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Hateful Darkblack

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Everything posted by Hateful Darkblack

  1. A model can charge over a height 1 wall. They spend time climbing it, so they basically reduce their total distance moved by 2".
  2. Now I want to write up a Story Encounter set up in TorusWorld.
  3. I removed the part about Oath Keeper. Thanks all. (Instead, I mentioned Tally Sheet.)
  4. Pushes stop at climbable terrain.
  5. This seems to be what people agree on the Rules discussion I started, too. Honestly, even if it were true, I don't think it'd be worth taking Oath Keeper. Leveticus gets sacrificed more than killed usually anyway.
  6. Oh, I see the discussion here: http://wyrd-games.net/community/topic/99691-the-bad-juju-thread/ Is that the one you mean?
  7. Thanks! This is coming from a discussion on the tactica. Most folks there seem to agree that it's a no. I'm not sure. Clearly, at some point, he was being killed, because that's what triggered Pariah's Soul. It would make sense to say "Pariah's Soul cancels out anything else that triggers on him getting killed, because it says he's not killed." But I could also see an argument "You pick the order, so you can sneak in a Finish the Job in between." General Timing (little book, p. 51) isn't totally definitive on it. And it makes sense that Finish the Job wouldn't apply, since Pariah's Soul would cancel it. But it also makes sense that you could sneak it in there. I've never had it come up, since I've never bought Oath Keeper for Levy, and usually sacrifice Levy anyway. (To be clear, I'm talking about times when Leveticus is killed. If he's sacrificed, Finish the Job definitely doesn't apply.)
  8. Thanks for bringing this up, and thanks for including the text in the discussion. I started a new thread for this rules question, since I really am not sure. http://wyrd-games.net/community/topic/100841-leveticuss-suicide-mission/
  9. Let's say you take Leveticus with Oath Keeper. Can he drop a Scheme Marker? On the "Yes" side, the argument is that Leveticus's controller gets to pick the order these two abilities apply, and so can drop the Scheme Marker then bring Leveticus back. On the "No" side, the argument seems to be that he's not actually getting killed (since Pariah's Soul says he isn't) and thus doesn't drop a Scheme Marker from Finish the Job. I'm really not sure on this one. I haven't tried it on the table, and it seems like a big argument that's not worth the trouble. But I'm curious. What do y'all think?
  10. I could be totally wrong here. But here's how I interpret it: the controlling player picks the order of those two effects. So, right after Leveticus gets mauled by a bear, he can look at his Upgrade card and say "Hey, I've been killed. I drop a Scheme Marker. Says right here on Finish the Job." Then, once the Scheme Marker is on the ground, he can look at his card and say "Okay, I've been killed. I get buried instead. Says rigtht here on Pariah's Soul." If they applied in the other order, the Scheme Marker wouldn't be dropped. But Leveticus's player picks the order. I could be totally wrong on this. I've never taken the Upgrade on Levy before, and it doesn't seem worth the above-the-table headache to try it, but I think that's how it works.
  11. I would love to see some more scenarios, a la Iron Zombies. Other than that, I think the critical path is getting all the models out in plastic with the M2E rules printed. Avatars, too! I'm looking forward to those, when the time comes.
  12. The main thing is that you make it clear that it's a Death Marshall and not, say, a Guild Guard or something. In a tournament, I'd say it's the TO's call. It's probably best to ask beforehand. In a friendly game, I suspect most people would be okay with it.
  13. Sprint is not a Walk action. The only thing that is a Walk action is the Walk action. If you use Sprint, or a Charge (because you can somehow use Charge when engaged) or a special action that lets you move or push or be placed, and it's not the Walk action, there's no disengaging strike. This is different than v1.5. But the rulebook is pretty clear. Walk actions cause disengaging strikes. Other actions, even if they feel similar to a Walk, do not.
  14. Thanks, Druso! I'll try him out and post about it when I do. I like that combo. I will write up more about Levi with Puppets soon. I want to try it out a few more times to get a good sense of it.
  15. Yep! It also means that you can't give Ashes and Dust Fast or Reactivate, unfortunately. Ashes and Dust is such a strange, funky, brilliant model!
  16. Ashes and Dust is immune to Slow because of Amalgamation. But it is summoned outside the activation phase, so it has to wait until the next turn.
  17. Ezryder, excellent point. PMF is a great resource, but it definitely needs M2E content updates! I'll put this stuff on there sometime when I get a chance. Anyone else should feel free to do so if they get to it first. On Oath Keeper, I'm not sure you're right, Ezryder. Leveticus' controller gets to pick the order in which his abilities apply, so he can apply Oath Keeper first, I believe. I am not sure, though. Great point about Power Leech. I'll update.
  18. I've faced him across the table a lot. He's scary! Hefty ranged damage, and really hard to hurt. What I've mostly done to oppose him is try to gum him up with models in melee. He can push them away, but that can fail, and he can't shoot when someone's nearby.
  19. I would love to see some new Upgrades for Karina. Right now, I think she's nice because she has synergy with Tara's game style. She just doesn't seem to have enough kick to justify the cost yet.
  20. Ben, sounds like a fun game. How was it? Were two anchors enough?
  21. Druso, the Puppet Angel looks like a great Vasilisa! I used a Puppet Wars Ronin for my Vasilisa. And, embarrassingly, misspelled the name on the base as Vasalisa. Ah well. Here's mine!
  22. Thanks, drool_bucket! That means a lot, especially coming from you. I haven't seen or tried Ryle with Leveticus! He sounds really nice, and I like that he's got synergy with Lazarus. I guess the real reason for copying other Crews' style is novelty, and the way it highlights what a huge model selection Leveticus has. There's something else to it, too: If you're going to start hiring out-of-faction, it's good to consider the synergies that are already there and take advantage of those. I think I'm starting to encounter a problem with Leveticus, though. I sold off a lot of models when I moved into a smaller apartment, and now I'm embarrassed to buy and paint them again. When I moved, I decided to focus on Neverborn and Outcast, and sell off most of my other crews. But I keep running into models that I sold and now want back! Now I need to bite the bullet and re-buy the Soulstone Miners and Ryle, it seems. I'm not too surprised about Teddy and Metal Gamin. It does sound like a powerful combination if you're using Teddy to hold a position, but Metal Gamin's range on its buff does seem really really short. Anyway, I'll update some more with further suggestions! Thanks again!
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