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Gremlin Swarm

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Everything posted by Gremlin Swarm

  1. Don't forget the Peacekeeper. I know I go off about this model a lot, but I've never been disappointed in its performance, despite its price (both $ and stones). Not too sure about Abuela, but then again, if you want to blast-happy... Come to think of it, I've used a Freikorps Specialist with Criid. Lots of blasty fun. (Just watch out for enemy Freikorps models in groups, since they're blast-proof.)
  2. They're great fun to play, but often difficult to win with. I generally play mine with maximum silliness/entertainment value in mind, and have a blast in the process. You might want to look at the Lacroix Kin box (Born on the Bayou). Even if you don't field them as their own crew, adding one or two into a more 'standard' Gremlin crew can work well. You might also want to keep an eye out for the Pigapult when it gets released. It works great with the Taxidermist.
  3. They may be glass cannon (as it were), but they are cannon. (Well...the cutlery equivalent, anyway.) And there are two of them... >>What's that whirring, ringing sound? Oh, Cra...<< >>Chop--Slice--Chop--Slice--Chop--Slice--Chop--Slice--Chop--Slice--Chop--Slice--Chop--Slice--Chop--Slice--Chop--Slice--Chop--Slice--Chop--Slice--...<<
  4. Hillbilly Drawl, eh? Don' fergit the 'Yeeeee--Haaaaww!!!!' when ya charge! (And yes, I do it, too.)
  5. Mr. Bigglesworth has a great suggestion. I had forgotten the Guild Guards. They may look a little blah next to some of the other models with big lists of fancy abilities, but getting a on damage with that gun is incredibly useful.
  6. I've faced multi-pig forces, and they can be brutal. My best tactic with Som'er, though, has been to bananas with regular Gremlins. In a 25ss game, I often go with 12 Gremlins, with 1ss left over for cache. I just keep one or two back for Git Yer Bro, and send the rest up to launch fusillades and die for the cause. (Needless to say, I prefer the Gremlin Gunline.) Once you start doing higher ss games (a lot fo folks seem to play 35ss), I would definitely add Ophelia tot his arrangement. Between her effectively eliminating Whoops! around herself (Calm Down, Dammit, I think is the name for this one) and Shot High Boys, she makes the gunline really nasty. I also recommend checking out the aforementioned tactica. The big thing to remember with Gremlins is that while they're one of the harder crews to win with, they're also one of the most fun to play. Just go ahead and get silly when you play them. :
  7. Peacekeeper, so long as you don't mind having a big 'ol mechano-monster running around with them. It's big, fast, strong, and tough. Tends to draw attacks away from other models, and if it gets left alone, it can really go to town. (Either after objectives or smashing opposing models.)
  8. Her big honkin' shotgun is also really entertaining--especially with the bit that she gets pushed back when she uses it. Come to think of it, she might even be able to propel herself out of melee with it!
  9. I've used him fairly well as a sort of super speed bump to slow or bog down opposing models. I usually run him to someplace where I can use him to give my opponent trouble and have him cut loose. He's expensive (the biggest complaint I've heard), but like you pointed out, he's also versatile.
  10. I've used the Freikorps Specialist with Criid, and it was indeed fun. Watch out for any crew that has lots of Hard to Wound, though. (<<cough>> Lucious...Lawyer <<cough>>) For raw brute force, don't forget the infamous Peacekeeper. Dishes it out, takes it, moves fast, 'nuff said.
  11. Som'er Teeth needs more Gremlins (or Pigs) to play well. (I've sometimes gone into a 25ss game with just Som'er and 12 Gremlins, with 1 ss for cache.) He's also one of those 'finesse' forces, and therefore hard to win with (unless you're good with those types of forces). That said, the Gremlins are loads of fun to play. (My first crew, and still most fun.) For beginners, I'd go with Ramos and Zoraida from your list. The Imp also has a good idea (counters for additional models until you decide which additional models to get), especially if you go with Som'er and/or Ramos. I'd also set up a Voodoo Doll for Zoraida. (It's her totem (which she summons), and great for her crew to have.)
  12. I've used Papa Loco quite effectively. I just assume from the beginning I'll lose him to his own explosives (obviously), and send him screaming in on his own as a kamikaze. Assuming I can get him into blast range, he does cruel brutal damage.
  13. That's what I get for posting without my books/cards in front of me. : I completely forgot about Santiago. He is pretty badass, and I often use him. Come to think of it...Santiago, Nino, and the Convict Gunslinger...The Trigger Happy Brigade!
  14. Perdita with her totem and some Guild Guards might be a good choice (especially if you're going for the hail of lead type of crew). The Guards' pistols getting the on damage with the extra shots from Obey--nice combination. For that matter, you might also look at adding a Convict Gunslinger and Nino. (Gotta love Trigger Happy.)
  15. And that's on top of that gnarly Freikorps Armor he wears.
  16. Traditionally, Swords are equivalent to spades, Wands are clubs, coins are (I think) diamonds, and cups are (I think) hearts. (I'm sure of the first 2, and fairly sure of the second 2.) From there you can just do the regular conversion to Malifaux suits. I like your idea of using the Tower for the black joker. (Bad=bad, whichever way it comes up.) I'm not sure what would be best for the red joker, though. I'm tempted to suggest the World, but part of me wants to say the Fool.
  17. I use him regularly in 25ss games with Guild crews. he's an absolute monster. Most of the time, my opponents either go after him with overwhelming force (most of their crew), freeing up a lot of my other models to go for objectives, or the leave it alone (as a waste of effort to kill), freeing him to go for objectives. I can also use him to take down opposing big-ugly-scaries.
  18. You do need to be careful about letting the stampede loose, though. (Remember that a stampeding pig goes after the nearest non-pig model, whichever side it's on.) I'd take at least a couple of regular Gremlins for Som'er to do Git Yer Bro with. Then you can give 'em a swig to heal up (creating expendable fire support), or have Som'er or the Taxidermist kill them in melee. If Som'er does it, you can get Piglets (with Come and Get It), or just leave a corpse counter for the Taxidermist to make Stuffed Piglets with. Don't forget you can also have the Taxidermist run around making Stuffed Piglets of corpse counter all over the board. You have to be careful he doesn't get nailed by the opposition while doing this, but it's great for annoying Ressurectionist opponents. BTW: If you've got a Taxidermist, don't rule out deploying a Pigapult. Great fun.
  19. I don't play Samus, but I like his Copycat Killer, if only for the sheer comedic value of him shooting that huge gun.
  20. Looking at kdbrand's sig made me think of something...what about adding Von Schill? I just though of it, so I haven't tired it yet, but I think it'd work well. He's very mobile (Nimble), can leave melee at will (Augmented Leap), and can use 'stones. He's also got his Freikorps Armor. He may be expensive as a minion, but he's got a lot of tricks up his mercenary sleeves. Fluff-wise, well, he's a merc, so they could just hire him for extra muscle.
  21. Peacekeeper. It's tough, brutal, and fast. (Relentless lets it just about keep up with Perdita on the move.) Opponents often target it, but that frees up models like Perdita (who has Fast) to go after objectives. If they ignore the Peacekeeper, then you can send it after objectives. Either way works. It is expensive (both ways), and a pain to build, but I'd say it's definitely worth it. If you want some fluff to explain why it's running with the Ortegas, you could always say it's on loan to deal with some perceived threat. Alternately, you could say one of the younger or badly wounded/maimed Ortegas (who doesn't go out on missions) has a mechanical gift and built it for the Family.
  22. Omenbringer's right about the Gremlin gun line with Ophelia. They can blaze away with near-impunity, since while they're near Ophelia, there's no Whoops! to worry about. It's a death of a thousand cuts sort of thing, but it works.
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