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Everything posted by Dragoon130

  1. Crossing my fingers for Wild Ones, Dark Carnival, and Curiosity so I don't have to pay secondary market prices.
  2. I still take Bete Noir in almost every game. She has yet to not have a huge impact for me either outright killing or denying something. I'm also very partial to the Emissary and Yin.
  3. I double slapped Collette into submission the other day but I agree with Fetid Strumpet here. The bag of tools is iconic for Seamus and maybe its my 1E nostalgia but I do think it should be on his card.
  4. So, I'm just coming back after some real life situations kept me from playing shortly after Storm of Shadows dropped but back then I would never run my Ressers without Bete Noir, a tradition that is carrying on so far. I find she' just such a great denial tool and I'm finding even more so in 2e. I also have an issue where I find myself taking a Teddy in every Neverborn game but I feel this will go down more as I learn the new models.
  5. It more or less started with college dorms and military where you did share rooms then became mainstream for one roo Apartments and eventually it was made understood that anyone you live with is a "roomate". I think it's just cause it's easier to say then "that guy/girl that lives with me"
  6. It would be pretty cool to have a full print publication even if it's not fully done by wyrd and its just an affilitated publication or even a non-profit done by the fans. Which would be a bit hard. Either way I would wager money there are a few people here on the fourms willing to help with it if the propostion ever really shows up. I'm not sure how many people would subscribe to it. I'd like to believe most but not really sure.
  7. They can be shared on the system they were bought on every other system is profile only.
  8. Got both on preorder and will be picking them up Friday this is making me excited now though
  9. We need a book 2 breakdown as well. I haven't yet got to play any of them yet though but looking at collette she seems to be all about controlling flips, control hand, and soulstones there by controlling the field or that's what I got from her rules.
  10. Hey karn would you be able to send me the pandy and dreamer tacticas. My email is dragoon130@gmail.com. I appreciate it.

  11. You know I think there was one around the time I joined up when I actaully have a computer in front of me I'll look for it.
  12. It delicious and nutritious!
  13. I was referring tho this one http://wyrd-games.net/forum/showthread.php?t=15963
  14. ... When you have a dream the night you finish painting Teddy that the Teddy you just painted grew to full size and tried to kill you. Not kidding this really happened to me. ... When you talk your father into playing just by setting a picture of the death marshals in front of him ... When you try to imagine what actors would fit which characters in a movie/tv show
  15. Well I would do a movie there is such a large cast it would take multiple movies just to see everyone as a developed character I would do something more like heroes where the plot if each episode flashes to like 3 or 4 characters then change who it goes to in the next episode unless they are all together. As for casting Seamus- Norman reedus played one of the brothers in Boondock saints just looks the part to me. Mcmourning- william Defoe I think could pull his character of stunningly Perdita- Michelle Rodriguez she always plays similar characters I'll post more as I think of them but that's who comes to mind first.
  16. ... When you drive through a tunnel and refer to it as going through the breach. ... When you faintly hope as you drive through said tunnel that you will end up in malifaux ... When you and your fiancé decided to blow off anniversary dinner plans to play a game or two instead ... When you comptenplate on a daily basis if you could talk the wyrd staf into writing a novel for each characters history or the whole universe in general ... When you consider calling out of work to catch up on painting the models you've had for almost a year that you keep adding too knowing you still have so many unpainted ones
  17. I actually ment at one of the 2 gaming stores I have relatively close. One of them has a few of the minis but it doesn't have a big following or any for that matter here so they don't have slot and neither have ever had the rule book. I just never tried yet to find it online I need to get someone to agree to play another game first and that's gonna be a tough one considering how I got them all into malifaux and warmachine/hordes less then a year ago.
  18. I've always wanted to look into this game but for the life of me can't find a ruleset anywhere. I love most of the minis inthe line but I agree it would look a little out of place rolling up with any malifaux model. To much armor.
  19. Maybe I'll just use the tab and build the base around it.
  20. So I'm finally getting around to painting everything and got looking at my sorrows and saw just how small and flimsy their lower bodys are. My question is how do I base these stable enough to survive transportation without breaking. Their so thin I'm scared to pin them and honestly I'm not sure what else to do.so what did you guys do or are intending/would do with yours?
  21. I was just wondering what everyones been using for skeleton/zombie body parts. I have some ideas for some but can't find any the right scale.
  22. I used permatex 5 minute clear epoxy, citadel minis blood red paint, citadel minis Baal red wash, citadel minis ogryn flesh wash, citadel minis devlin mud wash and gale force nine rocks. I painted the base with the blood red glued the rocks down a dribbled the epoxy on. Washed down the rocks with the flesh and mud washes then spread some epoxy on the rocks. After that dried I painted a thin layer of the blood red followed by a coat of the Baal red. I tried to run epoxy down Teddy to make it look like blood was oozing out of his mouth but it didn't turn out as nice as on the rocks so I scrapped it off.
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