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Everything posted by cheetor

  1. Fantastic. Thanks for your help
  2. Multiple glazes sounds more forgiving, if a little more time consuming. I imagine that I will try that technique. Thanks for the tip. Thanks. The whites seem to be popular alright. I quite enjoy painting greys and whites so I tend to add those elements to a lot of my colour schemes. I harp on about how brilliant the GW graveyard is at every opportunity. Its a brilliantly made kit that goes together seamlessly with very little effort and it is a dream to paint. I thoroughly recommend it to any Malifaux players. I documented how I painted the graveyard, if it is of any interest to you.
  3. Thanks. Its nearly finished, I just have to spend an afternoon or so bulking out the number of gravestones. The crypts are the GW Garden of Morr which is a fantastic set that I cant recommend highly enough. Most of the gravestones are from Renedra. There are more photos of my graveyard here if you are interested. Thanks very much. Your work is inspirational, muted in all the right places, understated in a way that my painting never is. I tend to end up going for a cartoony, high contrast result which is fine, but I do envy the control of the overall finish and tone that your work displays. The style that my figures have has developed from an effort to paint armies to a level that I am satisfied with, while still managing to get a turnover that allows me to make a dent in the lead mountain. To that end I have experimented successfully and unsuccessfully with numerous techniques and have finally ended up with what you see here. Weirdly, the final result is a slightly "tighter" version of the techniques that I used twenty years ago... A confession: like weathering vehicles, I have never properly tried OSL. Fear of screwing up a perfectly good paint job has stopped me from trying it. Do you have any pointers or a link to a guide? It is something that I would like to try properly and your comment has made me want to up my game a bit The flame in the Marshals coffin was a fudge. I had recently painted a flaming figure that I was quite pleased with and figured that I could translate the effect to a different palette easily enough. I was wrong, so I settled on what is shown here. I looked up photos of real birds for the austringer and became daunted by the complexity of the patterns. Then I started looking up photos of birds from animated movies and the like. Animators are very experienced in simplifying complex patterns for easy repetition without losing the important details, so I find colour schemes from animation to translate very well to miniatures. So I copied things like these... ...rather than beautiful real life things like these... If you have any pointers or links regarding OSL techniques then I would love to see them. Thanks for the feedback.
  4. Go me A little bit of first principles gleaned from a lifetime playing toy soldiers, early pairings with other noobs while I got a little more up to speed and a large dose of luck regarding card flipping all contributed. We will see how I get on next time... I should have a photo or two of my austringer up over the next few days.
  5. Its always "cheetor" on the forums at least. Other places... not so much Actually I think that its the lights: they are not strong enough so the camera tries to compensate, which in turn does weird things to some highlights. Some stronger lamps are on my (unfeasibly large) shopping list. I have said it before but I will reiterate: that was a great game, easily one of my most enjoyable Malifaux games so far Thanks. Im in too deep now, I cant stop. Painting 'til the grave Id say. Thanks. I am looking forward to getting some work done on my Resurrectionists and playing some graverobbing scenarios with that stuff. ...and... Really? I get a big eighties rock vibe from Lady J in particular. Getting a bit Spinal Tap with the Executioner seemed like the next obvious step. When painting Lady J I had two different songs going around in my head, all because of her big hair and leather look. In fact, the two videos below were an influence on the scheme that I went with. [youtube The ladies of Heart look very much like Guild employees to me. [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hy_XrSLG4gg&w=420&h=315 Cher has absolutely got her Lady Justice on in that. Which might make Meat the Executioner now that I think about it...
  6. I played in my first Malifaux tournament about a week ago and finally felt the whole system start to come together, which was cool and which also got me more enthusiastic about tackling the pile of Malifaux stuff that I have gathered. I had to paint a couple of figures up within a short timeframe in preparation for the tournament. The Executioner here was first of those figures finished. I rushed it a little and there are a couple of bits that I should really go back and tidy up a bit more, but at this stage I doubt that I will. More details about this guy are here, on my blog. I got an Austringer finished on time for the tournament, but I havent been able to get him photographed yet. I did however take a quick photo of a game that I played on my new graveyard terrain set last week. Its only a phone photo, but it should give an idea of how the terrain set has worked out.
  7. Thanks for the kind words everyone. Yep, thats where the tree is from. I painted it up when I was painting up a set of GW woods to include in the cemetery. Good. Go for it
  8. And the first Ortega finished is Santiago, pictured below hanging out near a creepy tree that I painted up for the graveyard (I based it so that it could serve duty as a hanging tree).
  9. In concept the closest is probably Lady J, with the full on close combat skills and banishment and anti-undead abilities. Visually Lady J isnt quite petite enough obviously. Visually maybe Rusty Alice or something? The graveyard terrain will be used to play Buffy Games too at a later date, but not with Malifaux rules or miniatures (Hasslefree figures for Buffy & co). Thanks for the feedback on the terrain and objectives. The Ortegas should start showing up here soon with some luck.
  10. Thanks for the feedback guys. Tiddlywinks from EM4, available here. They are listed as 31mm diameter on the site but they are indistinguishable in diameter from a 30mm figure base in practical terms.
  11. Since I finished the Lady J box I have started on the Ortegas. Progress has been slow (no photos yet), mainly because I got distracted doing some terrain stuff. I made a few objective markers for schemes and strategies, plus I also put together 90% of my planned graveyard terrain. Photos below (various miniatures included for scale purposes). Graveyard Plus a dodgy phone photo of the Vikis kicking Lady J around the graveyard during a game. Objectives Its all simple stuff, but its fun to have nice objective markers and the like. The graveyard looks more Hanna-Barbera than Hammer Horror, but thats fine with me really. More photos and waffle regarding these on my blog (see signature). More objectives and graveyard stuff to come, but I am hoping to get a few Ortegas finished first. Comments and criticisms all gratefully accepted.
  12. The Watcher and the Guardian are cool, nice original colour choices. Im looking forward to seeing Ravag... the Hunter.
  13. Lady J looks fantastic. Is her top slightly pink or is that a colour cast from the photo. Its nice either way
  14. Great crew, nice work! I love the layering on McMournings apron. Whats next?
  15. Great work and a great thread! I am looking forward to seeing Kirai and Seamus finished in particular.
  16. This as a great thread. I am looking forward to seeing the finished product in the flesh
  17. This is a really spectacular thread guys, well done. Do you by any chance still have the files for the posters that you used to decorate some of the buildings? If you did I for one would love to get my hands on them (if you guys didnt mind of course). Top class stuff.
  18. Thanks for the feedback guys. Choosing a palette was quite tough for these actually. I tend to paint sci-fi figures almost exclusively, so historically I have not used a lot of brown, which is essential for the cowboy look, so I found it harder than I expected to get the browns that I wanted. They were a learning experience: the next time my browns will be a bit better I think. The main reason that I went with white on Justices basque and gloves was to make her arms distinct from her hair. Lady J is a very "busy" figure. I noticed that with many of the paintjobs that I have seen it is hard to see what is actually going on on the model. I tried to avoid that by making her gloves stand out from her hair, while not adding so many colours to the figure that she looked unconnected with the marshals. I think that it worked pretty well: understated without being drab.
  19. I got the rest of the group photographed. More photos and info on my blog for any interested. Feedback appreciated, both positive and negative
  20. Great idea, well executed. The Belles (including Sybelle) came out even better than the rest in my opinion. Looking forward to seeing more.
  21. Great work so far, particularly on the golem. It makes me want to try painting that figure using your technique
  22. Fantastic stuff stinkoman. All of the crews are brilliantly done, but the Lady J and Rasputina crews have that extra coherent look as groups. Top notch stuff.
  23. Thanks for the kind words regarding the painting everyone. I am particularly pleased with how this one came out. Thanks. I dont use any very complicated techniques and I dont wet blend or anything like that. I tend to avoid mixing complicated colours too: for me its all about getting the figures painted to above a certain standard, ready to game with so that I can tackle some of the other stuff in the lead mountain. I just layer with occasional hasty blurring of edges, if you know what I mean. The coat was painted GW Astronomican Grey, washed with Devlan Mud (not a very warm colour, but its what brought the little bit of brown into it) and then layered up a handful of times with thinned Astronomican followed by Astronomican/white mixes up to pure white. There were about four layers I think but I cant remember for sure (and I dont have access to my painting notebook right now). It was layered up rather than edge highlighted, if that makes sense. ...and... The base change is just a personal taste thing. You are right stinkoman, the base that I used is bigger than the traditional slot base (which is 25mm diameter). The base that I used is 30mm so covers exactly the same area as the Wyrd supplied radius edged base, so it wont cause me any problems regarding susceptibility to blast templates or other in game measurement issues. There are a few reasons why I changed the base: Firstly that beveled style matches the vast majority of my miniature collection. As I like to use miniatures from a variety of sources for my games, and mix and match within games it pleases me to have them uniform. Secondly (and possibly a little controversially) I am not a big fan of bases that incorporate a lot of extra detail and height increases. Lots of people love that sort of thing which is of course fine, but I think that many bases these days are simply too busy and that they detract from the miniature rather than enhance it. I see the bases with the radius-edge as symptomatic of that tendency, so I avoid them. I have taken a pretty minimalist approach with my basing for a few years now. To confirm though, I appreciate the large amount of work that goes into scenic bases and some of them are works of art in themselves, its just not my thing
  24. I have started a thread for my painted Malifaux stuff if any of you guys are interested.
  25. Hi guys I recently took the plunge into Malifaux and I have finished painting my first crew. I am putting photos of them up on my blog over the next few days, starting with Judge: I have only played a couple of games of Malifaux so I am still very much in the learning stages. Below are a couple of shots of the games. More pictures and talk about this stuff is on my blog if anyone is interested. Comments and criticisms all encouraged
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