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Everything posted by cromusz

  1. Haha, I finally had my models-to-paint down to just a belle and some gremlins. Now I have 20 something puppets to paint now! Good thing I love painting and the models are fantastic.
  2. Thanks for clearing that up Karn!
  3. That Teddy jersey was pretty awesome looking. I wanted one.
  4. Ok a quick question on the Animation card. If the animation card is an ace, do we get to flip an additional card and subsitute that cards amount as well then? So say my original animation card was a 2. I then replace it with an Ace and the 2 goes to the discard pile. After my oponent and I reveal our animation cards, do I get to perform the addional flip and add the card's amount to my ace's suit*2?
  5. There is some great info in this thread! I need to go pickup the grave spirit.
  6. I learned that the word "cheat" or "cheating" is not acceptable in puppet wars...darn malifaux lingo.
  7. You all were great. Thanks for your time and getting my friends interested in puppet wars! Now we just need to get them to pick up the multiplayer expansion so we can have more masters and pawns!
  8. I demo'd puppetwars several times in the vendor hall and in the game hall. Thanks for going over the game in a little more detail and for the demos.
  9. I saw the prototype at Gencon and it was very nice. They are going to expand it so that it will hold the board, cards, counters. and models.
  10. I'm happy with the size of the board. There are going to be some heated battles on the floor of that shack. I can't wait to get four players going in there. It's going to be a stuffingbath.
  11. I was lucky enough to be wearing my puppet wars shirt and I found Teddy in the game hall. He gave me the five pack. All the different faction cards are the same except for the outcast card which has higher animation costs. These little guys sure build up with power as the game goes on. I can't wait for them to start eating my enemy's puppets! The models are all the same. I also want to say thank you to Steve for being able to persuade my friends into picking up Puppet Wars.
  12. I will be there as well. Planning on being there all day Friday, most of Saturday, and maybe a little on Sunday.
  13. Just came back to this thread for a refresh of the info. Thanks again
  14. Hey Sandwich, tonight is game night so I'm going to try to use some of your ideas! Can you do a post that says what changes you make and the date so that I can try to keep track of what I need to read over again? I don't want to miss any little pieces of wisdom you add in! Again, thanks for all of your time you put into this. It's been a great help.
  15. I have read both books and there really isn't much more detail regarding his prior activities.
  16. Make sure you check out the Seamus Tactica. It has tons of great info in there that really helped me out when building my different lists.
  17. Wouldn't the Gunslinger cost 6 SS or am I missing a rule?
  18. Details? I can't decide between hanged/sybelle/bete/punks lol so many options
  19. This thread is wonderful. Can't wait to see the book two updates
  20. This thread has been very helpful! So is the general consensus around here to use a gremlin heavy army over a pig heavy army? I am still working on building a 25ss and 30ss list and working out which swarm is better for which scenario. Also, I have couple more question. When pigs are stampeding. Do they have to do multiple Terror checks against the model they are attacking? I know that stampeding pigs don't fall back, but what happens when they fail a Terror duel? Or do they even have to do the duel in the first place!? Thanks for your help and I can't wait to see what lists people start using with the new stuff that is coming out!
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