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Everything posted by oozeboss

  1. Yep. Love 'em or leave 'em, but none can deny that the Neverborn do seem to attract the party people. (Love the work on Lady J, MKF!)
  2. Truly outstanding art. Thank you for the inspiration. (Dead good, bro'!)
  3. Make sure you're wearing safety goggles when you do! :captain:
  4. Google images, then print onto card. Paste cardboard people on to balsa & cut around the image. Base on balsa (cutting a groove in which to slip the cut-out), then use a small balsa stick (or a matchstick) attached to the back as a support. Stain the balsa bits with an appropriate wood themed ink so as to retain its textures.
  5. It would be utterly remiss of me not to take this opportunity to welcome both (yet) another Neverborn & another Richard to these boards. May they be your source of pleasure, wisdom & dreams ...
  6. It does now seem like you have the perfect opportunity to do both now, vegel. Welcome hosir - it's far too easy to allow our own prejudices to come to the fore, thus I offer you no gratuitously unrequested advice about which faction to use. So sit back, relax, and enjoy some completely random inspirations ... :zoraida:pandora:lilith:dreamer :collodi:marionette :hoodedrider :nekima:lilitu:lelu :teddy:daydream:stitched :masks:masks:masks:masks:masks :masks:masks:masks:masks:masks :masks:masks:masks:masks:masks :masks:masks:masks:masks:masks
  7. First up: welcome to the game, this forum, and especially to the wyld & wyrd world of the Neverborn. You appear to be doing this the right way in that you're setting up with set minis because you love them. We tend to advocate that here, as the game is quite balanced and the whole evolution of the game arose after that of those wondrous scupts. Pandora is one of three Masters widely accepted as being a tad more challenging to work out (the others being the Arcanist Marcus & the Outcaste Leveticus), but when sorted out she can be extraordinarily brutal. The trick is to get your head around how to play her, and therein lies your challenge. What I would suggest (and I expect that you've probably done this, but let's state the obvious anyway) is that you start by going over the Pandora threads in this part of the Wyrd forums. You should then pm a member called Karn987 and request a copy of his superlative Pandora tactica (he is very active, so you'll soon run across any number of his literate & erudite posts). Once you have done those things you will have a very good starting point from which to explore the subtle nuances of Pandy Lurrve, and from then on how your crew evolves will be all down to you. Have fun.
  8. That is such a subjective call. When I was 35yo a doctor told me that I was not going to live to see 40. Now that I'm well past 50, 40 seems like practically gaolbait territory. So - to state the bleeding obvious - imo he can be both.
  9. To summarise: * there is more animal lurrrve in this crew than on an NRL club (aka - the Notional Rupert's League) pre-season bonding session; * if you lose you're obviously still on his infamous learning curve & everybody will think you an utter hero for having the guts to run him; and * if you win, you're obviously an utter gaming god and everybody will think that you're an utter genius who should father their first born. Hope that helps. :marcus(dude)
  10. OK, I'm hooked (pardon the pun). I want to see where this one goes, so I guess you now have a moral imperative for finishing the project.
  11. Ain't it funny how many ex GW enthusiasts with a predilection for "freaky conversions" step straight through The Breach and in to the loving embrace of the Neverborn. (I never wrote my intro on crossing over. You've basically made it possible for me to do so in one word: ditto.) Welcome to the Dreamtime, brother. :thcow2::thcow2::thcow2::thcow2::thcow2:
  12. Tactica should be the start of an exploration of a crew rather than the ultimate destination. Were the latter to become the norm, crew selection would shrink to the barest minimum of orbats & tactics would be repetitive to the point of being terminally tedious. It would also make even our game - in fact, any game or life experience - as dull as dogmeat, for in such a monochrome reality only the original trailblazer would have dined on the rich & fulfilling experiences that springs forth from the alternating heartache and exaltation omnipresent in the wondrously mercurial process of Trial + Error. We are immensely lucky in this particular Coven of Neverborn to be blessed with many generous, wise & articulate enthusiasts, among whom Karn987 & Rathnard especially deserve all due kudos, but as good as they are, ultimately only you can travel your own path. Take that path, have the courage to hit the inevitable dead ends & speed bumps along the way, and then relish that ultimate and most rewarding moment when you experience your epiphany and finally begin to comprehend how you can play your crew in your game your way, for your greatest satisfaction and fulfillment! It will be then that you most likely comprehend that it is the journey itself which is the whole point of this game (and, if we want to go really OTT, of life itself), and that the destination is but a lighthouse by which we navigate our course. (Then return to this Coven and share that journey, that we may exult with you and that others yet to come may use your experiences as their starting point for their journey of discovery.) And now for the dancing marshmellows: :marshmell:marshmell:marshmell:marshmell:marshmell :marshmell:marshmell:marshmell:marshmell:marshmell :marshmell:marshmell:marshmell:marshmell:marshmell
  13. :congrats::congrats::congrats::congrats::congrats: Exactly what he said!
  14. Fantastique! Was really enjoying all the minis, but Kade is just sensational. He looks even more demented than ever in your piece.
  15. The continuing invasion of the greatest game you can play with your clothes on in to the collective consciousness of the Australasian gaming community is now set to crash through The Breach at the biggest tournament in the Southern Hemisphere: Malifaux CanCon2011 Who will become the next Master of Malifaux? 35 point Swiss tournament using both currently printed books. Standard Malifaux games rules apply. All rules and miniatures as of the 30th of December 2010. 6 games will be held over the two days. Miniatures should be painted to a minimum gaming standard (at least three colours etc), conversionsallowed, and no substitutes. Players are required to submit their faction only, crews will be determined as per the book 2 encounter rules (after the strategy for a game is generate). Please submit faction and player name and any enquiries to a_kievit@hotmail.com Entry forms can be accessed at: http://www.wargamerau.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=104692 I'll issue my notice of intent from the very get-go to suit up for the home team (no, not the Canberra *yawn* Faders): NEVERBORN :zoraida:hoodedrider
  16. Just a bit of a heads up for our New South Wales Malifaulles: Philip Tombers 2: Dead Man Walking Hosted by the Good Games Gosford Level 1, 135 Mann St Gosford NSW 2250 Phone: 02 43227937 Sunday 21st November 2010 Henchman: Damien Carter Registration at 9.30am Cost: $15 The Southern Battlegamers' DaNDies (your humble correspondent being a Not Dave) will be riding in to town 9 players strong on the day (including both Dave's and Not Dave's), so it should be a corker. Who else is heading for the ho'down?
  17. The swamp kinda seeps in to your blood, huh? Nothing beats a cruisin' and an oozin'! :party:
  18. Speaking as a Neverborn, one can never have too many Guild. They breed. We feed. :eating:
  19. I agree with the OP. I think that this is an insidious plot by Wyrd, and they should be held accountable. You can't convince me that they make these outstanding miniatures to be played with their addictive rules in a world so wondrously wylde, wyrd & inspiring purely by accident? No, of course not. This is just the tip of iceberg of their nefarious (not to mention, dastardly) schemes! They know - you can't tell me they don't - that we'll only want more and more and more ..... (Did I mention the cards? I bought 2 decks: a 'normal' one & a puppet deck, so now I can't even decide which one to use!!! Damn you, Wyrd - can't you make something average for a change - I won't even try for mediocre!) Can I have my medicine early tonight, Miss Pack? I think my dosage needs to be increased ..... :dancing2::dancing2::dancing2::dancing2:
  20. Excellent concept - consider that nicked. Now if only I could Doppleganger even part of your actual talent as well ... :party:
  21. I love the skin tones (even not allowing for their warping by the camera gods). I really believe that Neverborn should only maintain the most tenuous of connections for reality, and your vision fulfills that little personal foible. I also prefer your Mature's sense of momentum created by the raised hoof, so it's all down to subjectivity for me.
  22. It's a context thing - the fishing line is quite clever in the light of the pig being the 'fish'. I'd recommend painting it as string though - it looks far too contemporary in the shots provided.
  23. I play Neverborn, so what is "freaky" for some tends more to "ho-hum normality" for me. The surreal is real, and this - for me at least - is the core appeal of the game. I really like your concept, and would love to play on that sort of board. Using the two dimensional image of townsfolk as further cover is a sensational idea (you could have pinprick holes in some to indicate that they've been in similar scenes before). I think that you're very much on the right track & that this board is going to evolve in to something special. Please keep us up to date with how it goes. Malifaux: surreality on a dali basis!
  24. "Ooh Ooh Mithuth - need go toi-wet!"
  25. Not with this little black duck. I'm more than happy to just get the amazing figures I'm paying for, in order to unleash the beast of my imagination. :thcow2: (sigh)
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