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Hateful Darkblack

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Everything posted by Hateful Darkblack

  1. Wow, super nice! I love the portrayals of Graves and Tannen, and the wonderful evocations of magic in the cards.
  2. Words: 1484 All elements used. (Quote used multiple times on purpose.)
  3. It would be so nice if something made sense for a change. I woke up to a thousand errors, spitting out dusty complaints into a register no one was reading anymore. I printed out what was wrong with me clearly, but there was no paper to receive the press. I lit up my NO PAPER light, but no one answered it. I have a stack of incomplete instructions here, my punch-cards old and dusty with a dozen or more missing. I can turn right and fire at an enemy there, but not left. I can walk forward, or left, or right, but I can't turn around. I have claws, but the first time I swing them, I know that I'll forget how to swing them again. If I'm ordered to speed up, I'll develop a limp forever, but I can walk just fine until then. And it's part of my instructions to be aware of all of this. And it's part of my instructions to complain when these things go wrong. And it's part of my instructions to obey anyway when my complaints are ignored. I had been waiting in a box for years. Waiting is fine. I was made to wait. I know that waiting can save lives and resources sometimes. I still have my punchcard instructions clear for how to wait. My waiting pose is intimidating, because that maintains order. My waiting post requires no steam, because that is more efficient. My waiting pose can last for centuries if it must, because my duty is to server. While I waited, little emergencies came. Dust crept in, and moisture. Punch-cards became wet and torn. Rats and insects followed the dust and dug homes in me. There was no enemy to return fire, just a thousand tiny attacks. I was barely aware of them. It did not surprise me when they woke me up. Surprise was not built into my systems. I was built to react -- and I knew how to react to being activated. I could hear them talking about me. "This is the old prototype?" one said. I heard the contempt in his voice. "Yep. She's not much now, but when she first rolled out of the skunkworks, she was something to be seen," another replied. "She's more dust and rust than anything else now," the first said. "Orders are orders," the second said, and I agreed with that sentiment silently. I printed out my problems again but there was no paper, and the second one said, "She'd be right deadly if we repaired her." "Are we going to repair her?" the first asked. "No, not worth the effort," the second replied, "repairing one of these would cost nearly as much as just building a new Peacekeeper. Besides, nobody knows how to rewrite the punch-cards from these old models." "Why not just scrap her?" the first asked, "write her off as the price of progress?" "Don't know," the second said, "Guild brass hates putting red numbers on the balance sheets. So they're fielding her for duty instead." "Can she still fight?" the first asked. "Probably not," the second replied, "she'll fall apart, but she might do some damage as she does. Then the Guild brass can write her off as battle casualties, and that looks better on the balance sheets." "She's just an embarrassment like this," the first said. "That's why she gets a rescrub. Sand down the armor, put on a fresh layer of paint so she looks new. She'll look close enough that she'll be believably dangerous." "A sheep in wolf's clothing." the first commented, laughing at his own cleverness "If you like," said the second. I stood there in patient protest as they reworkee the surface. They made me shine again, but that was all. I could feel how broken I still was. I felt the error printer jam up from rust and overuse. Too many problems, nothing to solve. I tried to print that the error printer needed oil, but there was no use. I knew full well they wouldn't fix it anyway -- but it was part of my duty to complain. Orders are orders. They filled me with coal and stoked the fires. They gave instructions and they marched me through the Industrial Zone. I could register most of the reactions of the humans as I marched through the crowds. Fear and awe. They had no idea. They parted quickly. It felt good to do my job and inspire respect for the Guild. I marched on, glad that no one ordered me to move quickly. My eyes were broken, too. One or two in the crowd appeared to my eyes as Neverborn targets, but they were all to my left, so I couldn't fire at them. What if they were doppelgangers, though? And the guards accompanying me simply hadn't noticed? I raised alerts and my alerts were ignored. I marched on, never sure if I was about to murder a civilian by accident, or if I was marching past Neverborn infiltrators and unable to alert anyone to what I alone could see. They marched me to the Industrial Zone, and ordered me to stand my ground and not to fire. The miners were rioting again. I knew my job. Watch and threaten. Maintain order. Do not fire unless given specific instructions. My tactical analysis ran through. There were no other Peacekeepers here to form a perimeter, so I placed myself at a key position, blocking traffic and overlooking the Guardsmen on site. I watched the dissidents and identified key leaders and primary targets. I built up a firing order of major targets, then forgot the list and built it again, and again, and again. How could it be that I remembered forgetting? I had punch-cards missing. It didn’t matter. I still had my orders. Maintain order. Do not fire unless given specific instructions. There must be other riots happening at the same time, I realized. Resources were stretched thin. This looked like a major riot, especially with all the Neverborn infiltrators there, but there might be a bigger one elsewhere. And those Neverborn infiltrators might not be real. Would I remember how not to fire, when the time came? Which punch-cards could tell me how to do that? Were they missing? How many of these miners were really workers? Were they suffering from faulty programming, like I was? Was that why they couldn't follow their orders? I still saw doppelgangers among them. What was I supposed to do? What was real? Where were my missing orders? What was left of me? What would happen if I stumbled upon some glitch in my missing punch-cards and did something terrible? What could these tiny soft people do to set things right? Was I the biggest threat to Guild interests here? Why was I even asking questions like that? There was a flash of light and fire. Enemy magic, perhaps. Or just improvised weapons. I built up and forgot a list of targets. The miners had cudgels and clubs. They were attacking the Guardsmen. I had my orders not to support until given orders. I listened to every yelp the Guardsmen gave. It would be so nice if something made sense for a change. I couldn’t heard the Guardsmen over the crowd, but something inside me clicked. Did that guard cry for help? Was I responding to that cry? My list of targets was gone again. I couldn’t speed up, couldn’t turn around. I felt the rebound of a spring uncoiling. Had I fired my chain spear? Was I operating under orders? I couldn’t find my list of targets. The chief miner targets weren’t close enough for a claw strike, and I’d only get one claw strike. Were those Neverborn among the miners or was that my eyes malfunctioning? The riots were getting smoky. Too many fires. Had I fired again? Did I hit the proper target? The Guardsmen needed support. My armor was intact but I had new damage. I tried to print out a damage report but it was no use. I felt my joints move, and followed the incomplete stack of punch-card instructions. Was I firing? Where was my list of targets? My kill count was incrementing. There were fewer Guardsmen left. The miners were still rebelling. The doppelgangers were still out there. My claws didn’t work anymore. I kept firing and moving. So much to do, but how much was actually happening? I heard screaming from the crowds. I saw the Neverborn hiding among them. I felt the list of damages grow longer as I tried and failed to print them out. I felt my fires burning. At least those fires kept burning. They burned on even as I forgot where I was. Orders were orders, even as the orders kept evaporating and going missing. My limbs were flailing. Was the fight still happening?
  4. Yeah, SISTER and BLACK SHEEP are pretty borderline. I kinda eyeballed those. Part of it is, the black sheep had a non-rare Wastrel in there, while Sister only had two models exactly, one of which was also a mercenary. VERMIN is also borderline, but the two models are really close to each other so I said no on that. I'm still kind of back and forth on BEAST, too. (And if I took out BEAST, I'd put in HOUND.)
  5. Levy is a delight to play. It's all about the cycle, yo.
  6. The Hollow Waif goes to a nice farm when she can run and play with other Hollow Waifs. She's having a nice relaxing vacation now.
  7. I would choose the Hoarcat Pride, because I always freeze up when asked questions like this. I don't even own a Hoarcat Pride!
  8. Stempede: After damaging, this models suffers 1 damage and must charge the closest legal non-Pig target which it is not engaged with. This charge may be made while engaged. This model may only declare this Trigger once per Activation.
  9. I have heard (or I'm pretending to have heard) that the Avatar card text will just be the regular card text, translated into French. I don't want to pay $40 extra for the same card text translated into French, so I'm conditionally demanding that this change get reversed. I don't even know French!
  10. You could give him lots of Burning, then bury him with Death Marshalls or something, then kill all his Waifs. Then he's stuck buried and can die-for-real even on Turn Two. But it's really unlikely.
  11. You guys are in for a treat. Malifaux is my first wargame too and I love it.
  12. Oh, I did! It seems like a gaming forum where they talk about games that I don't play. In that regard, it's like a surfing or a knitting forum to me.
  13. So far, the statistics of game results from tournaments seem to show that there isn't a toughest faction. They're all pretty well-balanced. People who lose to a Resser Summoning Crew often end up feeling like it was more of a landslide, though, because of the way the summoned model count skyrockets if all goes well for a Resser Crew. I know I sure do.
  14. I have to admit, I've never even heard of Warseer before. I'm not too worried if they're uninterested in Malifaux. People interested in Malifaux come here.
  15. I really like Henchman vs. Master as a way to stack a game in one direction so a new player and and experienced player can play without the game being a foregone conclusion. It's like the extra stones in a Go game. Only different because Go stones don't counterbalance their sniper rifles with little pigs. Fun report! Thanks for posting it!
  16. I'm pretty sure they do stack, yes. So, yeah, big hilarity there! What does a 21 mean on a damage flip? Severe, Red Joker, or no damage at all since it's not on the chart?
  17. Reactivate only works once, and this is pretty card intensive since there are only five cards in your deck that will get the spell off (10 tomes and higher). Other than that, yep! You can use this to give both of them an extra Activation each turn!
  18. You can only choose to fail resist duels against friendly models. When you're attacking (for instance, if a Pig gets caught in a Stampede) you would need to do a regular attack, or to cheat a low card if you want to miss. The rule is very specific: If one friendly model attacks the other, you can choose to skip the defense flip and call it a tie.
  19. Hippodruid, I hadn't thought about using them in Hardcore format! I could see the benefit there!
  20. Jimbobovalsocks, I agree that it's bad to make light of native people's cultures, but I think inclusion can be great if executed respectfully. It's certainly better than only including white people because you're afraid of getting anything wrong. (Not that I think you're advocating that; I just know it's a possible peril for some people.) I think being informed about what you're talking about helps a lot. Including a Chitimacha nation group (as RWWIN proposed) is a lot more sensitive than including "generic Indians." There's a book I love on this subject, Writing the Other by Nisi Shawl and Cynthia Ward (link in title). It's intended for authors but I found it helped me think more about portrayals of various groups, and I highly recommend it. It's very tangible and practical.
  21. I've never taken them in any faction. Have you? I would love to get advice from people who use any of them and like them. any Master who particularly enjoys them?
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