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Everything posted by LordZombie

  1. I am hoping Avatars play a better role in m2e than 1.5. It would be nice to see those centerpiece models on the table once and a while.
  2. I think that no matter what time they show up, it will still not be early enough. Well, for some people, that is.
  3. On Feb 8th, love and hate was in the air around Malifaux. So 10 players came together to join the sides of love and hate and help out! There were a total of 10 players split up between love and hate and here is the break down. The side of Love Guild, Outcast, Arcanist, Resurrectionist, and Neverborn The side of Hate Outcast, Outcast, Neverborn, Resurrectionist, and Guild The winners were the following: Overall winner was on the side of Love and went to Guild The top faction on the side of love was Arcanist The top faction on the side of hate was Guild The worst player overall was on the side of hate and had Outcast. Thanks to all who showed up! This thread would have some pictures and link to the encounter, but the new forums are not having it. Sorry.
  4. So you can't just download the pictures from your computer any more? You have to go through photo bucket or something.
  5. I am loving the new Ten Thunders. We now have what feels like a real faction. On the idea of having to take only what is in the box, that goes back to the comment about when you declare Ten Thunders your opponent doesn't know what you are taking. Maybe you take Mei Feng and all the last blossoms models or Misaki and all the darkened or even Lynch and models with no type at all. You can take their box sets if you want, and with 1.5 Ten Thunder, you almost had to. Now in m2e, you can play what you like.
  6. The samurai itself is a nice model. Very themed for ten thunders. His biggest problem is his gun. You have to pay for a action that is VERY risky. You need to have the black joker in hand and need to be sure your opponent is going to fail. Otherwise, you lose over half your wounds. Now you are using APs to heal up a model. For one stone less, you can take a ronin and know she can get the job done. I have used the samurai a few times and he is good the cost is his biggest problem.
  7. Don't forget everyone, love (and hate) will be in the air next Saturday at the Game Shoppe. Drop in and what side wins.
  8. But I have used both. Would not dis them if I never tried them. The Samurai is just too many points for not enough pow and same for the dawn serpent. I want to like them, it is just hard. Maybe with some different master.
  9. Knowing what I know, statrocks are hilarious. They are a waste of space that could have been used for a good upgrade, but some people out there thought the game needed them. As a newly recruited Ten Thunder player, I got two for them. Samurai. So cool an idea, so terrible a model. If they didn't have the gun and the cost for the gun, they would be great. Dawn Serpent. 10ss of ....something? Such a cool looking model (judging it will look like the art) but it just is not good at anything. At 10ss, the model should be good at least one thing and not just taking up space.
  10. Just a quick update! The venue has changed! Please note the new place in the details.
  11. Figured it was because she was so cool, she is always doing the slow motion walk.
  12. Mr. P. Charming is looking for crews to help him win over the heart of his true love, but his rival is also hiring crews to stop this nonsense. Who will you join, love or hate? Join the action at Game Shoppe and see what side will win. Details below: Where? Game Shoppe 1406 Harlan Dr. Bellevue NE 68005 (402) 292-4263 When? Saturday Feb 8th Time? Encounters start at 11am and the event ends at 5pm. Get there early to check out the encounters. Cost? $5 gets you in All encounters will be 50ss. Wave 1 model only. All models need to be painted and based. Proxies are allowed for models that have not been released yet. Other proxies allowed if properly based and approved by the TO. There will be a painting contest! The crew you use in the first encounter will used for judging. So make sure that first crew is up for the stuff. Prizes go to overall winner, the best on each side, the worst player, and winner of the painting contest. There will also be more bonuses and prizes to win also!
  13. Hey Wyrd fans, the newest episode of Through the Breach is out. Join us as we try to predicate the future. Who will guess the best? Check it out and find out with us. Here is the link, for your pleasure. http://throughthebreach.com/blog/?p=312
  14. Hey Wyrd fans, the newest episode of Through the Breach is out. Join us as we try to predicate the future. Who will guess the best? Check it out and find out with us. Here is the link, for your pleasure. http://throughthebreach.com/blog/?p=312
  15. To be honest, I have never taken Shattered Hearts with Rasputina. I find her to be pretty good without it.
  16. After I got my game, I really wished Puppet Wars could be more in the spotlight. It always seems so much in the far background of wyrd games.
  17. For me, I would like to get all the Ten Thunders faction put together and painted, track all games played for the year, and release a campaign setting by the end of every month of the year.
  18. Just an update! The rules for the campaign featuring the Krampus is now up for viewing!
  19. I would put my name in, but then I would never get it finished. One of these days.
  20. And all through out the land, not a creature was stirring...except the Krampus! Join the Dragon's Lair for the return of the Krampus in an unofficial linked story encounter! Will you be able to help this old Christmas spirit get toys to the children of Malifaux? Where? Dragon's Lair 8316 Blondo st Omaha, Ne 68134 (402) 399-9141 When? Every Saturday in December from 10am until 4pm Cost? Nothing Here is the rules! If you can't join the Lair, enjoy with your own group! https://docs.google.com/document/d/15G7fieFr-zwlSRfXxDSiHlOwA5pqDlt7m2_9g57__uU/edit?usp=sharing
  21. Makes me wish I cashed in some code points at the first of the month now. No way to get them in time now.
  22. I know this is really only for Malifaux, but will there be any Puppet wars? Feel we are missing out on this little gem. Heck, I would be willing to run some demos or event.
  23. You should stop in at Gauntlet Games on Tuesday and check it out. Victoria is always up for giving a demo!
  24. Always looking for new players at the Dragon's Lair in Omaha, Nebraska! That is the place where I hench. If you are in the area and want to get more info on the goings about, check out our new local forum and site! http://omahagaming.wix.com/fauxmaha
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