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Everything posted by Calriel

  1. Dear friends, On behalf of the Dutch Malifaux Guild I'd like to welcome everyone who wants to get back into the hobby, everyone who wants to get acquainted and everyone who wants to have some fun to our Demo Day in Utrecht. Date: Sunday, July 19 Time: From 12:00 to 17:00 Where: Labyrinth Gaming, Oude Gracht 207, Utrecht Bring your own crew or borrow one of ours! Main event organizer is my friend Paul Wiggers and I'll be there all day to assist and help with all playing/hobby needs you guys might have. Come one, come all! CHEERS! Sebastian
  2. Hey guys, Ever wanted to learn how to play Malifaux? As of 6pm I will be at the Fallen Angels Gaming Club in Amersfoort (Weberstraat 2 @Het Klokhuis) teaching everyone the basics and showing you a few of the many crews you can play. No sign up required, no $$ or tools needed. Just show up and join in the fun! Two Malifaux tables available, so come and have some fun! Sebastian
  3. THE DUTCH MALIFAUX GUILD presents our first henchman-run gaming event in the Netherlands. Get together with other enthusiasts at OBS De Brug for a few games of Malifaux. Date: June 27 Time: start at 13:15 until at least 18:15 Bring: 50ss crew (we welcome additional scenery) At least five of us are going to be there so come on out and play some games! New players and introductions welcome! If you can, please drop me a line if you're coming! Not required, but would be nice to know! Cheers ~~ Sebastian aka Calriel
  4. Hey Aaron, I really hope you get those new shoes! The webshop is awesome, definitely a step up from the last one. I found everything worked well and intuitive. There was one thing I ran into, which, considering the awesome email I just got, I hope is a legitimate functional problem. I was ordering on my iPad, which didn't allow scrolling down when I touched a picture on some pages. Instead, it would duplicate the picture and I'd be stuck on the screen (the screen wouldn't move, the duplicate pic would remain in the screen) until I clicked a link. I ended up being able to scroll down by scrolling down towards the side of my screen. I took a pic of the instance and the link of it is here: http://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpt1/t31.0-8/11078152_10205295406958037_392640408163036635_o.jpg
  5. Ooooh this is so mean! I've been looking forward to this model for ages, and the good news is that I know it's coming, but the bad news is that waiting for it to come out is going to be more intense! :p
  6. Thanks for the response, Aaron. I understand and support the strategy. Unfortunately I am in the Netherlands and store penetration is next to 0% -- 3 of the 4 stores listed on here for the Netherlands don't sell Malifaux anymore. Hope to see more Malifaux here in the future (:
  7. Sorry, but maybe I'm stupid. Why are the Dec&Jan releases only in the webstore in March? Are you deliberately holding them back?
  8. Which faction does she belong to?
  9. Thanks, I think the tutorial is really good! I'm actually thinking about going back and putting some more highlights on Lady Justice's hair!!
  10. Lady Justice is a pretty powerful gal. She lacks a lot of things as has been pointed out already, namely she has a poor defense and poor casting/spells. The key is to keep her out of harm's way until she can hit - and she hits hard. However, even this must be eloquently timed and backed up with good cards/soul stones in case you find yourself in a bad situation once the particular fight is over. You don't want Lady J standing alone after her victory. If you can manage for her to be the last figure to activate, you won't have to face any retaliation that turn from a bunch of enemies. That said, you want soulstones. I use as many soulstones as I need to to make sure my defense flips are higher than whatever they throw at her, so she isn't wounded. Therefore I would leave 4ss on top of her regular 4. This way you'll get the most out of your master. As for additions, I am not very fond myself themewise of these constructs. For me, her death marshals ought to be fielded simply because they look great, but they'll also provide you a fair amount of options, like pineboxing, for their point value. I love to take the executioner also. First of all he's an awesome model and second, he'll attract lots of attention (and fire) because of his sheer size. You get the point, he'll draw fire away from Lady J! If you are lacking firepower, you might want to add either Nino (Ortega crew) or Samael (Sonnia's crew), or just keep judge in the set. Enjoy your first games!!
  11. Thanks you guys for the ideas! I am a bit torn between which colour to use, but I'll try blue. I had never thought of red before, but it definitely sounds interesting, but since most of her minions are done up in blue, I think it'll match better this time around. Pics will follow when the warband is done!
  12. Hey everyone - believe it or not, I'm working on my first non-guild crew: Rasputina. I'm wondering if anyone has any good tips for painting her hair (black)? Thanks! Seb
  13. Hehe!~ Perdita could tame anything! Rawr!
  14. Yeah, it is a beautiful model and it is such a Perdita BAD-ASS. Thanks for all the feedback everyone... I'm pretty sure this isn't allowed in official tournaments, but maybe local tournaments will not make a big deal out of it. I think in that case you better bring your regular Perdita, too (which is a beautiful model in its own right)!
  15. Hey everyone - Just a first post from a relatively new player from Edmonton. I got two teams painted up and one more in the works. As I was browsing some miniatures, I think I found a nice proxy for Perdita at Studio McVey. The model is just absolutely gorgeous, but it is on a 50mm base and has the mount, which is obviously not reflected in the original Perdita stats. Despite these things, I think she would fit in with the crew and would look gorgeous! What do y'all think? Sebastian
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