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Everything posted by LordZombie

  1. As a henchmen, I probably should not start a thread like this, but let face it, with the new book out, we all want to try out the new toys. But much like Christmas, we got to wait get our toys. There is nothing to say we cant proxy until the they show up. So we might as well share ideas with each other on what models you will be using to proxy until they are released. Guess I will start off with a Izamu proxy. Try the Skorne Cyclops Brute. http://privateerpress.com/hordes/gallery/skorne/warbeasts/cyclops-brute
  2. This are very nice. No need to have dice marking up a card based game. I printed this up some time ago and having been using them ever since. Just put them in card sleeves and backed them with some poster board and there they are!
  3. The big finale is this Saturday. Even if you were not in the league, jump in and see how many achievements you can unlock!
  4. Much thanks to all for posting up info on the new Resurrectionist. Looks like time to start working on those proxies until they are released. Funny thing, after all the talk about Yin, found this movie listed in a Cracked article. It is movie called Mystics in Bali, and it is about a pennagalan. Google it and chek it out.
  5. Don't forget, demos and Dead heat today at Orcs. Dead Heat is going to lose it's heat soon so get those games in while you can!
  6. He does look like a great minion to the Resurrectionist pool. Finally someone with some hitting power and the ability to withstand a punch. Also like the fact he is a magic item after he dies. I am so hyped about the new book. Time to work on those proxies!
  7. That is a crew of heavy hitters. Lilitu is far better at luring than belles can ever dream to be and anything that gets lured is in the range of the twins is a goner. Best to take out the daydream fast as possible. Try and catch Dreamer on his own and have Seamus blast him, of coarse that leaves you with Chompy. Going to need to get some other hitters (as close to heavy as the Resurrectionist have) to help out. Keep at it and have fun, that is most I can offer.
  8. The Viks are tough. If you try and gang up on them, the sword will just blender anything you bring. The only thing I have used well against the Vik was with Nicodem and punk zombies and Bete. Bete is a good choice also as the Viks will kill something and she can pop out and flurry back on them. Otherwise, good luck.
  9. I would agree with Decker Cky. Just looks like models that are part of a starter set. Maybe wyrd will stop selling them as singles on their own, but I can't see just those models being made into plastic. Would anyone really buy a plastic Lady Justice when they already have the metal?
  10. Nice, I made the same thing for my gaming group. Only a week left, time to get planning!
  11. The olympics may come to an end on the 12th so what better way to say good bye than with the Malifaux Olympics! Bring in your favorite 2 masters, or all the masters of a single faction and fight for glory and prizes! Check out the details below! When? August 11th Time? Starts at 11am until 4pm but get there early to check out the events Where? Dragon's Lair Comics 8316 Blondo Street Omaha, NE 68134 402.399.9141 Cost? Nothing Bring in your two favorite masters/henchmen or bring all the master/henchmen of a single faction and compete in 5 mini events for glory and prizes. Gold, silver, and bronze winners for the day will get a Malifaux mini of their choice! (up to $11 in value) Come in and join the fun and send off the olympics, Malifaux style. It all happens at the lair.
  12. Malifaux continues this Tuesday with more demos and Dead Heat games. More people that show up, the sooner we can get some leagues and events set up.
  13. More demos again this Friday night! Stop in and check it out!
  14. The sight of corpse counters all over the battlefield and the ability to use terror? I think I am going to have to relearn how to play malifaux.
  15. Nice research, I like it! ---------- Post added at 10:17 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:14 AM ---------- Not sure if this will work, but try this. http://www.wyrd-games.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=6724&d=1343933869
  16. Doesn't it say, Misaki Mistress of the Ten Thunders under her model? I kind of think that makes her the master in the box set. I mean it could be the little nine tail fox, I really have no idea. The mix bar does look kind of orange. Can't be red as we all know Logan is part of the Guild and I am sure he would be in a box set (at least on foot).
  17. Anyone notice the new Resurrectionist in the banner ad? The one lady that is just a head and her guts! The undead samurai, so cool. And I was thinking of getting the Ten Thunder box, no way now!
  18. Can't say I have any models I use as a crutch for Resurrectionist. I can say that I have never and plan to never use Von Schill with any crews. Resurrectionist have a henchwomen, and her name is Molly. You can put me down on the Von Schill ban.
  19. If you take a gunslinger, he does not have to be alone. Stand him behind the belles with los to the enemy and have the lovely belles lure models into his range. If he does not have to move, then drop a card and rapid fire on the model. With three shots, one should trigger "trigger happy" and that is 4 shots into one model. If the gunslinger doesn't drop someone, Seamus can finish the job if need to. I took a gunslinger a couple of games ago and I find it hard to not include him now.
  20. Friday nights are going to be the night to try out a demo of Malifaux, or if you already know how to play the game, play a Dead Heat and help out your favorite faction! Here is the info! Where? Dragon's Lair 8316 Blondo Street Omaha, NE 68134 402.399.9141 When? Friday August 10rd, from 6pm until 9pm Cost- Nothing Stop in and try it out, it all happens at the Lair.
  21. Still lots of time left to join the league and get in a mini for the painting contest. Stop in and get out the league and selection of Malifaux in the store.
  22. Yeah, just opened on July 13th so is still very new, but a great place to game. Tuesdays are set for malifaux for now and when I can get the community going, maybe events and tournaments on Saturday evenings.
  23. Of all the games I have played, I would have to rate Malifaux as number one. It has it faults, but it is one of the few games I have ever played that I did not have fun playing. Even if you are getting totally tabled, it is quick enough to set up a new crew and strats and try again. Not something easily done with other games.
  24. We came so close with Malifaux on Tuesday night. Two more gamers and someone would have won a free blister. Demos and Deat heat games continue next Tuesday. Learn about events on the Orcs4Hire facebook page. What will be the surprise bonus next week?
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