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Everything posted by G3ck0___

  1. Got my order 8839 in today.After reaching customs Clearance facility at the 26th of august it got stuck there till the 5th. package content value : 150$ customs charge : 80$ :censored: Smells like Guild to me :blackeye:
  2. I'm hoping to get to there but i also have some family things to do. So i'll check if someone else is going for sure. Othewise i'll pm you to meet somewhere in the next few weeks (and maybe also have a game). Thanks again.
  3. I also had a great time, while the more regular players where absent, quite a few new(ish) players showed up. So there is a special thanks to our henchman HeadCase2 for helping out and making sure all had attention and help with their first steps into Malifaux. I hope everyone had a fun time and we are are going to have a similar day organized soon. If anyone wants another game/demo or wishes to try out another master shoot me a pm and i'll set things up. Thanks guys.
  4. Always felt miserable for not having the nightmare edition but this just makes me want to buy the boxed set and try something similar. Wow very inspirational. Can't wait to see it painted!
  5. Nice to have you guys. Lets have some fun.
  6. Guild : Dead Lady J. Ress : McM, Seamus, Nicodem Nevb : Lillith, Pandora, Zoraida, Collodi Started more or less 13 months ago and planned on 1 sculpt a week. so that makes the current model count ... 90 ... :hmmmm:
  7. check out http://wyrd-games.net/forum/showthread.php?p=284567#post284567
  8. First Malifaux Gaming and Demo day at Oboronn in Hasselt. When : 3 september 2011 Location : Oberonn, Kempische steenweg 27, 3500 Hasselt http://www.oberonn.be/routeplan.htm Time : 13:00h - ... For those not owning a crew but like to give it a try that day pm me and we'll see what we can do. Additional information(Dutch) can be found here.
  9. Exelent looking models. Especially like the look of the Hoffman crew. Well done! certenly woudn't mind playing and loosing against a crew looking like this ;-)
  10. Something like this... http://twitpic.com/61bkgh
  11. This is the one i'm currently using: <img src="http://wyrd-games.net/photopost/data/634/medium/Black_Blood_Shaman.JPG" /> It's a figure from rackham 'Enoch the elementalist' but i'm surely picking up the one from Wyrd once it's available.
  12. Real good job on all of them. Especially the blue glow around the dogs eyes. Was that intentional, because if it was i would like to know how you did it. I started assembling my ressers but now, after seeing the paintjob on your mini's, i got cold feet to start painting them.
  13. your on for next tuesday. Muster your forces, the beasts are leaving the forests again!!!

  14. For nekima, i thought it seemed just right. Book 2 tells of the largest Nephilim ever seen. For Lilitu you might be right, the succubus is a bit too large compared to the wyrd model. The second succubus model was better. I just thought she had the right aura. First I was thinking of removing the sword and replacing it by a wip but that would heve been a lot of work for a model that would be released soon. anyway here are some pics for size comparison. Lilitu isn't painted up though.
  15. Indeed, and there is another one in the picture below. I used that one as Lilitu. Just left off the wings to make here look more like lilitu. But now she will be replaced by the weird model (which i received yesterday ) Those wings where good for creating the Black blood shaman (used 'Enoch the elementalist' from rackham) and added the wings of the succubus.
  16. After a longtime lurking an looking its time to introduce myself and some of my painted pieces. I'm a new player from Belgium and obviously playing a lilith list. Theme? mmh mountain goats i guess .... Here are some pictures. Lilith: Mature: Nekima proxy (for now) Not realy professional pictures but you get the idea. I'm going to add more pictures to my albums as soon as some more models are painted. Comments are welcome (good or bad) Have fun.
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