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Everything posted by FoeRender

  1. Took a small break to make some terrian
  2. Looks good , but when time is available I think the main color can be broken up a tad more , maybe a different tone or color for the knee plates , the hoses in the waist , and maybe the claw . The OSL looks good.
  3. Lol he is looking for a snack .
  4. Finished the guardian and mechanical attendant Did some work on another watcher , bent the wings a bit to give it a more flighty feel . ---------- Post added at 12:32 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:30 AM ---------- @omenbrother , thanks for the tip il look into that bulb for sure .
  5. I like brutal for the healing , medic for 4 points , yes please! Makes lucius even more of a pain to get of .
  6. Yeah picking up a new bulb for that purpose this weekend lol
  7. Ok so iam refining my malufaux a bit to make room /cash for yes more malufaux stuff . Nightmare teddy NIB ( 85) Nightmare lady J crew NIB (100) Mrs. demeanor NIB ( 30) Lady justice alt. NIB ( 9 ) Kirai avatar NIB (30) Painted peackeeper ( 75 or 25 and a new peackeeper ) just want to repaint one too match my current scheme , thought someone would want it rather than stripping it . Painted nightmare teddy ( 100 ) Paint jobs are high quality pics on request Trade iam looking for Wardens x 2 Toolkit Palerider Ramos crew Lilith box Colloti box Guild hounds x4 Librarian Exorcist Brutal effigy Witchling handler Ramos avatar ---------- Post added at 06:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:30 PM ---------- The painted teddy , pics of the peackeeper to come
  8. Everything looks super awesome , nice work ! As far as advice goes your at the point where research of advanced techniques And blending will show you vast improvement . Usually this means practice and alot more layering , each layer showing the slightest of highlights or shading in the end its way smoother . Each coat being about 20 percent paint to water . Cool mini or not is a great site to research artists and find there blogs threw google .
  9. Nice work iam a fan of the hoffman/ramos combo myself .
  10. Finaly got the brush out after a long break and broke out the second guardian for my hoffman crew which is my current main crew . Layered some shading and started some weathering .
  11. new stuff looks great , when i painted my hunter i had such a great time just wish in game he was worth his cost .
  12. * peels himself from a photo on the wall , shifty eyes , jumps back into photo *
  13. This was an awesome thread , with gen con coming up we should keep it going , get some new faces !
  14. Nice work , you caught the feel of the family very nicely . The red for the avatar is a refreshing change , red is not my thing for her avatar but its painted well and is refreshing instead of the blue nonetheless .
  15. after looking at this again I am inspired to convert this guy as well . I have some great ideas for a the head which i feel is the problem with the sculpt .
  16. These look gruesome which for rezzers is a complement !:1_Happy_Puppet1:
  17. nice looking model , thumbs up from me for sure !
  18. good stuff in this thread , keep it up .
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