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Everything posted by Paddywhack

  1. I found a few items that work really well for a swamp table. I wasn't sure of scale, but risked buying them and they are great! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09CD72LJ2?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09KQW1Q41?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details&th=1 I'm always hesitant about aquarium stuff, but the big log works pretty well I think. Not too expensive either. The rocks and other logs are all a good size and add some nice flavor. Ignore the proxies in the pic.
  2. Ah - Thank you! They have the ones I use (for now). After the holiday shopping is done might need to order a bunch of extras in case they stop selling them. To bad about Galdius games. Hope the people in charge are doing well.
  3. I just found out that my usual source of good cobblestone base toppers, Gladius Games Arts, seems to have gone under. I can't find them on the web and my old links are dead. Anyone else know of good base toppers out there? I have a decent supply still, but sooner or later I'm going to run out. Or if anyone knows if Gladius sold their molds to someone else or is under a different name now?
  4. I am very excited about this keyword and can't wait to buy the models. Whenever that will be....
  5. I still shudder to recall one game a long time ago facing a Guild crew that I wasn't used to facing (Lucius I think) and not realizing how far they could shoot (this was M2E). I lost it T1 before I could do anything with it....
  6. The + on attack is great. I find I have the best luck with it if I don't overextend him too soon. Sometimes I get excited and want to throw it up T1 or early T2 and I'm almost always disappointed with how quickly it's taken out. If I hold it back a little bit more, I tend to have it last longer. I also have the best luck if there is some efficient way to heal it (preferably from range), as it will get hit, a lot.
  7. Yes, but having that many high Mask come up at the right time is going to be pretty hard to manage. Not impossible, but definitely the very extreme end. I find if you can get one Quick reflexes and your Flurry you're getting pretty good use of them. Two Quick Reflexes attacks is awesome, but doesn't happen often for me.
  8. Yeah. Some of the bunches mushrooms/flowers have bases that I was going to treat like forests, but they are hard to make out in the pics vs. the mat. Still not quite enough to block movement I think. A lot of concealing (white fog areas) and some severe, but maybe not enough. When I set it up again I'll try some larger forest bases and maybe add some low walls/trash piles somewhere.
  9. I bought this Warcradle Scenics set: https://www.waylandgames.co.uk/terrain/91145-black-lake-bayou-set?search_query=black+bayou&results=7 and am trying to put together a swampy, muddy river basin table. The smaller boat is pretty nice and fits very easily. The Paddle Boat is HUGE, but makes a great center piece. If you take the top floor off, I think it's pretty playable too. It wasn't too hard to assemble either, but I've done a lot of Warcradle's stuff so am already familiar. I'm not sure I have enough smaller pieces on this table. Might have to try using the small building or other boat or larger 'forests' to help break it up a bit. Really wanted to play on it, but it was way too cold in the garage. Just wanted to see what it looked like on the table at least. More pics of the paddleboat, smaller boat, and building here: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AkfXqHIwwjCDg-JJBxQnfrdWHMP-AQ?e=g7kYni Now to get started on that monster of a mansion. Not sure how useful it will be for Malifaux, but I want to put it together just to look at
  10. I don't recall what Ramos had in 2E. Other than Ramos, what models do you have? You can likely shift into something new with those models. So you might only need to paint a new Master and totem. I'm As a Nicodem heavy player, I feel your pain, but the only models I don't still use are Nicodem and the Vulture. All the other models get used by other masters. It actually made me jump into other masters a bit more and find some other themes I enjoy. Ramos might be a little harder (no players around here, so I don't recall his crew), but you might be able to find something.
  11. They'd still have Df5 and Armor 2, so not sure I'd say garbage. Might need a little tweak to front of card. Ruthless or Unyielding maybe? Would help make them all a bit different. And lets face it, YL2 has no interest in Gokudo (sadly), but he needs retainers.
  12. That's still my go to. Remove Empty Vessel from Komainu and YL2 is suddenly a lot easier to get to. Might need a bit more than that too (drop Df or up cost). The only think on YL2 himself I could see is the trigger that is causing so much grief.
  13. Yeah, I'm not sure about Belles either, though they are pretty cheap. I like hiring at least one doxy as giving it GST makes them quite a hard nut to crack. Taking two with GST is expensive. I think Summoning one is the best. Maybe down the line we'll get another good summon for him. I've summoned a Belle when I had the card and stone and already had two Doxies on the table, but only if there wasn't anything else Baker could do instead. Anyone have any luck with Dandies? I've just not been able to find a good reason to hire them.
  14. Those are looking very sweet. Can't wait to learn more
  15. If anyone at Gencon has pics to share, those of us unable to attend would be very thankful. Or if you find any online and can point us to them.
  16. I wouldn't mess with the Komainu's stats really. It's Empty Vessel that needs the hit. That would help make Yan2 a lot easier to take down as well as reducing his movement potential. I don't have a problem with seeing Hole go away for something else, but I'd hate to see Yan2's flavor disappear with other changes.
  17. Wow! Those are stunning sculpts and a great looking crew.
  18. Couldn't you use the same argument you use for 5 for 4? Wouldn't they have said 'any' there as well? I see your point about #5 and think you may be right, but I'm not sure I agree that they are different. If Public Demonstration has to be the same model, then Reveal reads like it has to be the same model as well with 'either' meaning either your leader or the Enemy leader to have all three near.
  19. 1. My read is that you have to spread out the objects. For example, you kill a model with 3 cursed objects. You decide to discard one as you haven't scored yet this turn. The other two are divided up to the two closest models. Note it does say 'closest models' plural. Not 'model'. This divides up the objects so you can't just stack them on one hard to kill model. 2. This one is ambiguous and I've seen different people play it different. Edge is easier to measure and I think the more common interpretation. 3. You can only Claim one Strategy marker a turn, even if all three of the chosen models are alive and eligible. You have to choose one to remove a Claim marker from and only one. 4. I'd say yes. Curious to see what others think. 5. I think yes, but reading it again I'm not sure. I can see it being read that both have to be near the same model. I'm pretty sure it can be one of each though.
  20. What Maniacal said. Yes, OG Seamus has Why Hello Love, but he's also very mobile, so it's often hard to use it as effectively. Baker is in a nice bubble and while he can bounce away with Copycat, he likes to stay inside his crew and let Belles, Sybelle, and Doxies push people around. I've gotten a horrible amount of effective Min3 hits off with him in a turn. If Sybelle is near you get to ping Distracted and another wound. With some models or terrain, his Bloody Display can trigger more free hits and he still has an Execute on his Take by The Hand to delete models if needed. I also like that he gels better with his keyword, not that they're great, but I like playing in theme. They at least have some use with him. OG is more single hit big kills and not as interested in his crew. Baker is more a meat grinder and gets some help from his keyword models. Just my opinion though and to be fair I'm not a great player
  21. I'd love to see something like this re-instated for Hounds. They just die too easily on their own and are kind of designed to bring more. Wouldn't mind seeing something like the Oxfordian Mage thing come back to help some less-picked models.
  22. Definitely a bubble style crew. Between him and Sybelle, you can really ping out some damage and Distracted. Played well, you can get a lot of extra attacks from Baker as well.
  23. This company sells disc magnets thinner than 2mm at reasonable(ish) prices. Even have some with adhesive on them. I'm not sure what the depth of the newer bases is, so can't give you specifics. https://www.amazingmagnets.com/sf-disc-magnets.aspx
  24. That's just icing on the cake for me. If that was all they got from him, it wouldn't be so bad, but add it all up and it's a ridiculous 5-7ss model(s). Really I think of the Komainu as Yan2's totem - at least one is an auto-include every time.
  25. Right - but what I'm saying is Yan2 doesn't necessarily need a nerf (well, maybe a small one), but the Komainu does (well, Empty Vessel). Ashigaru are fine, but they are nothing compared to an Empty Vessel Komainu with Yan2 tagging along. Try Yan2 without any Komainu and I don't think he'll seem as broken. Even Gokudo, which really are never taken with Yan2, are not as good a replacement as Komainu. Empty Vessel giving Mv+2 and + to all duels really takes Yan2 over the edge.
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