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Everything posted by turtleclub13

  1. Cut out a chunk of malifaux for the glory of yourself and your faction. 7 key points mark the center of the city, and it is in your best interest to take and hold some of those points. This game will be played like squatters rights, but with 7 markers across the center of the board. 7 schemes will be in play, and a card of 7 achievements will help guide you to victory. Discount cards for 1st,2nd, and 3rd place (although our store selection is not that big). A dunce cap will be given out to last place. The build will be 50ss. And remember, bad things happen wyrdos. So be prepaired for random shenanigans to happen. Crossroad Games, 15 Fort Hill Rd. Standish, Maine, 04084, #207 642 2612
  2. turtleclub13

    Gen Con 2015

    What are the prices for the tshirts? And wasnt jack daw supposed to be for sale at gencon?
  3. http://wyrd-games.net/community/topic/103797-a-newoutcast-crew/
  4. I love the idea of filling in the world of malifaux. I have previously posted a huge gap in the wierd-west style world, with the absence of a native american crew (malifaux I think would be a great setting for native americans to move to and essential to the setting). I feel there are some thing that are just needed, and today I had an idea as I was building a ttb character. A photographer resurrectionist. Now bear woth me. Spirit photography at séances was populer and I think could be creepy. Soul stealing, handing out slow in blasts to reresent the lense. Burying modles so they are stuck, temporarily, in a moment in time. Board manipulation tricks. I mean a spirit photographer almost writes itself. What do you, the wyrdos think? Would that not be cool? And what else could it do?
  5. Sundays from 11 to 2. Come up and pay us a visit. Enjoy our huge table space and free terrain. Free play and pick up league games at Crossroad Games, 15 Fort Hill Rd. Standish, Maine, 04084, #207 642 2612.
  6. So, when are we going to seen any rasputina stuff? Her support stuff is getting really hard to find. And gremlins only have two box sets in there whole faction printed.
  7. Megabattle for the Heart of Malifaux: A massive multiplayer event. Open war has broken out in the city and three objectives around the city. Help your faction gain a leg up in the war for the heart of Malifaux. Bring a 50 pt team and represent your faction. There will be pool of seven schemes, and 2 secondary points to hold around the city, and one primary hold point. Cost: FREE The game starts at 11 am and goes until the game is over. Where: Crossroad Games in standish maine, 15 fort hill rd. Call at 207 642 2612 or join our facebook group at Malifaux at Crossroad Games
  8. Once again, join us on at Crossroad Games in Standish Maine as we play Malifaux in an ongoing freeplay campaign. Can you scheme, murder, and steal your way to the top. Will your crew make it to the top in the "land of opportunity" or will they fall to the wayside of progress. Don't have minis? We got plenty. We play from 6 to 9 pm on Wednesdays. Crossroad Games, 15 Fort Hill Rd. Standish, Maine, 04084, #207 642 2612
  9. Another week of games and fun up at Crossroad games. Week 1 went well, but more are always welcome to hop in in yet exiting week of campaign play. we play from 6 to 9pm every week,
  10. Once again, another week of hooking new players on the awesomeness that is wyrd. Demos start at 12 and go until 3 at Crossroad Games, 15 Fort Hill Rd. Standish, Maine, 04084, #207 642 2612.
  11. Back by popular demand, people had so much fun with the beta rules we decideed to play another campaign. Check us out at Crossroad games in standish maine, every wendnesday at 6.
  12. I agree totally. I am in the same boat, and have been playing since 1st. I would drop 15 to 20 a piece for modles that are box set only, but not in 1st, even if it is only online. I hope wyrd does this some day.
  13. Once again, join our small family as we put our favored models through the grinder as we have another week of fun and wyrd games. Freeplay starts at 2pm and goes to 5pm, with demos before hand. Check us out at Crossroad Games, 15 Fort Hill Rd. Standish, Maine, 04084, #207 642 2612.
  14. Once again, join me in standish maine for demos of the amazing and captivating Malifaux event. Don't have minis or a deck? I have more then enough to go around.
  15. Pinch me. I must be dreaming, because this seems to good to be true.
  16. We got pretty terrain. We got Plenty of models. We got plenty of space. Come check us out. Demos t anyone who wants, and free play all around. Standish maine, come check us out.
  17. Week 3 of the beta testing of malifaux the campaign is at Crossroad Games in standish maine. Stop by and check us out.
  18. Week one was brutal on the guild, leading to a large advancement for arcanist and gremlins. But beware, for resurrectionist lurk in the shadows waiting to pounce. this is week two of the Crossroad Games Campaign beta test in standish maine. This takes place on wednesday at 6pm. Any and all wyrdos invited.
  19. This will be our 1st week of campaign testing. Better late then never. Should be a lot of fun. Come check it out in standish maine, Wednesdays at 6pm.
  20. https://m.facebook.com/groups/404074909752924/?ref=bookmarks
  21. Crossroad Games just made a facebook page in an attempt to grow players and organize events. If anyone is in the new england area and are interested in helping spark interest in a fledgling group, any help would be appreciated. Check us out and introduce yourself.
  22. Some stuff i have painted or found lying around
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