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Everything posted by Xango

  1. i`ve been following the battlebunker videos in you tube, i think the store is great, the work you are making for games too, keep it up and greetings from Mexico.
  2. Hi fire, i can only speak about the crews i have played with and against, with just the totem they are really balanced, i am talking about... Zoraida, Pandora, Lady justice, Marcus and Rasputina, the only box that i have that would recommend a extra blister besides the totem is Ramos (buy extra spyders) hope this help, oh and also, do not worry to match exactly the number of SS of 2 crews, if you are playing a 30SS game and a crew have 24ss and the other 29ss there is no advantage in low difference, sometimes is better to have bigger ss pool than another mini.
  3. hi carpet, if you tell the guys in the forum some crew options or the style of play that you like, a bunch of posts will come with suggestions, welcome to this amazing game.
  4. My wife play`s pandora and as an opponent i can tell you is a great crew, i personally just HATE baby kade, and she has won all our games. Hope this help cause the death marshals minis are awesome!
  5. I agree that goblins are cartoonish, great crew, the are my next addition.
  6. Hi thomas, i have to say that malifaux is my 2nd favorite game, if you are looking for sci-fi, go for infinity, IMHO is the best miniature game in the market. AT-43 has the same activation system that malifaux has and is fun to play, and if you do not mind a no sci fi but good skirmish games i strongly recomend okko and arena deathmatch (samurais vs demons and gladiators)
  7. Ok, so you need manly food, i can throw to the list some hot, and i mean HOT! mexican high quality dishes!!!! how about that!
  8. Rath, i`m your fan bro, your crews are awesome, i like a lot the convict and zoraida`s hat, really, great unique work.
  9. welcome munkey, enjoy this wonderful game!
  10. Welcome buddy, ramos is great, have fun
  11. Scary, nasty, frightening piece of work, good job!
  12. Angel Giraldez, an spanish amazing painter does commisions, you can check his blog and actually chat with him. Cheers.
  13. Welcome meat! let us know which faction you`ll play, enjoy.
  14. wow, malifaux is spreading the good work itch, i can`t remember the last time i saw a regular painting job, good!!!!!
  15. Starting good! now a lot of k9`s and zombies and vultures, and...
  16. Good, good, now to the paint department!
  17. Nice! great ideas for bases!
  18. welcome sandwich and enjoy this great game!
  19. good! does not matter the crew as long as you are playing, you`ll see, great game.
  20. Men! i just love when Zoraida kicks a... everywhere, thanks, great fun, good batrep.
  21. Do not wait to long, you are missing a great, grat game markus, welcome.
  22. nice proxys, great b/w tecnique!
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