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Everything posted by daemonkin

  1. If Lucius walks he can make a friendly minion pass a TN13 Horror Duel to take a (1) action. 1. Can he target the same model twice if he walks twice and target is in range? 2. If so, Does the target count as having passed it's Horror duel vs Lucius or does it need to pass another test? D.
  2. Guild Guard or riflemen or even an austringer or Warden would be lovely with Lucius in Neverborn. D.
  3. Had first real game with her last night. A lot of fun. Just a quick one but Tangled Vines (old transposition) does not allow her to get a free strike on the switched model does it? Would have been nice as I did it to both Judge and Samael on different turns. D.
  4. I have used a burning-centric crew to good effect. Fire Gamin, gunsmiths, Mei and either the Captain or Firestarter. Throw in union miners for scheme markers. D.
  5. I have used a burning-centric crew to good effect. Fire Gamin, gunsmiths, Mei and either the Captain or Firestarter. Throw in union miners for scheme markers. D.
  6. Saturday 11th January will be another demo day at Black Knight Gaming in Larne, Northern ireland bring whatever you want or use what is supplied. I will have enough tables and models to demo whatever you need. hope to see you all there. Time: 12:00-16:00 D.
  7. Hehe! That's more like it. The truth shall set you free! D.
  8. They may be up there for that price but no-one is buying them. I think you are asking a bit much for it. Not even a great model. $0.02. D.
  9. Really liking this concept of string paths interconnecting. Will put any thoughts I have up on my blog and reference back to here. D.
  10. Yeah, the just means that the attack is randomised when focused. LOS and cover are still ignored. D.
  11. Where did the buildings come from? Looks great. D.
  12. Really nice and cohesive looking force. Let me introduce them to my little friend :Powerful_Puppet: D.
  13. Hi guys, There will be a M2E tournament later this week held at Queens University, Belfast Format: 3 rounds 50SS of which 25SS must be used in every game. Wave 1 and Wave 2 models allowed Latest Beta Rules must be printed out Cost £15 includes lunch and prize support Hope to see you guys there. D.
  14. ^ what he said. Things like climbing up vertical climbable surfaces distances are measured vertically so as long as the 3" from the 1st to 3rd floor is 3" then the model can be assumed to be in the range of Plant Explosives. Good planting of marker. D.
  15. All the above are lovely. Love the green hues with Kirai and the deep blue tones for Rasp's constructs. D.
  16. All credit to Jon and Adrian for running this. D.
  17. Our league is going strong too. 3 games played and 2 more to go. Bring it Matt! D.
  18. Damn! Sorry my bad. Used to be badass pose! D.
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