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Everything posted by LordZombie

  1. I have ran a group of 3 all the way up to 6. It really depends on the fact if you as a FM can keep everyone interested. In larger groups, I try to make sure not too many player split up, this makes for a boring session for the other players. So it is really up to you and what you can handle. As for a manifested power, I guess you could as there it really no limit to what can be done, but that really seems like a hinder to the player to make a trigger. They would really limit the use of that power, but if fits the character, I don't see why not. Never let the rules stop you from doing something fun.
  2. Yup, makes you a well blended Fated.
  3. Yes, I think so. They all get a certain number of "cards" based on their rank. Should be in the Fatemasters book, but I am not finding it at the moment. It is so they can use abilities like Rapid Fire and etc.
  4. The idea was to give you a reason to want to take a certain pursuit for different sessions.
  5. The AV is just a quick ref when you are playing the game so you don't have to keep adding things up.
  6. Now that we got dual faction masters and models, I would love to see alt models based off that. Guild alt McMourning or Neverborn alt Lucius, something along those lines. As for running out of Gencon Miss models, did you not see this year's model?
  7. Really, the idea has been eating away at me. Feel I want to do something with it.
  8. Yup! Let's keep it simple. Could always do a rare type limit on models. Only one of each type for certain characteristics. That way if you want to pick Construct, you can, but you can only have one of any one model.
  9. Whoot! There will only be 3 players from Omaha sadly. Working on a Halloween crew now!
  10. I am going to one of those tomorrow also! Thing is, are you using the 20 minute rule? If so, healing may be lower on the list. You got to get those VPs and get them fast.
  11. Why is there not more talk on this idea? Thinking more about it, this format would be great for a campaign.
  12. Anyone here find it odd that that they call Ryle, Ryle Hoffman in the story, but they always call Charles just C.Hoffman or just Hoffman? The poor guy has a first name.
  13. To be fair, they are all paperweights right now. Poor Hoffman didn't even get a chance to be an avatar.
  14. Even the sub forum on WGC is pretty light on Malifaux, and they have backing of A Wyrd Place facebook group (or the other way around, whichever). Not much need to go anywhere else when you can come here and find Malifaux stuff. You would end up coming here anyways.
  15. Let's look at what we know. There is a Siberia, Africa, Paris, Indian, Egypt. We know this because it states this is where the magicians came from. We know there is an Italy, Turkey, Three Kingdoms, something know as the Empire, and a Southern America. We know this is because those were the building styles noted when they crossed the Breach into Malifaux the first time. This was all in 1787. So Earthside is pretty similar to earth for the most part.
  16. LordZombie


    Rasputina had a pet hoarcat. I would have no problems with that. If anything, if they want an attack dog or something that is use to the gaming advantage, then say yes, but you control the pet. After all, even the closest pet is not always going to do exactly what it's owner wants. If that were true, my cat would stay off the counters in the kitchen.
  17. Wasn't New Amsterdam the name of old New York?
  18. That would be a great idea. Also they could do kits for the later expansions for gremlins and neverborn. That would be pretty neat. Even a build a construct or undead kit.
  19. Not too many NPCs or even models have a charge that is much higher than their walk.
  20. Personally, the one thing about TTB that bugs me is the whole fate system. Not the whole system, but the idea that the fates rule the story. The idea that a campaign should be players x 5 sessions and start a new one. If a player should happen to die, I see no problem with them starting up a new character and joining the group. If it is a real problem, just have them start off with those fate steps already done then work it into their back story. The fates should not be the end of a great story for the other players.
  21. I ran this on Wyrd Weekend, everyone seemed to like it! Awesome to see a hardcore event. I was just thinking we need to do one.
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