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Everything posted by jasonfly

  1. Jkrush: I kind of agree with your sentiments regarding the student of conflict. To be honest, I think swapping him for a desperate merc will do my list good. On a plus note, it nabs me an extra SS. Dropping a ronin and the convict (as much as that would pain me, I like his paintjob) could nab me a further SS and Von Schill. That might just be the thing I need. How does all that sound?
  2. Very good point with building the crew based on a scheme. Coming from other game systems, that's something I need to keep in mind. However, I was hoping to use this as a 'generalist' list, so I can learn the ins and outs of how these guys interact on the table. With regards to Killjoy, I'm not a fan of the mini, so I'd rather avoid him if at all possible. He does seem awesome rules-wise though
  3. Personally, I've found desperate mercs to be a great 'fire and forget' mini, with for my family and uncontrolled fire. I was thinking to maybe put a freikorps specialist in instead of a ronin, just to give me some more fun. What do you think?
  4. To frame my question, I'm trying to paint up my crews so I can finally put some painted minis on the table and am trying to finalise a crew. Here's what I've come up with? Outcasts Crew - 35 - Scrap Viktoria -- 5 Pool Student of Conflict [3ss] Convict Gunslinger [5ss] Freikorps Librarian [7ss] Ronin [5ss] Ronin [5ss] Ronin [5ss] Fairly standard as far as I can tell, but I like the look of it so far. My only concern is the lack of too much ranged capacity. I was contemplating substituting a ronin and 1ss for a trapper, but am not sold on that. Can wiser and more experienced heads than mine please give me an idea of some interactions/tactics in the above list? Additionally, what would you say to swapping the student for a desperate mercenary and another soulstone? Thanks!
  5. Alright, so I'm contemplating buying this mini because I think it looks awesome. However, before I drop the cash on it, I was wondering if you guys could give me an idea of how she does/doesn't function with collette/mei feng? I can see some obvious interaction with the rail walk movement as well as metal gamin, but I'm assuming there's more. Collette on the other hand could bury her I guess, but I don't see it as being worthwhile on such a fast mini. Could you guys please enlighten me on some tips/tricks with her, with regards to combos as well as the mechanical rider on her own? Thanks!
  6. Very impressive! I'm sure they must look great in-game. I think the crew as a whole has just enough color to keep it from being dull, whilst still keeping the gloominess of Hamelin and co.
  7. Nice looking crews! You use a similar basing style to mine, but apparently paint more frequently than me! Interesting scheme for Collette, might have to take some elements of it for my crew.
  8. Amazing work there! I'm a huge fan of bases with some kind of theme/story, and these are amongst the best I've seen!. Your painting skills have blown me away, I'm slightly hesitant to try and paint my desperate mercenary after seeing yours.
  9. Very nice work! The only thing that sticks out as odd is the death marshal's base, it looks a bit too uniform and lacks some depth from what I can see. Maybe a wash (or another one, can't tell if you already did). Other than that little nit-pick, it's looking great!
  10. I like the look! All these threads about Jacob Lynch and co. are really making it hard for me to keep my faction ADD in check. Mind giving us a couple of close-ups of the rest?
  11. Good lord, that thing is awesome! Any chance you'd consider making me one?
  12. Great work! Reminds me that having a Malifaux-sized table would be nice, rather than having to fight for turf with the 40k/fantasy players... Might have to steal one or two of your ideas!
  13. Thanks for the kind words guys! Hopefully, I'll be able to get a move on and finish these guys up this weekend. Would be nice to have a painted crew after almost a year of owning the poor guys! On a side note, I'm really glad I've got the Viks crew as well. From a painting perspective, it lets me practice both uniform, military tones as well as the more wild ones.
  14. Depends what look you're going for. Personally, I like a unifying paint scheme, especially in more 'formal' armies, which Guild would fit for me. Play around until you find something you like, metal minis can always be stripped, after all
  15. Nice work so far! The blood effect seems a little flat, maybe mixing some red ink into it will make it glossier. How did you apply it to the mini? Splatter from the brush? Looking forward to seeing more!
  16. Nice work so far, on the way to some great paintjobs! I'm liking the color choices, might have to steal it when(if) my showgirls arrive. As far as protecting the minis, pinning the joints+varnish is a good idea for regularly used minis, I know I've managed to make some of my mini's damn near indestructible (at least compared to the dangers of the tabletop). Looking forward to seeing more!
  17. Looking very nice! Any chance of some individual pics? On a side note, the sight of that many guns makes me cringe...
  18. Awesome work man! These are all looking sharp
  19. Looks promising so far! Personally, I'm still too unsure of myself to be able to sculpt from scratch..gap filling is still a challenge for me. Looking forward to seeing how he comes out!
  20. Very nice work! Not much to say other than you gave a great paintjob to a ridiculous sculpt!
  21. And here's the most famous man in Malifaux! Fun to paint, although I decided to keep the tan top hat. Black really clashes and draws the attention of snipers....not that it matters with slow to die healing flips! On a side note, that's the halfway point for my freikorps box set, hoping to finish them up next weekend (fingers crossed). Here's a sneak peek of the next one in line: In other news, the convict gunslinger got some nice hair... P.S: I may or may not be getting some rail crew members soon...I also have a kaeris box set knocking around, begging for some paint. Just a glimpse of my ADD for you all.
  22. @Omenbringer: I just couldn't resist. Besides, I quickly realized everyone and their dog around here seems to have some freikorps-I had to make mine special @Woodstock: Thanks! hopefully I'll have a painted army for our games soon . Now, back to your painting!
  23. Well, it's update time! (Was hoping to show you more pictures, but my phone+the uploading system were being pains, so I stuck to the best ones) A minor amount of progress on the main man of the game. Honestly, this guy is probably my most used mini (except maybe desperate mercs, they eat just about anything if used right) More practice in the flesh here, mainly the scars. I'm fairly happy with how they turned out, so I'll hopefully be giving him some more table time as a result. I have to say, going back to black basecoat on him was a strange feeling (he was undercoated a few months ago, hence the need to get at my backlog ) And a rear view. I think the grey trousers work pretty well for him but I'm still not completely sure about the remaining colors.... On my to-do list is to finish the viks and von schill, then do as many minions as possible. Sadly, Collette appears to have been caught at the border for some reason, so no idea when I'll be getting her in. Until then it's just practice practice practice (and find a better camera). What do you guys think? I'm eager to hear critcism/suggestions of techniques to try/in-game tactics to keep in mind/ basically anything!
  24. Very nice, I like the style you used for them. Loving Avatar J, the contrast works really well.
  25. ...And some more experimenting with the Viks. I admit, I went a little crazy here and one of the local painters gave me a hand with some bits (credit will be given for appropriate areas below) Flesh. All my work here, and pretty pleased with the face (still a WIP though) And the rear view. A collaborative test scheme for the hair, wanted to try something wild. I'm hoping for the viks crew to be drastically different in colors from the freikorps. Legs half done here. Planning to have the other one purple. Why not? Some freehand courtesy of my painting coach. He also did the shoulderpads, and I'm really pleased with they way they look. I'm probably gonna be going back over some freikorps minis and using this technique. Well, that's what I managed to do this weekend in terms of painting. As always, C&C is greatly appreciated, as well as suggestions for techniques to try/improve.
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