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Everything posted by Backno

  1. There really is no such thing as a good sythetic. They are great when you first start painting because they are cheap. That helps when you do dumb things like not rinse a brush out or dunk your brush to far into the paint pot. They also always make great dry brushes. Once you start getting better at painting I HIGHLY reccomend switching to better brushes made of 100% Kolinsky sable hair. They just behave much better, hold a point, and if you treat them well will last you years and years. I have a Windsor & Newton Series 7 size 1 brush that has base coated, highlighted, and detailed over 120 Ork Boyz and 80 Skaven Clanrats. The handle is a little beat up, but the brush its self holds a point just like the day I bought it.
  2. The fact the Arcanists tend to run more fluffy lists is one of the reasons I love them. There is less min/maxing going on, making the masters more interesting (for me at least).
  3. They are a random addition to the packs. They are all the same mini but there are 5 different cards for him.
  4. We do something like this in Dominion. We start with 10 random stacks. After the game is over each player gets to pick 1 stack and swap it with anything else or we vote and switch just one or 2 out. Even switching out 2 or 3 decks can make the game play 100% different. And one last thing about offering of singles or sets. Does Wizards of the Coast offer singles or play sets for Magic, because there sure as hell is a demand for it. They don't because they will just waste time, energy, and money that could be better used towards producing new sets/cards/etc. If the demand is there someone will start buying a bunch of PWs boxes, breaking them down, and selling the minis off that way. Wyrd would just lose money on something like that so why bother?
  5. But the whole idea of the game is that it is a BOARD GAME first and foremost, miniature game second. When you buy the base game you are getting a full game that can be played as is. All the other boxes are just meant to be expansions to said game (because again board game first, miniature game second). It's the same thing for an Arkham Horror, Descent, or any other game with a bunch of expansions. You buy a base game and expansions to give you and your gaming group more options. The reason the wife and I bought everything was because it's a fun game, with a miniature wargame feel, that is easy to teach and fast to play. With my wife and I buying everything none of our friends have to buy in and we all get to enjoy the game in some fashion. If you are trying to turn Puppet Wars into a tournament ready, build some super list that is perfectly optimized you are doing it wrong and missed the focus of the game.
  6. To all the people complaining about how PW is packaged do you go to the store looking for to buy just the blue cards from the Uno deck? Do you try to buy only the spades from a deck of cards? Do you try to buy only the submarines from Battleship? Because that is basically what you are asking them to do. As for all the people crying about not getting Teddy I have 4 of them, $50 per Teddy.
  7. Agreed. It's those Neverborne players I'm tellin ya.
  8. Why am I having thoughts of mechanical spiders....
  9. I have always liked using Seamus vs big nasty puppets. It is by no means a guarantee, but it can help slow them down so you can wall them up and tear em apart.
  10. I use 2 old GW pots plastic glued together with a wad of sticky tack on top. Lets me hold a full handle using all my fingers, greatly reducing the fatigue of paints a ton of guys at once.
  11. The only issues you can have is with spray prime or spray clear coats. If you need to spray keep the can indoors while you shake the crap out of it. Once it's mixed walk out, spray, and bring everything back inside. I have done this when the temp was well into the negatives and had no issues. Had to prime 90 Fantasy Night Goblins and not a single one had an issue.
  12. So how did you do those? Green stuff and just draw a grain?
  13. Master - Seamus Who doesn't love a guy with an army of undead hookers. Plus his pop gun is a wonderful tool to stop someones big nasty sidekick. Sidekick - Bette To go with Seamus's pop gun + baiting attacks and going back to the toy box. Pawn - Gunslinger Who doesn't love ending the game with a 50/50 flip.
  14. Add my vote to some plushies of the Puppet Wars dolls.
  15. Sup 4 Teddy from GenCon broseph :five: Which Teddy are you missing?
  16. My wife and I planned on doing the same thing with the lips of the bases to help new people out. As for the actual basing the easy answers are a wood grain look, a fabric look, or other things along those lines.
  17. The bag I listed will hold 100 puppets and having played around with the game that seems like a good amount for now. Down the line it might be a little restrictive, but for now I can comfortably double my current collection and still hold it in one bag. Size wise the KR Multicase bag is the size of a thin laptop bag.
  18. I got 2 of the Aquilla 4 cases by KR Multicase at Gen Con this year. If you get the bag with 4x M4H style foam you can hold everything they make for Puppet Wars x 2 in the foam and the rules, board, and puppet decks in the front velcro pocket. While it doesn't have a nice Malifaux logo it is available now and is more then adequate for the job. http://www.krmulticase.com/altheaquilla.html
  19. Part of it can also be you just kind of slopping it on. If you use a nice brush, and carefully put the wash where you want it you will get a better effect out of it/less mess to clean up after the fact.
  20. My only question is where do you live, because I would be interested in buying off of you on the cheap.
  21. Just a bump that these are still for sale. Not looking for much, just enough to help on another box set.
  22. Another vote for this. I have an army of WHFB Skaven that I transport in baggies. Never had an issue with ANY of my paint getting scratched or chipped.
  23. That is nuts man. Stuff like this makes me sad you guys have to wait and feel really lucky I was able to buy it at GenCon.
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