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Everything posted by Chucklemonkey

  1. Seeing as there had been a number of threads where the general feeling - with the exception of a few - was that Hans was not good for his points cost I was just wondering how people felt now that his damage output had been errata'd to 2/2/5? For those that had used or considered using him, is this enough to get him back in your crew? For me, I genuinely think it is but interested to hear other people's opinions.
  2. Add me to the list of those who love all of this months releases with the exception of the Student of Conflict - which I still think is pretty good. I love the scales of justice, I know some people said it was not what they expected - I originally had that problem with the enslaved neph - but I am a big fan. Also really like the EC, the bottom of the mini looks Cthulu-esque to me which I like. The Poltergeist will be purchased for my Pandora crew but may paint it in a lighter colour scheme.
  3. Indeed, and if you decide to go this way check out volume 2 of the Wyrd Chronicles. Page 60 onwards.
  4. An excellent post by Chaos Obscuros, there is not much more I can add. I too am a McMourning player and it took me quite a while to get the hang of him. It has only been in the last 3 games or so that I feel I have used him to his full potential. I have no issue with including Bete and sebastian in my list rounded out with remains and the chihuahua but then, I don't use any Belles. There should never be a game where you fail to bring up a Flesh Construct so that is another damage dealer on the table.
  5. Agree with PP and would probably add Pandora to the list. She can be very tricky to use but very effective when you know how. She does have one of the coolest boxes though, so does tend to draw attention if your trying to get new players into the game. I would rank them as such Difficult Leveticus - Also has no box set. Somer Teeth - Also needs more models. Pandora - Has a lot of tricks. Zoraida - Only from what I have heard. (Never played with or against her) Average but with issues for newbies Marcus - Possibly not the best balanced box set. Marcus himself can be very effective though. McMourning - Needs further blisters for effectiveness and summoning. A monster when you get him right though. Nicodem - As above. Good for beginners Seamus - Effective crew right out of the box Viktorias - Melee based crew, very nice. Justice Perdita Sonnia - I think that from the amount of beatings my crew used to take from the guild against beginners, they are all fine. Lilith - I am a beginner with her but already in love, absolute monster in combat. (Might want one blister of young nephilim, even to start though. Tina - Maybe the hardest on the good list, excellent spellcaster, as far as I know her box set is also fairly decently balanced. Remember these are just my personal observations, others may come up with a completely different order. Ramos, much like Zoraida, I have no experience with but as I have hardly even read his entries in the rulebook I feel that it would be wrong to even comment.
  6. True for McMourning's Monstrous creation and Nico's Re-animator you would need the same suit. I can't re-call whether it has been errata'd at this point so I am quite prepared to be corrected but Nico gets to summon mindless zombies as a zero action without requiring even a cast.
  7. Really nice work. Love the tattoo's on the cherub and also really like the bases.
  8. That is pretty much exactly the way it is for me too. Perdita was bought for letting people play against me, I have never actually used her crew myself yet. Now i'm getting the hang of my aformentioned two favourite masters it will mostly be about them - until book 2?
  9. I had not got totally caught up with one faction, mostly because I kept losing badly until very recently. Things have clicked now so McMourning & Lilith will both be getting some further re-inforcements soon. It is far too addictive, there are only about two crews I wouldn't want.
  10. I think I would have to agree with this. Sybelle & Seamus giving a little bit of range and the Belles luring models into McMournings melee range would seem very effective to me. I have always liked the thought of McMourning & Nicodem though. That is serious summoning power!
  11. This makes a huge difference, I had always played her as slow on that first activation. Played her a few times and it didn't really work out. Last week though - after reading the thoughts on the first page- I was far more careful and she ripped apart practically an entire guild crew.
  12. It's an island in the Hebrides, a group of Islands on the North-west coast of Scotland. Also, it's one of the most pictuesque places on the planet -in my opinion - when the Scottish rain lets up anyway. Also has some fantastic ales. :friday:
  13. Welcome to the forums. Skye is fantastic, enjoy your holday. Does it still have the awesome reptile house? :turtle: And for all the non uk members the granite city is Aberdeen. Oil capital of the UK. Unless of course there is another granite city i'm not aware of. :hmmmm:
  14. Hmmnn, new idea for fate decks! I like it! And welcome to the forums!
  15. Well it all came together tonight, someone at my gaming group had a spare pin vice and I jumped in. I have to say I think it looks pretty good for a first effort, will post pics next weeks. I also drilled into the butt as it did seem the safest place!
  16. I like this pin idea it would seem to me to be somewhat sturdier than paper clips, will check out brass strips also. Think it's a trip out to see about buying a dremel also... Thanks to all for the help. Well, except you brushmistress, I know your opinion on cats, grrrr... Seriously,thanks all.:hail:
  17. No cat banning please. All cats will be defended. :nutkick:
  18. Very nice work indeed. I have done similar with my first terror tot but am now jealous of yours. Also wish I had looked in hear prior to asking about what to do with a Cherub....
  19. Hello all, having never pinned a model in my life I was just looking for some advice and info. Firstly, what is actually used as the pin? I understand it is a small metal rod but what and where do I actually ask for this? Is it something I should get in a hardware store or is it a material best sourced from gaming shops/websites? Secondly, and this is particularly relevant to the cherub, my intention would be to pin it to a scenic element on the base to give the appearance of flight, in doing so however it would seem that the entire model's weight would bear down on the pin. Is this feasible, or would the model weigh too much for the pinning material? Sorry for what may be basic questions, really coming to this blind. Thanks for taking the time to read this.
  20. Welcome to the forums. There are plenty of talented painters around so feel free to throw out any questions you have and I am sure someone will help.
  21. Student of conflict due out in June. http://wyrd-games.net/forum/showthread.php?t=12221
  22. It certainly feels diferent from the slog of playing 40k/WFB. Live in Alloa, work in Glasgow but strangely enough spend most weekends in Newcastle. The GF lives there. Oh and if you do ever decide to sell your Cryx feel free to PM me.... @ US Male, a few old gaming buddies of mine who had stopped years ago have also been willing to give it a try, still need to get them another game or so but i'm still hopeful of getting them hooked. :whistle:
  23. Hello there, I am neither a henchman or based in your area. Just thought I would add a +1 to the Lilith vote for new players. Welcome to the forums.
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