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Everything posted by Somnicide

  1. Smoke pillars on summoned jorogumo. Also if you can get extra flicker when summoning the Jorogumo it can do the bury and place at end of turn.
  2. Will you be the father of my children @InvokeChaos? seriously, this should be stickied
  3. Anyone run this combo yet? I tried it out for the first time the other day and while I underestimated my opponents shooting and lost her to an oathkeeper Parker activation I think there might be some interesting application of jorogumo (both hired and summoned with 2+ flicker). Anyway has anyone tried it out yet?
  4. Shenlong is not a simple master, though. That needs to be made very clear. He can do so much, and so enable his crew that it is easy to just spend the whole game being "cute" but not actually doing anything, which can lead to frustration. Asami is really fun, and if you are looking to just stick to 10t as a secondary faction, she is interesting, if you are just starting and don't want to lay out a ton, she is actually decent as a caster. Granted, you won't be able to use a lot of it in other factions, but she's great if you don't want to buy the whole faction. You can spot pick some single non-oni models like 10t brothers, lone swordsman, etc, and basically be done and be able to compete in most every scheme/strat.
  5. I played another game with her last night after having flirted with Misaki and Shenlong for a few weeks. She is just so amazingly flexible. I ultimately lost but it was 7-10 as opposed to the last time I played this opponent (far and away the best in our group). Last time I lost 0-10 with Shenlong and felt I had no idea how I was going to get points. This game my opponent had to work at it, plus she got to devour Asami with her other mouth, and that's always cathartic. Also this was the first game with a good pool for Feigned Weakness, and getting 4 free summons was nice. Sucks they still keep slow though.
  6. Just adding for posterity that this was cleared up in the FAQ in case someone searches for it in the forum rather than the FAQ. "Yokai that get an extra action on a charge do not get the Frenzied Charge bonus to it"
  7. People have no problem pointing out a jorogumo as a tough thing and that requires a 13 of masks(yes, she can use ss, but she likes those for damage prevention unless you are just letting her do what she wants, in which case you will be drowned in murder monkeys). You have a ton of card cycling so it shouldn't be too difficult to get that card in hand. Asami burns through cards like crazy. If you force her to hold on to two cards that limits her, and if you do manage to knock off a heavenly design you really screw her gameplan hard. In the mean time, Hans can also one shot a terracotta warrior, or any of the scheme runners, regardless of which 10t master, and we are very upgrade reliant, shoot the conflux off of the emissary, shoot recalled training off of the beat stick enforcer, shoot promising disciple off of Yu. Shenlong likely has enough card you won't really threaten him, but if you get a chance to knock off his style he can't switch for the rest of the game, so will need to be a bit more conservative. You need to threaten her and keep her on the defensive. I have more games against rezzers than any other faction(followed closely by Outcasts) Molly is a pain, Reva is a pain because the corpse candle can't really be stopped and her beat down is really tough to take for a fairly fragile glass cannon. Kirai can play her own game as she always does, and a pair of hanged in concert can be a real pain. Nicodem has to switch from primary summon engine to his enabler mode, because as mentioned there won't be many spare corpse markers, but the emissary with my little helper is really solid and double 0 action. Seamus is a bit weak against her. McMourning can get to, and kill her pretty easily, but as always you have to watch over extending. Bettari with flaying song will likely kill one model a turn, but rezzers are better than anyone at tying her up with chafe. I am just saying from experience the things that have messed me up on the table.
  8. Probably but that means she doesn't have something else. Any competent opponent that knows they are facing Asami should hire Hans.
  9. She's also only willpower 5, so anything you can do to force wp tests will make her grumpy. Also, yes she can easily get to opponent's back line with a couple of pushes (one which likely made her fast) plus 6" place. Of course, that over extends her greatly. Summoning 2 jorogumo took 2 13s and at least 1 ss. It meant they were probably just there to tie you up for a turn and make you panic, which it sounds like you did. Shards are a pain in general and for Bettari, even though she ignores LOS - place them the correct distance from your models so she won't have range to charge. Also, she doesn't have diving charge, so she can't charge if she's engaged - granted 10t have a lot of pushes generally and Asami can help her out with a pull, but it still controls angles and distance. Asami is pretty fragile but that native 7 def is a legit pain in the butt. That said to make things near her charge as a (1) she has to take more damage and you want to make your opponent reluctant to take the damage. The place effect from A Heavenly Design and her built in heal are both (0) actions so she can't do both in a turn. My main master right now is Asami and these are all things that have caused me consternation when facing rezzers. The 10t board is dead right now so I thought I'd browse around the other forums - guess I should stop telling you how to beat me ;-)
  10. I find Asami to be incredibly mobile and fast. I wouldn't want to slow her down for Tannen and frankly her 0 place is great defense along with grasping strands if you are really worried.
  11. I've used the reaching tendril often, but I play her very aggressively.
  12. Yeah no chance. I look forward to using the high river monks in m3e.
  13. This was the scheme pool and strat- Random encounter generated with CrewFaux Deployment: Corner Deployment (9) Strategy: Collect the Bounty (Jokers) Schemes: * Claim Jump (Always) * Eliminate the Leadership (Doubles) * Dig Their Graves (Crows) * Undercover Entourage (2) * Search The Ruins (8) I took a suboptimal crew because I wanted to try one of each of the monks with his first outing, and was a bit surprised with just how terrible that themed list was. For instance, my first outing with Asami I did similar, and same with Misaki and both of those games were losses but nowhere near this awful.
  14. I know many people, myself included, like to have a core 30-35 SS list and then fill in the rest for strats and schemes. Most of what I see about Shenlong is fairly old and I was curious for those of you running him what your core lists look like these days, as I'm just starting him. I played my first game with him last week and was more or less humiliated 10-1. I did fine with the stance dance and Shenlong did well, but the rest was a hot mess other than Shadow Emissary and low river monk giving me three extra cards a turn (and the Shadow doing some damage).
  15. Yeah I picked mine up on the Black Friday sale - I'd not be surprised if he were available in the upcoming Easter sale
  16. This is what I've settled into as a pretty common core. 50 SS Ten Thunders Crew Asami Tanaka + 7 Pool - A Heavenly Design (2) - Grasping Strands (1) - Nefarious Pact (2) Ohaguro Bettari (8) - A Taste For Flesh (1) - Recalled Training (1) Obsidian Oni (6) Terracotta Warrior (5) Akaname (4) Akaname (4) (exported from CrewFaux) the akaname usually end up doing a first turn combo to puke up a corpse/scrap marker where I want to summon something for an extra flicker and then run schemes, but depending on my opponent the pool table setup etc they might get swapped out for Thunders brothers or yokai or combine for something bigger if I feel I'll need a dedicated tank or beater. They are definitely not required, I've just found I like what they add for my style. I almost treat them more as an alternative to a totem than anything else really. I just like the little guys and they usually win games with aggressive scheme running. The remaining choices are usually fully in support of the strategy and scheme pool.
  17. I just wanted to share this amazing Ten Thunders themed terrain my friend Tim built for me. Let's see your Ten Thunders terrain!
  18. Yeah it's target a scheme marker then place within 6, so you could make claim jump hard by possibly moving one between two others to cancel out.
  19. So, now that the Wokou Raiders have been out a couple of months, are people using them? What are their thoughts on them? 8 ss seems hard to fit in to the Misaki lists I've been running, but the models are absolutely gorgeous so I'd like to figure a way to make them happen, if they will ever see table time. Thanks!
  20. No, but 6 might be. I'd like to see them be Rare 3, then give the Taxidermist a front of the card ability that either doesn't count summons toward that value, or let him "unlock" +3 rare. Then at least there is the additional opportunity cost of also having to bring 7 more points worth of what is actually a decent enforcer but you don't necessarily want that in every crew.
  21. Ancient Protection isn't either/or - you can have it on multiple models, you just can't put it on more than one model a turn with a single terracotta warrior.
  22. No but ancient protection can eat the damag from their shot. Only once but still it's helpful
  23. I was just thinking about samurai some since I have one on the way and realized that with a terracotta warrior you almost have both favor of jingoku and room for one other favor on him. That's kind of neat. Any other samurai tips?
  24. I've been tempted to call this with Asami and then focus on summons and making sure you have only a single Flicker on each one at the end of the turn - that lets you maintain model count but still have fewer when it counts and with a heavenly design they can also be pseudo scheme runners. It also helps offset some of the cost of the enforcers - I'd include Yamaziko and Chiaki along with a samurai and Bettari who has the option to be useful while avoiding LOS. i haven't given it a ton of thought but I might do something like this: 50 SS Ten Thunders Crew Asami Tanaka + 7 Pool - A Heavenly Design (2) - The Peaceful Waters (0) - Grasping Strands (1) Ohaguro Bettari (8) - A Taste For Flesh (1) - Recalled Training (1) Yamaziko (7) - Equality (1) - Smoke Grenades (1) Samurai (8) - Favor Of Earth (0) Chiaki The Niece (6) - Pull Of The Grave (1) Terracotta Warrior (5) Monk Of Low River (4) (exported from CrewFaux)
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