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Everything posted by Alfndrate

  1. It's okay... I feel like I should have traveled to work on dog sled this morning...
  2. I hate snow Nothing like making an hour drive into 2, and what should have been a relaxing evening of playing minecraft turned into playing real life minecraft with my driveway...
  3. The scene at the end is less of the French Revolution, and more of the fact that all of these people are free. All of these people that have had a crappy life are no longer subject to the whims and harshness of life. If you look, it's not just those that have died during the film, but those that have died in less than ideal situations. Specifically to the movie, you don't see Javert who took his own life, a very cowardly act in general, and also against the very Christian ideals that ran through his and Valjean's veins. Also just looking at the song that they sing, it's a song about freedom and those that won't back down. These people, dead they may be, are completely, utterly, and finally, free. Something that Valjean waited almost 40 years for.
  4. I thought that it translated really well to the screen. Normally I'm against most musicals turned movies, but Les Mis was extremely well done. There were some behind the scenes shots during promotion that showed that mane of the scenes were set up like a play. The biggest one that jumps to my mind was "Lovely Ladies" the scenery of the buildings as she's walking down those steps was a wall basically with just enough space for the stairs, and the spaces where the ladies of the night could hide out of sight when not singing. Edit: I think the thing that makes the film seem long is that there is not the standard intermission that we are treated to during 3+ hours of musical theatre.
  5. I'm far from a veteran of the game, but my rules knowledge is constantly expanding. Got to play an opponent that I had never played, and he taught me a few things that I didn't know. Just hop on and go into it like it's a game at your FGLS. If you mess up a rule, say, "hey my bad man. Thanks for letting me know." No harm, No foul
  6. It's not too bad to hold, you just hold it very close to the blade (i've yet to cut myself using it)
  7. This is just an update, due to other plans at the store, we will not be having Malifaux tonight. Instead some Flames of War will be being played. I will have my figures with me if you'd like a demo, just PM me
  8. Most of what I do is scraping as well... it might be of use to invest in a seam scraper. This is what I use: http://www.homedepot.ca/product/folding-lock-back-utility-knife/982712 and a 100 pack of these blades: http://www.amazon.com/Stanley-11-700A-Utility-Blades-100-Pack/dp/B002BYWIUS
  9. Dust, what type of knife do you use? I've found Husky Utility blades to be the best, because you can buy a 100 pack for cheap, and just power through them (and each blade can be used twice, so you get twice the life out of 1 blade...
  10. One of my regulars played against my Jakob Lynch, and he was beating me by like 8 on the initial flip, and I said, "Go ahead and cheat." He looked at me like I was a complete idiot. Had to show him Lynch's card, and he was like, "That slimy sunva gun." And passed because he couldn't go any higher.
  11. My old flgs owner got a demo of Malifaux, and that's how he was taught, and hated that you could just keep cheating... He liked the game a lot more once I told him that it wasn't the right way to play lol.. It should be noted that Jakob Lynch breaks this steps of resolution with Cheatin' Bastard. It would look like this: 1) Regardless of starting totals, The "Not-Jakob Lynch Model" gets opportunity to change starting total by (i) Cheating (ii) adding a card by using a Soulstone 2) Jakob Lynch gets opportunity to change starting total by (i) Cheating (ii) adding a card by using a Soulstone But that's an exception
  12. Nix, I would have done all Malifaux (as that is what I figured you meant), but it's not much of a crew if I don't even have a master or henchmen :-(
  13. Um... Sue, 2 Sherman V tanks, 1 Firefly VC tank, Ultramarines Venerable Rifleman Dreadnought Pyre Troll Light Warbeast. I would go all Malifaux, but Sue is my only Malifaux model on my painting station atm...
  14. Warmahordes in my malifaux contest?! My integrity, she's been ruined!
  15. As I start compiling ideas, what do you think should be in the painting criteria? 50% Paint Job 10 -20% base work 0 - 10% conversion work (this would be linked to base work so that they both add up to 20%) 30% theme? Base that on a point system Paint Job: 1) Base colors - Colors should be representative of object painted within reason ie. are leather parts picked out or are they painted silver with all the armor. (Worth 5 points) 2) Advanced Painting - Look for highlighting and shadows, are details painted like eyes, lips, or buttons, etc...? (Worth 10 Points) 3) Master Painting - Is there blending, a believable light angle (not osl persay, but you can tell where a light source might be coming from even if it's from above) (Worth 15 points) 4) Overall cohesiveness of paint scheme - Is there flow to the model (i.e. you're not staring at a single point on the figure, but your eyes flow from the top to the bottom), use of artistic effects beyond Advanced or Masterful (osl, etc.. NEED TO EXPAND THIS). (Worth 20 points) Base Work: 1) Basic Basing - Does the base have something on it? (This could be as simple as a layer of paint). (Worth 2.5 points) 2) Advanced Basing - Does the base have multiple components to it? (sand, flock, extras). (Worth 4.5 points) 3) Scene Bases - Sculpted aspects, realistic effects (water, snow, foliage, mud, etc...), does it fit with the model (wouldn't put Snow Storm in a flowery meadow in spring). (Worth 8 points) Note: For painted base inserts please use the painting criteria. Base Inserts that achieve at least a 2 in painting can get a 2 in basing, and can only reach a 3 if there are some "artistic" effects that are used in a level 3 basing) Conversion Work: 1) Assembly - Are there any obvious gaps on the miniature that the entrant may have missed? (gaps should be filled, mold lines should be filed, etc...) 2) Kit Bash - Are there obvious pieces from other models (such as the little boy from Nightmare Teddy) (NEED A BETTER EXAMPLE) 3) Advanced Conversions - Seamless transitions between the model and any conversions. Next to impossible to distinguish added sculpted pieces and original model. Note: If Conversion Work is being used as a Criteria for juding, all judges should ask if there are any conversions on the model. Also they should not penalize an entrant for not using conversions if Conversion Work is not a category. Note on Theme: Theme is probably the hardest piece to judge because an artist can be subtle with a theme and make it masterful, or they can come in with an over bearing representation of the theme. In this case, we are including a range of numbers for each category. Theme: 1) Model has very little connection to the theme. (Worth 1 to 4 points) 2) Theme is clearly represented, with effort involved in making the theme work within the confines of the model. (Worth 5 to 8 points) 3) Theme is clearly represented, and executed masterfully. Worth 9 to 12 points). This should give you a range of numbers from 0 to 50 points. Public voting with Judge's Decision This is to represent the most common, and probably friendliest type of painting competition. Each person or public may give a single vote to a model. Multiple votes may be allowed, but 1 vote per model per person. e.g. Tom has 4 votes, and likes three of the models. He may put 1 vote for each of the models he likes, but may not vote for one of those models a second time. Once the finalists have been decided (Top 3, or w/e depending on your field and prizes), each member of a panel of judges will judge all of the finalists based on the criteria listed above. From there the judges will average out the scores and the highest three scores will be declared the winners. With the 4th highest score being named honorable mention. Note: No system is perfect, we simply strive to make it the easiest for all parties involved to get the fairest possible outcome for the entrants. Sometimes public voting can turn into a popularity contest, and the person with the most people supporting him might make it into the finals. Well, it wouldn't be a Malifaux contest if we didn't have fate smiling on us. The Red Joker: The judges judge the finalists like normal, but may judge 1 additional model outside of the finalists. These models are then compared to the two remaining finalists, and the entry with the highest score wins Honorable Mention. Note: You shouldn't include the Red Joker or an Honorable Mention if there is not some for of reward for that winner.
  16. The focus of the piece is very clearly on LCB/Dreamer (though to be fair, Nightmare LCB is a single model with dreamer on his shoulder). As person accepting the entries, I felt the second "model" much like the snowman on Miss Terious Gift Giver was more scenery than anything else. Also what model is that little girl/kid from?
  17. OTT? It seems I missed that post lol... Man, this thread can move (mostly while I'm asleep :'( )
  18. I can't remember which thread contained it (this one or the one on Dakka), but someone mentioned in the Dakka thread that 2 of the entries contained multiple models, those being the entries of #2 and #3, I did say in the rules that multiple model masters (such as Lord Chompy Bits and the Viks) count as a single model. So while the rules were vague, some of the people in the contest or even voting weren't reading all of the rules... Idk... I know what went well, what didn't, and where to improve for next time (if there is a next time).
  19. AMG! WHAT IS IT?! (seriously, cool little adventure hook ) I'm terrible at these things, which is why I much rather have pre-made adventures, but I'll see what I can do. Adventure Hooks: A man has been seen stalking some of the ladies from the Honeypot Casino. When confronted, he says something strange is going on, and he has heard tales of strange happenings in the basement of the casino. The Fated are asked to spend some time investigating the casino to see if there are any truths to the man's claims. (Do they report the man to the Guild, or do they investigate? What lies ahead for them at the casino?) Might be a cool way to introduce Lynch, 10T, or to interject some light hearted RP while around the card table. NPCs Barney Calhoun - A Guild Guard that crossed through the breach months before one of the Fated crossed through. Is very friendly, and generally well liked, unlike some of the other guards. Can be used as a foot in the door in Malifaux.
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