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Everything posted by Curropepe

  1. This a little letdown to me too. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it is a big deal, but the OCD in me wants every model in the same scale, and I thought the virtual rendering would make it possible. I loved the new Viktorias crew, but seeing they don't match other models, even the ones that should be in their crew (Vanessa), makes me like them less.
  2. An elementalist maybe? Somebody who can lead Fire, Ice, Metal and new gamins and buff them in different ways?
  3. I don't think so. They did say in a podcast the last 10 Thunder master would be pure 10 Thunder, so no dual Arcanist there.
  4. Now I understand what you mean, but, honestly, I don't think devs have thought so deeply about Hamelin's magic and how it is related to innocence. Very interesting, though.
  5. Well, I was thinking about Hamelin not because he has to be innocent, but because the piper in the fairy tale enchanted the children to kidnap them, hence the "lost" children in his crew.
  6. Did somebody say Hamelin?
  7. I love the Arsenal Decks (I've preordered all of them) but I know they already have some errata, and pdf would be great for having up-to-date cards. Anyway, an app, as said above, would be the perfect option (in addition to physical cards).
  8. I'd gladly pay for a PDF if I just had to pay once to be able to download up-to-date files each time there's errata.
  9. Yeah, I think they were, I just forgot those. So no new tormented then?
  10. During Beta (I don't know now, as I don't have the arsenal decks yet) there was a new trait, TORMENTED, and it was included in Hanged, Nurses and Papa Loco, among others. It was rumoured that they could be part of a possible Jack Daw crew. I don't know, I can see him leading a lot of insane models.
  11. I'm most excited about his avatar! What do you think it will be like?
  12. Well, Multiplayer rules would be for the game as a whole, wouldn't they?
  13. Just think for a moment about a second book with all Wave 2 Models rules, a Multiplayer variant (like the one in the Wyrd Chronicles, but for M2E) and the lot of fluff that couldn't be included in the first one. A lot of people would pay for that. I know I would, at least.
  14. I really hope that, too. I would love to have a book for wave 2 models, just for the Bios, the complete art and to attract new people to the crews.
  15. I think the shipping info is only provided to those in the USA, am I wrong?
  16. This is something I've always wanted, in order to pick a crew or know more about yours fluffwise. Im in. And, if we don't Copy-Paste, I don't think we will be breaking any law. There's a lot of wikis about a lot of Copyrighted stories, and I don't think their creators have asked for permission. Anyway, it would be great if devs say yes to the project.
  17. https://twitter.com/ericjgames/status/359795461357453312 Here you go.
  18. Yes, I did read that some time ago, too.
  19. I'll ask again then: What Range is Hans finally? Thanks for the answers!
  20. She is in the Outcast wave 1 deck, as seen here: http://wyrd-games.net/shop/Arsenal-Box-Outcasts-Wave-1.html
  21. I just want a Wallpaper for every crew in the front page, just like the first with Rasputina (Including Misaki, Jakob and Mei).
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