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Everything posted by Jewomie

  1. I'm going to shamelessly bump this so my local folks can find it.
  2. I was thinking this same question in the last few weeks. I love my archers, so I thought I'd see how the snipers hold up. Three games in (two with shenlong one with brewmaster) still not really loving them. It's not about what they can't do. I think the snipers are great. however, in my local group players tend to go for that turn one or early turn two combat right in the middle of the table, and I have two options on how to deal with it. 1. drop a sniper nearby with FtS and shoot oncoming stuff and eventually get into melee... 2. hire archers and shoot them even after they are in melee. for my stones and my local opponents, archers have won every time. might not always be the case, and i'll pick up the snipers eventually, but for now, it's hard to choose the guy who cannot shoot safely into melee over the one who can do it all day and not worry about hitting is buddy.
  3. I think the most interesting bit about this will be people using the through the breach stuff to send players back to earth and have it be worse than Malifaux. I will reserve my judgment until we get all the details, but I typically shy away from larger games, and I've been playing Malifaux for so long I don't think I have the heart to pick up something else.
  4. when we have used indoor boards (we used to have a sweet sweet sewer board for this) it was always assumed that walls went to the ceiling. So, the mature nephillim could not fly through a wall, but he could certainly fly over the water (often hazardous terrain) or any and all scatter terrain.
  5. Most of you probably know we run Malifaux demos on Saturday from 12pm to 3pm at Saltire games. Everyone is welcome to come out and get in a game, a demo, or just hang out. if you've never been, here is the info: Saltire Games: 11732 Pendleton Pike Indianapolis, IN 46236 317-823-1645 Saturdays 12pm to 3pm. For our League, we are putting together a growth league with a dash of achievements in there for those brave enough to chase them. More details will be coming, but for now let's open up sign ups! PM me your email address so I can stay in contact and keep everyone up to date on this. We are still a bit off from our first league game, but we'll leave sign ups open from now until August 19th. The first game will probably be the 29th of August and depending on signups it will likely last at least 6 weeks. Prize info will come out eventually, but players can expect raffle tickets, and some special awards based on some legendary achievements. if you have questions, post them below!
  6. I love everything about the new site, save ONE thing. As Onelittlethunder pointed out: The "Recent Activity" panel on the right side is grey on white and completely unreadable. Otherwise, the rest of the changes are amazing!
  7. off topic I know... but did you happen to demo "Codenames" from Chezch games? you look incredibly familiar, and my wife and I were giving those demos all 4 days so I thought maybe that's why. lol
  8. Nice!!! I saw Raspy and Perdita, but I missed Cassandra!!! that is awesome! That is really awesome! Thank you for sharing
  9. It's almost Saturday! Which means it's almost time for MALIFUAX! With Gencon right around the corner, we are quickly approaching the beginning of our League! Also, quick reminder, we will be at Saltire THIS Saturday (7/25) but next Saturday is Gencon weekend and the store will be closed and most of us will be at the Con, so there will not be a Malifaux event that weekend. in the mean time, come stop by Saltire Games this Saturday from 12 to 3 pm! Dust off your crews and jump in, or just hang out and chat. The league is coming!!!
  10. awesome write up! cool to see Ama No Zaku leading crews too, I feel like that doesn't happen as much as it should. Maybe now folks will read this and try it out!
  11. I'll have to give this a shot some time. I've considered running him with Brewmaster since brewie tends to get himself dug in somewhere and doesn't spend half the game cruising from table edge to table edge, I figure that alone shores up the speed issue. Then he is free to walk around the bubble and flurry anything brewmaster is holding up. The cleanup guy after the drinking party if you will. It isn't as creative as yours is (and I'm going to try yours out one of these days!) but this seems like a fairly easy thing to try. Ototo, brewmaster, some scheme runners and high river monks **because I can't seem to elave them out of any lists now days**
  12. all the wave 1 masters are out. have been for a while. Brewmaster, shenlong, molly, ironsides, collodi, these were all masters in book 2 of 2.0. As stated earlier, austringer is still from book 1, i'll relent to that point. but the book 1 masters have all been out for some time now. eh, I'm no math expert and wont pretend otherwise... but considering how much is out now, and how much will be out at Gencon, (and it's a safe bet this stuff will be on store shelves by the end of the year) I'd think we are pretty close to that 85%. After these releases, don't they only have 5 or 6 minion/enforcer models to release per faction? I counted up the 10T stuff that will be missing and I think it's 4 or 5 minions and the generic totem. EDIT: I was kind of in an out of the wave 3 beta, but I seem to remember it didn't have any new masters, and didn't really have that many models for each faction. Am I wrong on this? I feel like this one will likely catch them up before next Gencon if they keep the speed up they have had this year.
  13. just so we're all on the same page though... aren't ALL the master box sets going to be at Gencon? even if their release is sometime after, at least we know they are done and ready for sale and it's just a matter of when Wyrd gets them out the door. I know there are some minion/enforcer types that we would still be waiting on (*shakes fist* Fermented River monks!) but at least the masters are all accounted for at that point, right? I mean, Shenlong, Wong, Ulix, and Mah Tucket sets are all going to be there early, plus release dates for Kaeris, Molly, Collodi, Colette, Hamlin and Jack Daw were announced and they will be available at Gencon as well. This is the biggest pile of master sets to be released at a Gencon that I can remember, and it really seems like they are bending over backwards to get the final push of masters finished for the con. Their release schedule may be a little messy (with all the gremlin masters coming out at the back end of the line, but don't forget 10thunders only had two new masters in 2.0, and one came out a month ago, the other is right in the middle of the gremlin releases so you guys aren't alone. ) but I don't think it's fair to jump on them releasing a nightmare crew on the basis that all the other masters aren't out yet, when they will all be available at Gencon, and on the website during Gencon if you can't actually be there.
  14. have to disagree... I think Shenlong might just be one of my favorites in m2e. the whole box is just brimming with potential. sure, some orange and skin toned paint and most folks would be done... but give that set to someone like Mako and that becomes something insanely cool really easily. His crew is a canvas, and that really gets my blood pumping. I can not wait to paint them. That being said, I have noticed that more often than not, I have to point out who the master is in games. I tend to demo with McCabe since he starts out on a horse so it's really obvious, or even drop to just henchman and use Yamazako and Ototo because they are on 40s so the new players can easily identify them. (but this is all off topic I suppose)
  15. I mean, what's really left after Gencon? Kamaitchi Tengu 10T Brother Fermented River monk komainu knowing that that is all that's left is pretty freaking exciting! XD Who knows, maybe we'll get a story kit like the brotherhood of the rats set and they'll lump the Komainu, Tengu, and Kamaitchi all in a box for easy buying. But I'm not worried about it. I'm just happy Shenlong is finally coming out, and Brewmaster is on his way to my LGS!
  16. I love the effigy. I don't take him (her cause I use puppet Misaki from puppet wars) all too often, but when I do, I'm never disappointed. if I expect lots of condi stuff (Hamlin comes to mind) low river monks might end up winning out in the 4ss model list, but I usually find a way to squeeze the effigy in otherwise.
  17. Wow, Saturdays are getting pretty busy at Saltire. You guys are seriously killing it! let's keep this up! This week we'll get in demos and games, but also think about some ideas for this league. Looks like we should have enough players ready to go after Gencon is over, and I think we should start it in August. I've already picked out some prizes!!!!! In the mean time, come join us at Saltire games from 12 to 3pm this Saturday!
  18. I like the idea, but I do think he needs his hat. A sombrero is kind of his thing in my eyes. lol. The sword looks okay. I'm guessing once it's painted up, it will look just fine. And the easiest way to keep him distinguished from the other marshals (aside from the lack of coffin) is probably to give the other two the flaming heads. Also, huge bonus points if you sculpt him the facial hair!!! can't wait to see this painted up!
  19. I would allow this one time. mostly because I'd be too impressed to stop it. So reveal it only when it really counts! lol
  20. i will second everything stated above, and also add that monk of the high river (will be out at gencon) have almost entirely replaced Torkage for me, and the lone swordsman is a beast and i love him. also, the pathfinder is great, but outside of McCabe i find myself taking the 10T archers almost every time. firing into melee with reckless abandon is just too good not to have. Also, Yin and Dawn Serpent always seem to be worth their stones for me. seriously.
  21. I love this! can not wait to see him all painted up!
  22. wow... some really fantastic work here!
  23. So, I have been working on some kind of special event for my gaming group with Malifaux, kind of spinning off of an old encounter from early Malifaux. and I am hoping to do something fancy and special with it for Halloween this year only thing is... I'm going to need Zambies... so ... many... zambies... As much as I would like to spend all my money and buy Wyrd product, it's not in the budget and there would be so much repeat that even a skeptic would have an issue. SO, I thought I would ask you guys because I have little in-person knowledge of these models, but I found a few 'bulk' options for this and I didn't know how they look next to the new plastic Malifaux minis, or how they look in general. Also, if there are other options I'm missing, please feel free to drop the knowledge bomb!!!! what I have found is a bag of 100 zombies for the "Zombies!!!" game. seems cheap and has a lot, but I can't find much in the way of pictures. usually the picture is just of the bag itself, or a group shot and it's hard to make out how the minis look. http://www.miniaturemarket.com/catalog/product/view/id/15749/s/tlc2003/ I also found a box of 30 zombies, and a second one of 30 "Zombie Vixens" these two kits say they are multi part kits and you'll end up with 30 zombies and 6 'crawlers' (I'm guessing that means they just wont have legs. lol.) these are a bit more expensive, but still, $40 for 60 zombies and 12 torsos... not too bad. http://www.miniaturemarket.com/catalog/product/view/id/34396/s/wgfdf002/ Finally the game Zombicide sells some expansion kits that come with zombies like the VIP kit. but I think these might look too modern for Malifaux (I'm okay with smudging it a little, but these seem VERY 21st century.) Any other thoughts? or do you have the things I listed and think they would work? Thanks!!
  24. not sure why this doubled like that/... can someone delete this one for me?
  25. So, how does the University of Transmortis solo game work? is there any reason that the idea of how the enemies work couldn't be applied to a co-op strat? I don't own the set, and have never seen the rule book, so I don't know how it works, so I might be WAY off base here. Also, I had a thought based on one of the old Halloween encounters from years ago. the idea was the both crews were in a large building in the center of the table, and outside you had endless waves of mindless zombies walking toward the house. The movement was pretty easy, the Zombies always moved toward the door/windows, or they would move toward a player's model. If they got into range of either thing, they attacked it. The zombies were controlled just like normal minis after the player models had all activated. so I would do one, you would do the next, and so on and so forth until there were no zombies left. Meanwhile, the crews could board up windows (easier now with interact actions) and kill any zombies that made it inside. They were still competing, but it had a level of co-op to it because you didn't want the zombies to get inside. Just a thought. I have no idea if these scenarios are out there in the internet space somewhere or not, but I have given a good deal of though of how to update this encounter for a Halloween event I'm putting together this year, so I thought about it when I saw your post.
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