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Everything posted by Ebonstar

  1. I don't have a problem with it, at all and I don't really consider myself much of a competitive player. Honestly I would be concerned if a Raspy player didn't do that to me, maybe they are holding back like above, or I feel like I should point it out as an option to them. With the speed at which some crews can finish strategies, playing Raspy against them you better figure out how to slow those guys down.
  2. Welcome! Solid choice on Ramos, especially with the new avatar out.
  3. 4 hours! And I thought I was fast at 6 for a boxed set! Great work and great time!
  4. I'm way too far to attend (SoCal), but I wanted to comment that I find the experienced player random fixed crew rules to be very interesting.
  5. Collette is looking for more friends. Not that her friends aren't the very best she can find- she'd just like a few more theater types for added fun. She admits to me that she'd be happy with a few more exactly like her... Marcus complains that he is being mis-managed as beastmaster. He reminds me that he's also an arcanist, and could even tolerate a few non-beasts around him, as long as they're useful. Rasputina is having a glorious month, with or without Mr. Tall, Blue, and Frozen. Kirai is asking for new flooring. Not that she doesn't appreciate the number of toothpicks that were sacrificed to get her current basing... McMourning, Molly, and Seamus are asking for playtime. Those silly arcanists take up all of my time, they say. The Viks have asked to have their contract re-negotiated, and they want friends that can keep up, unlike that burly Taelor and redundant Bishop. Collodi now has more friends than he could ever dream of, thanks to a small box and a football team's worth of teddy bears... And X-mas has really come true for Ramos! He can't wait to test out his new Otto Octavius disguise! Happy Festivus for the rest of us!
  6. Agreed. I think given what she is capable of, she could stand to be a little less forgiving of mistakes. Like I said Collette is tough enough just to get to, if you're playing her well. I just don't know if the correct conclusion is to take the option away from other slow to die leaders...
  7. Agree 100% with this, but as I don't have experience with other ss users that have slow to die, I can't say what the general cuddle would do. Last Dinosaur's comments about these others seem reasonable...but I don't have the experience to agree or disagree really. If we were targetting Collette specifically, taking away Death Defying and leaving in the Slow to Die healing hardly makes a dent, since the latter is the more common route anyway. So we'd have to look at another option. Like I said I've only had to use slow to die healing once per game with a frequency of less than 25% of my games. Normally it happens with things like a single attack sporting a great damage arc, or a fair bit of undefendable wds from AoE's/pulses.
  8. IMO, this would definitely make Collette more of a challenge to play and a little less forgiving. Leaving Death Defying in gives her somewhat good chance at surviving an attack, since she's rocking an unimpressive 6WDs with no armor unlike Von Schill, no spirit, no Hard to Wound, and no Pitiful/Harmless/Terrifying. My personal experience playing Collette is that she's hard enough to get to for most players, and I've never had to use Slow to die healing more than once per game. I get the feeling that if I do have to use that healing more than once that I'd probably end up losing that game anyway, and I'm being outplayed. At the 30,000ft review, I'd have to think about what that general change would do to the other crews, and game balance in general. I am sort of liking the prospect of what it does at the top levels of play, but probably need to chew on it a bit more to decide for myself.
  9. I like them. Very clean and the pinkish tones make them appear very bright. One comment about the background if I may...when I shoot against a cloth background sometimes the camera picks up reflections of individual threads and I think that's what you've got going on, it ends up being a little distracting unfortunately and takes attention away from your good looking models. So for me it took a bit of experimenting until I settled in on a few different pieces of fabric, notably pastel/muted in color and with a really fine thread and high thread count. Certain pillow cases work well for me, and a few shirts even. A little experimenting with the camera and a dig in your closet and you should be able to find a good cloth background. Gray paper works great too, but I also like the cloth background.
  10. Looking great so far! I had a laugh about Taelor's base. I know, I know....
  11. Kirai, for some inexplicable reason. She is just so clean and simple- I want to go all fancy-style the way some of you guys have her painted. I will probably pick up another model and paint it up, then try the fancy and fail miserably, lol.
  12. Okay, I might seriously have to make that conversion. I should know better though. I painted my Marcus to look like David Bowie from Labyrinth and every single game my opponent has flipped a Red Joker and one-shotted him. HOOOOOO!! Ramos also has 1 glove.
  13. I have a tough time painting gritty, so I suppose I am cartoony by default.
  14. Welcome to the forums. Hope you post some pics of your mini's.
  15. I hate that not everyone sees HOW AWESOME THIS GAME IS. Why aren't those guys playing it?!?! Oh why oh why?!?! I also dislike players who suck the joy from the game, by being 'right about all things', i.e. you MUST take this combination of models, everything else is inefficient, you MUST pwn, you MUST...
  16. One week to go! Get those crews ready and head up to Riverside!
  17. This is good advice. Actually I haven't had the problem of getting stuck in combat myself, I just have the habit of not killing enemy models unless I find it critical to do so. That keeps me well out of trouble most of the time. However I've seen other Collette players draw slaughter and it changes their approach in a bad way. I played against a Collette player who drew slaughter and he dropped Cassie into the teeth of my (Kirai) lines. Bad idea, as I capitalized on the mistake on took a huge option away early. I should note that this player actually has a lot of experience playing the crew also, and typically plays well. When people think Collette they think about movement shenanigans and early scoring, sticking to strategy, etc. When slaughter becomes the strategy they feel inclined to play against the crew's strengths, and that's where the struggle is. To your other comment I live 8 miles from Mission Viejo.
  18. Meh, I know most don't think it's useful, but I've used it early game and then late game for finishing enemy models and netting SS from that. The way I run the crew I like to use Magician's Duel as the finisher most of the time and so it's really nice to have a huge pile of SS for crucial turns.
  19. Last weekend I played a similar list, just swapped the convict gunslinger for Performer/Mannequin. Honestly with the big 3 in there you should do fine as long as you can stay out of too much trouble. The SS Miner is nice as it can help you build an early SS cache and then it can start mauling things as the game progresses.
  20. Gonna have to agree Odin, you make solid points. The only thing I would say though is that the skills you are describing may be a bit more difficult for some players to gain. Collette is a super powerful crew- no argument there, easily one of the best in the game, and extremely tough to beat in the hands of a skilled player. The biggest problems I've witnessed personally with Collette players is that we make the kinds of mistakes you point out, like getting stuck in, or failing to remove ourselves from dangerous situations. There are other crews that are a little more forgiving in these situations, but as you indicate, they are also not as efficient once player skill and experience reaches a certain level.
  21. Lol fire and old parchment...what could go wrong? Great paint job!
  22. Southern California, specifically: GMI games in Riverside Brookhurst Hobbies in Garden Grove Comic Quest Lake Forest The Realm in Brea And just about anywhere south of LA! And occasionally Seattle, Chicago, St. Louis...lol
  23. Not sure what the availability is in the UK, but I use a fair amount of Forgecraft Games resin bases: http://www.forgecraftgames.com/catalog/ They are reasonably priced from what I've seen in other resin bases, and the varied themes are nice for Malifaux.
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