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Hateful Darkblack

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Everything posted by Hateful Darkblack

  1. How to face Lady J with Ressurrectionists: Get killed by her and win anyway. Specifically, get her to attack a really hardy model (like a Rotten Belle) and spend her whole Activation doing so, while your other models go around earning you a lot of VP. Then summon another Rotten Belle from the corpse and laugh maniacally.
  2. I really like your podcast! But I can't fast forward when listening on my smartphone! Can I put in a request for a download link? I know you're Immune to Influence, so I won' try to make you make a Wp duel for it, just wanted to ask.
  3. This is a really handy tool! It would also be nice to see what models were Wp4 or less, for Zoraida, but for that I guess I could just go to the Crew Creator and puzzle it out.
  4. I think Canine Remains is missing Hound? And Hannah is missing Freikorps
  5. I am guessing this is the link you mean? http://www.miniwargaming.com/content/why-dont-carry-malifaux Malifaux does have more prostitutes than most games do. Also showgirls, which are more sassy and sexy than overtly sexual but opinions may vary on that. I agree with previous posters on this thread - I think folks are conflating "existence of female characters" with "sexual content" - but I can understand why someone who was offended by zombie hookers would be offended by Malifaux.
  6. So, in M2E I've been mostly playing Outcasts. Right now I have every Outcast master except Misaki and I cycle through playing all of them. I wasn't planning to play Ressers much, but I sure seem to be buying a lot of Resser models! For Levi: Lots of undead, but especially Belles for manipulation, Necropunks for objective grabbing, and the Dead Rider. Also the Transmortis set, but that was because I like the models and the idea of a scenario pack so much. For Jack Daw: Nurses, the Drowned, the Hanged, Jaakuna Ubume. So much synergy! For Hamelin: Crooligans for objective grabbing. For Tara: Just about everything when dual factioned, but mostly I'm using the other Resser models I got for the other Crews. It seems like my choice of playing Outcasts means I'm buying and painting a lot of Ressers! This isn't a complaint, just something I've noticed -- the Outcasts seem to have a lot of Crew overlap with Ressers. Outcasts in general have a lot of odd Crew selection rules, but they almost always seem to involve adding more Resser models.
  7. I suggest you start with Jakob Lynch and she start with Seamus. They're both great starting Crews. (Ultimately, you should play whatever you like the look of, but those are probably good places to start.) With Hamelin, the rats don't get too crazy, because they end up combining. You probably want a total of 6 rats. You'll also need proxies for one or two Rat Kings. (They're new to M2E and not posted yet.) You may want to consider buying some Crooligans for objective running (he can hire them with Sewer King.) Leveticus, yeah, you probably want about 4 or 5 Abominations, and definitely you will need 3 Hollow Waifs. You have a lot of other options for Crew, but your Core crew is pretty strong. Maybe Ashes and Dust. Maybe one of the Riders. Maybe some Rotten Belles or Crooligans.
  8. Thanks Kadeton! Yeah, I'd agree that giving Nix an extra 1" to pulses and auras isn't worth the 15+ soulstones of extra models on its own, though I like the idea. My thought was mostly that Montresor and the Guilty can offer good things to the Crew (fast durable objective grabbers, where Hamelin's core crew is mostly defensive board control and objective denial), and that the synergy of increasing pulses and auras would also help nicely on occasion. Naturally, it'll depend on Strats and Schemes whether this is worth doing. Thanks again for your thoughts!
  9. Here's a Theoryfaux Crew I'm thinking about: Outcasts Crew - 50 - Scrap Hamelin -- 6 Pool +The Piper [2] The Stolen [2] Montresor [9] +Fearful Whispers [1] +Scramble [2] Nix [8] Obedient Wretch [4] Rat Catcher [6] Rat Catcher [6] The Guilty [5] The basic idea: The Guilty makes Nix Tormented, which raise all of Nix's many pulses and auras by 1" as long as Montresor can see him. Montresor flanks one direction. Nix and The Guilty flank in the other side. Hamelin, Wretch, Stolen, and Rat Catchers take up the middle, gobbing up enemies into a tarpit of summoned models and killing one or two in late turns, while the Henchmen grab objectives. If anything doesn't work out, blame The Guilty, because it's clearly their fault. Anyone have any advice for how to modify this? Or suggestions for how to play it? Other Upgrades to switch out?
  10. Okay, that's really clever! Soulstone Miner is Hollow Waif's new subterranean buddy!
  11. I taught someone this Sunday, and ti went like this: - Show them how a duel works. - Explain positive and negative twists. - Walk through a sample duel, including damage. - Explain the ways you can use soulstones. - Explain how AP works, and how activation goes back and forth. - "Now let's play a 20 soulstone game!" It went really well. I killed all but one of his models, and he still won because of strategies and schemes, which also demonstrates one of the coolest things about Malifaux.
  12. Any plans to update existing purchases? I know there's probably no answer there but I hope it happens.
  13. Go without Fearful Whispers and Creeping Terror maybe?
  14. Maybe he'd look like a statue of the historical Ferdinand Von Schill?
  15. I've always used the Nightmare Hanged for him, which has worked well.
  16. Anyone try Montresor with Hamelin? I feel like there could be synergy but I haven't tried it yet.
  17. I think SmogCon and AdeptiCon both have Double touraments for 4 players. For 3 players, in a casual game you can usually just negotiate.
  18. Thanks to Megan who helped playtest, and to Justin who helped playtest the v1.5 version!
  19. Look forward to it, ScrewedUpDice! A week for a short story is pretty darn fast, especially with the quality you produce.
  20. Aw man, good catch, The Grue. I started with using her name, then decided to drop it and I must have missed one. Gracias for the edit!
  21. Oops. Fixed my typo! Thanks, Panda! I was attempting to create a sense of mystery and tension. How could I write what someone else posted? What price was paid to make those elements so rich? What true emotions lay behind that emoticon smiley? If that didn't come out with the text, I guess I'll try to heighten that some more with a more enigmatic emoticon. :%
  22. Maybe note the specific thing that triggered the question as an example? That way the immediate question gets answered, but the ruling stands for future situations.
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