAAAANNNNNNN!!!!! I hear if you yell his name he comes around. Or maybe it was some sort of Captain Planet situation.... let me point my Guild ring at the sky...
  2. Looking good. I really like the red hair.
  3. Looks really cool and an idea I have wanted to see in action for a while. Regarding play, you may have to house rule some stuff or get weird with some stuff (i.e. - Sonnia's fire wall is ht 5 could it go through the ceiling? Pulses are infinitely high, is that still so if on a different "level" of the board? How the heck do you define deployment zones?) I think the one playability drawback I see from a two "level" board is how much of it is actually going to be played on if you have two levels at 3'x3'? Could be a really cool way to run a 3 or ideally 4 player game though.
  4. Can I come train with you on painting light schemes? Yours are incredible.
  5. Shame. Time to add a fourth? You did a great job with what was available. And the terrain looks great if not something for my fat hands to accidentally crush. Oh!Oh! Is this like Where's Waldo? Found it!
  6. That certainly is a nice lint roller! Seriously though, the crew looks great!
  7. The only time she underwhelmed me was when Hamelin's rats managed to kill her... Other than that she has always treated me well. Most the avatars change rolls. aRamos becomes a melee killer. No big deal, play her foward just before you manifest.
  8. Hey, I only sell out within reason. That and Lucius was my first box, so I had no choice.
  9. Having been stuck in a 3-player game many times, I really like your rules. We have run into problems with strats and schemes before, mainly the Victoria's only scheme. We typically just make changes on the fly as they come up and I will be using your guide as our start. And sure, many times a 3-player game turns into a 2v1 at some point, but I just call it cross-faction hiring, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
  10. And to think I was so excited that I might be able to order arms (multiple!) for my death marshals until you up and crushed that dream.
  11. Wyrd sent me a happy birthday message... how could you be unhappy with a company that sends an automated message? Ha! But in all seriousness, Malifaux is the first table-top game I have ever played and a lot of that reason is because of the bad rap everyone else got. I had friends into tabletops and I didn't want to sink the cash and time into HUGE armies. I love the small size, the unique models (though seriously, can a guy get some more guild guard sculpts?), the paintability of the models, and the community surrounding the game.
  12. Not really. All their tricks are pretty obvious, like crit strikes on everything. Seem like it might be time to ignore the fluff and sell out if you want some fancy tricks...
  13. Samael is so situationally amazing. If I know I'm going up against a high cast crew, might as well take him. With flaming bullets on you can take down just about any master with an ok cast. That being said he really needs a +1 action. Or a movement trick.
  14. I feel like this is what we should all actually just be talking about. Someone set up a system where we can all input our games and actually get this done, together, happily in unison.
  15. Looks great! I personally wasn't super pleased with the sculpt myself until I started working on him and realized how great of depth is actually in the muscles/bones thing going on; your work highlights that depth perfectly and makes him look amazing.
  16. I actually managed to remember to look up the rule in the real rule book Book 1, pg 53: "Some abilities allow 2 or more models to activate simultaneously. When using one of these abilities... until all the models acting simultaneously have been activated." So, the way I read it, simultaneously means the aura would be fine because Hoffman would still be "active."
  17. I couldn't have said it better myself, manage your resources and you only need 6 stones. I almost never take her with more than 6 stones. Who is flame bursting every turn? There are likely going to be at least two turns that don't require or even suggest that you flame burst. Wait until your opponent is at a pinch point and then blast them twice (hopefully with high cards in hand) for probably only one stone for lore. Malifaux is all resource management, soulstones are still resources. Now as to who to bring, I personally like taking witchling stalkers, as they make very nice bombs; so, what's the worst that could happen with bringing an extra or two little explodey stalkers and charging them right up to your opponent? I like this tactic because it frequently distracts and damages my opponent for at least one turn.
  18. For six points I love my exorcist. If I know I am going to be playing undead or spirits, he is an almost automatic choice at only 6 points he's really not too bad, a little slow sure, but you can always take a wound and gain an extra walk. Remember, resource management is clutch and wounds are a resource.
  19. See, I am fairly certain (and of course I don't have the rules in front of me) that a companion chain was "simultaneous" in terms of abilities and such, but played out in chain order.
  20. This is the way I understand it. "Natural terrain." Which, to me, does not include man-made walls; to everyone else I play with she can punch through walls all day. I've been looking for an official verdict, but none found yet.
  21. I like! The metals really are phenom. You are making me think Hoffman is definitely my next purchase.
  22. I love the feathers. Can't wait to see more from you. Most people I have talked to all got into the game for the same reasons.
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