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Everything posted by LordZombie

  1. I am going to make a wooden solider now and use it. If anyone ask where I got it, I will say " I found it on the forums, so it must be true!"
  2. Stop in Tuesday at Orcs4Hire for a demo of Malifaux with 4 different crews to choose from. If you are a vet of the game, get in a game for Dead Heat, the world wide campaign! Either way, it is a win win! Check out the details below! Where? Orcs4Hire 4855 S 137th Street Omaha, Ne 68137 (402) 998-5100 When? Every Tuesday! Time? From 6pm until 10pm Cost? Nothing! Don't be a dork, game with the Orcs!
  3. Mainly Seamus and McMourning, only because Molly is not yet painted and I just got Kirai.
  4. Hello, this thread is mainly for my local game shop's achievement league. Players can earn points by posting battle reports here. If you live in the Omaha, Ne area then feel free to check it out. The link to the details are here: http://www.wyrd-games.net/showthread.php?33122-Going-for-Pro!-Achievement-league-and-events! I should be updating reports here every Sunday. If you are not in the league, enjoy!
  5. Isn't that what it is all about, killing the pig? I am going to start flooping spells from now on.
  6. Just a reminder, the league starts this Saturday! Make every Saturday count! There is also the painting contest!
  7. First thing I learned that made painting much more fun and easier for me, was to paint a model until YOU are happy with it. Don't paint so your gaming group will like, don't paint so everyone on the forum will like it, paint so you like it. I found it so much easier to paint once I got that idea in my head. I , personally like it. It truely is a rotten belle. Keep at it!
  8. What an interesting topic. I for one am glad and thank Wyrd for noticing that females do exist and can do things. Many other games systems would have you think that there are no women at all or that all they do is sit at home caring for the next set of male soldiers to head off to battle. Malifaux is one of first minis game that I have played that has a good balance of male and female models, and some are the leaders. On the topic of female gamers, as the host of gaming at my local shop for the last 13 years, I have had the pleasure of knowing 7 female gamers. Of the seven, four of them played Wahammer fantasy (lizardmen, wood elf, and the other two were deamons of chaos) and the other 3 are newest having join in Malifaux (Raspunita, Colette, and Ophelia). I see reasons on both sides for ladies not wanting/not feeling welcomed to play. From guys and their inablility to act around females, and from ladies looking in on a room full of guys and thinking they would not be caught dead in the room. I think the barriers will always be there, coming from both sides.
  9. For some reason that last reply was kinda...wierd...and I don't mean wyrd.
  10. That was a great story! I don't work the graveyard shift, I just don't sleep at night much. Nice to see a thread for us night owls.
  11. There is a player in my group that runs that list, minus Miss Demeanor.
  12. The Omaha area just got a new gaming shop, Orcs4hire. Stop by and check out Malifaux demos! Join the Malifaux community at the newest game shop. Where? Orcs4Hire 4855 S 137th Street Omaha, Ne 68137 (402) 998-5100 When? Tuesdays 7pm until close Cost? Nothing, just ask for a demo Website- http://www.orcs4hire.com/ If you are in the area stop by. Don't be a dork, game with the orcs!
  13. If good old Rafkin is in play, you will want to drop them as he can use them. So can Sebastian.
  14. Guild getting ambushed by gremlins, so funny. You won't hear about that happening to Resurrectionist.:-P
  15. Nice thread, I like the theme. For me, it is sad sad Kirai chan. As a big anime fan and lover of Japanese horror, she was the sole reason for getting into Malifaux and Resurrectionist. Kirai and all her Japanese spirits are just too cool and everything I could be looking for to take to the tabletop.
  16. Never thought I would see a post about a Vik having problems with a belle. If anything, that belle is making things easier for you. Belles only have a def 3 and 8 wounds. Viks have a Cb 7 and deal 3/4/6 damage. If you are worried about McMourning following up, just defensive stance and then attack the belle and then drag her sister in and there you go. As a Resurrectionist player, the last thing I want is to pull combat masters into my zone, even with McMourning. If your opponent does have some type of trick up his sleeve that gets you, just go with what Enternal Void said, make yourself slower. The best of luck to you.
  17. Oh yeah, I totally respect that. I didn't mean for look like I was calling you out. At the time, your post was the first one to have a game listed in it. I play Hordes and it is a very fun game. And we both agree, balance has nothing to do with having fun.
  18. I think the real problem is the player choice and views. With all the choices to be made in a game, be it Warhammer Fantasy, War Machine, or even a Clixs game the possibles are almost limitless. I could take a full on skeletonal Tomb King army in fantasy and if I go up against a min/max skaven list, I am most likely to lose. Take on a full out unit list in War Machin and go up against all Mech list and that is not a easy win (still possible with caster kill). In Malifaux, if I take a Molly and full crooligan list up against Lillith and a double twin/stitched together list, she would most likely wipe me out before I get my first vp. I don't believe there is any game out there that is balanced. The only way that could happen is to have all models have the same stats and abililities, and if you do that there is no need for armies or factions. Even if tried and balanced each troop type and selection, it then goes to the player that can buy and use the better troops. Balance is a state of mind and applies to each player. Chucklmonkey just stated he thinks War machine is balanced, but I don't think so. I don't think I have played a game yet that is balanced. And the rule that if all things are unbalnced, they must be balanced, doesn't really work here. As long as you are having fun, that is all that should matter.
  19. A fellow Resurrectionist! Seamus may lack in the hard hitting competitive department, but I dare anyone to find a other box set with so much character! Have fun with those demos and best of luck getting your friends to play (it should not be too hard).
  20. Welcome to the forums and the wonderful world of Malifaux. Kick off those shoes, you know you are going to be here a while. Count on me for any light hearted Resurrectionist help.
  21. Time to gather all your forces and unlock all the achievements you can! Dragon's Lair will have it's first Achievement league starting July 21th. Bring in all your Malifaux favorites and see how many achievements you can unlock in 5 weeks. But it doesn't end there, the league will end with a one day achievement tournament to try and get those last few achievements. But that is not all, we will also be hosting the first ever painting contest! Best of all? It is all free! Check out the details below! Place- Dragon's Lair comic (8316 Blondo Street Omaha, NE 68134 402-399-9141) http://www.dragons-lair.com/contact.html Dates- League starts July 21th and runs until August 18th. Achievement tournament will be August 25th. Painting contest will start July 21th with models due by August 11th. Time- Every Saturday from 10am until 4pm Achievement League rules- Pretty much open games with others to try and get as many achievements as possible. Stop in to get your achievement packet and get in all the games you can. They can also count for Dead Heat. Prize goes to the player that get the most achievement during the league. Painting Contest- You can enter any one, 30mm based, Wyrd Malifaux model in this contest. You have from July 21th to August 4th to enter a model, but it must be ready to be turned in on August 11th. The model will then be posted on the Wyrd forums for the good people of the fourms to vote on what they think is best. The one with the most votes wins a prize! Achievement Tournament- One last day to try and get some achievements in, this will be a basic Gaining Grounds tournament of three rounds. 30 soul stone crews with fixed factions. Prizes will go to the player that get the most achievements during the tournament itself and then a bonus prize for the league member who might have gained even more achievements. It is going to be an action packed summer! Reply here or PM me if you have questions. As always, it all happens at the Lair!
  22. In July of 2010, 8th edition Warhammer fantasy came out. In the two years I have been hosting gaming at my game shop, I have got 4 new players start playing fantasy. Last year around November, I lost 3 of new players and 2 other regulars. In December, one of the new guys and myself got into Malifaux and started playing. In the 8 months we have been playing, I have got 8 new players for Malifaux and all the other regulars have switched to Malifaux and that keeps growing every month. What is the point of my post? Malifaux is doing great in my area and I have no plans to change that anytime soon. It is about the only game I have ever played (and I have played a LOT of games) that I can lose horroribly in and still have a ton of fun playing.
  23. Yeah, I am sure the OP is facepalming himself right thinking everyone here are pretty dim bulbs, but I got nothing out of that. Think I will take the blue pill and continue living in a dream. It was impressive though, not doubt on that.
  24. Guess I should get myself on this list! Player name: LordZombie Contry:USA State:Nebraska City:Omaha Store:http://www.dragons-lair.com/
  25. Oh yeah. I always forget the zombies go last anyways. Need to give Nicodem a few more games then.
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