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Everything posted by LordZombie

  1. I did that with he Jorogumo also, and look what we got. :/
  2. Her face is a little potato-y, but over all, very cool.
  3. Classes start next week.
  4. ELIM Iron Painter Round 4 "Armed and Dangerous" Perdita always wanted a pony. She found a pony and more in Rocinante Ortega.
  5. That banner is not made of cheese, but it looks pretty gouda. Everyone likes it and I am not one to dis a brie.
  6. Yup, lack of noses and the evil new style (for a race so stupid, but in a good way) are what killed gremlins for me. Otherwise, I would have made them my 3rd faction. They did take the nose off the new alt somer.
  7. I got my piglets done, but I need to post up something else before the end of the month.
  8. The has 2 hooves on the floor, the render has 3 hooves on the floor. Thank goodness. Looks nice, no real "wow" factor.
  9. The race begins today! See everyone at the starting line.
  10. Yeah! How am I supposed to join in if I don't know what is going on? lol
  11. Semster Starts June 6th and run until June 27th Location: The Game Shoppe 4014 N 144th st Omaha, Ne 68116 (402) 991-8699 Classes start at 6pm Tuition fee will be $5 for the prize Awards: Highest placing student will win the box set of their choice. Join Malifaux University for higher learning to gain the knowledge needed for today's games of Malifaux. Learn about crew selection, scheme choices, and about your opponent's crew. Each week will focus on the 4 main strategies and all that goes with a preparing for that game. There will also be lessons in combat choices, schemes, and hand control. At the end of the semster, the student with the highest GPA will win a box set of their choice to help with their journey in Malifaux. Sign up today.
  12. Only way I see masters phased out is power creep. A book of new masters, Malifaux is starting to get the bloat.
  13. Any Lincoln players coming up for the event? I am working on how many personal Corpse markers I need.
  14. I think that is more toward bringing the dead back to life rather than being undead.
  15. Date: May 23rd Time: The event starts at 7pm with sign up at 6pm Location: Game Shoppe 4014 N 144th St Omaha, Ne 68116 (402) 991-8699 Fee: Nothing Prizes: TBA The Story Encounter league has come to an end, so it is only fitting to go out with a bang! Everyone is free to join, not just those who were in the league. It will be a unique tournament like no other! To enter, you get 13 soulstone to make a Henchmen. Henchmen that cost 0 count as a cost of cache minus 13 for a cost. You then team up with all the other players and try your best to be the first to cross 3 boards and make it to the end. Only one player can win, but can you make it to the end without the help of others? Only one way you find out! Come out and join the craziness. Other rules to keep in mind, The Henchmen you pick gains the Nimble ability. Players can use soulstones to bring each other back to life. Players can not use Attack Actions on each other, but there will be lots of markers around to help slow the others down. Each table will have enemy models the TO will control to slow you down also.
  16. That is a supposed to be a potion she is working on and the cotton is smoke. Should have had the cotton more into the potion really. And thank you.
  17. Thanks. I didn't sculpt her, she is a real mini.
  18. Nope, they are from Impact miniatures. A line of ponies.
  19. Here is what I will be starting on. I will add more later.
  20. ELIM Round 3: Wyrd Science Catalyst They called her Catalyst, because she caused an reaction everywhere she went.
  21. I had to call a mulligan for April also. April did not seem to be the month for most people. Now to get pics up for this month and fix that problem.
  22. I am going to have to use one of my muligans for April. The month had it in for me. That puts my score pretty low, but slow and steady wins the race.
  23. I made a list like this. Need to update it a little.
  24. The big, or should I say mega, event is almost here! Here are some rules for you to look over! The rules Each player may pick any three Enforcer models and equip them with one legal Upgrade. The models need not be of the same faction. All three Enforcers must be different models. Each round, players will pick one Enforcer and its Upgrade to enter the round. Once an Enforcer is picked, it can not be used again in later rounds. All other rules of an Enforcer Brawl will be used. Totems There will be four colored totems placed in the arena. The effects of the totems will change each round and the rules will be posted before the rounds start. You may pick your Enforcer after you see the rules. Prizes After each round, the top scoring player of each arena will be given the chance to cash in all the VP they have scored to purchase a prize. The may also keep their VP for later rounds. You will have to decide if you want to go for a prize before others or save up and hope you place high enough to pick next round. Players may only win one prize during the event. After the last round, if there are prizes left, players will the highest scores will be able to purchase prizes. Every player will get one Guilder for joining the event.
  25. From the album: LordZombie's Painting Efforts

    Iron Painter 2016. Round 1 entry. Theme was "Pretty in Pink". I call him Dr. When.
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