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Everything posted by Poko

  1. Considering how much overlap in gamers both games seem to have, I'd be more than wary of calling it lame.:viking:
  2. No, alcoholic beverages on friday night work better and leave less damage to the brain if I fancy a bit of mindless stupor. D&D and MtG are also rather larger than Wyrd, by an order of magnitude I'd imagine.
  3. I really can't think of any company that does such an extensive work for FAQs, it sounds a bit like "in perfect world" situation.
  4. a face of Teddy with "I can haz guildsburger nao plz?".
  5. Whooa, HUGE model. No wonder it's so expensive. Yeah, I'll have to find another lelu substitute (the lilitu is fine), this one won't even fit 30mm base I think.
  6. The chaos demonette with wings is huge, I was thiking of using the wingless one as Lelu, but it might be too big. Anyway, I do like the fleshy, "human" tones of the skin on those.
  7. From what I recall from the book 2, he was trying to posess Raspy when the red tide grew, but she directed the spirit onto another person, not fancying being backseat driver in her own body, and when Dec noticed that, he retreated, leaving only some primitive spirit behind to be tied to Snow. So he's still somewhere there, like Casper the friendly cannibal ghost.
  8. Players love to use all the toys. Nothing new there. 25ss is something i only ever play if pressed for time, as they are very constraining. I prefer 30-35ss. However, I don't think Brawls will ever get too popular, the nature of the game means it slows down very much after certain point is reached due to sheer number of interactions between powers and models.
  9. You're comparing apples with applepie. Compare METAL GW models with METAL Wyrd models and the price is actually way cheaper than anything GW calls for their larger metal kits. I did, ugly, overloaded with HUGE things that could pass as detail from five feet. Wyrd isn't big on tiny details either (as a stylistic choice I believe), but if you pick up infinity or helldorado model and compare it to any GW plastic it's quite clear the plastic is simply crude. it's getting there, and I suspect GW doesn't make full use of the possibilities (no engravings, only building up), but for now metal and resin still hold more detail.
  10. TransFormation and OriginalContents. Also, while there's a few places in the story that are a bit clumsy, it's nothing that you wouldn't see in any sort of fic. So chill, its fine.
  11. Someone likes TF just a bit too much I think Nonetheless, the pic is rather good, always nice to see more OC.
  12. "father, the sleeper has awakened!"
  13. "RAWR! Immah lion!" Well, Dreamer was really, really bored...
  14. *SMACK* Yes, it is a nice way to boost him, thanks for brining it up. Should've though of it myself, but I get too caught up in one train of thoughs too often.
  15. Only played them once so far, Lilitu sadly bit the dust early on, and so the lelu had limited time of life. But his Thoughts Twisted is awesome, it gives two guaranteed wounds to enemy with no way to stop it, perfect against tough or high Def models. What I did find a problem was that they're slow, the lelu just can't keep up with the other nephilim.
  16. Considering he can summon alps, I think it's fairly self-explaining.
  17. I like winning, but a defeat after hard-fought battle, or a memorable one at least, is fine too. I strongly dislike defeats that hinged on one trick or some critical fumble of mine. I'd say I'm semi-casual though, as I sometimes make decisions based on rule of cool rather than cold calculation
  18. So I did manage to get them all finished by today. I'd perhaps like to add more colours to the cherub's plumage, but it works okay I think. So until the new nephs are released that's it for Lilith.
  19. To be honest, if you're already playing Malifaux it doesn't offer anything new tactically. I've played it prior to malifaux, and I can't say I miss it. Malifaux's special abilities offer more challenges in game (not to mention the strategy and scheme thing), and the stat system strongly favored To Hit and Defense over Damage and Armor. from the few glimpses I've had at the cards later on, there seems to be a serious case of ability-creep going on, with new models having a lot more abilities to choose form than the old ones. The models are spectacular though.
  20. Actually, I'd say it's much more Perdita, but I guess Marc would look just as bad in those tight trousers and shirt
  21. He is, at this moment, at the absolute bottom of the list, even gremlins throw pig poo at him and laught. His only real "synergy" is with the shikome and moleman and the rest of the beasts don't even notice he's there game-wise. Short of giving him Lilith's stats and LCB's weapons, he's in no danger of being overpowered any time soon. And as powdersaint noticed, Hoff has an improved version of the Alpha, superior in every way and isn't overpowered
  22. I *think* it was Tallaran flesh for base, with some dwarf flesh, and mostly elf flesh over it, and a wash of ogryn flesh wash. I generally like tallaran flesh very much, as it covers great, and has a nice insta-tan colour right there, which you can darken or brighten easily and still look somehow natural (all-elf is too pale, all dwarf is too blonde pig, bronzed flesh is just plain unhealthy).
  23. Round two of the family, only another young and cherub left, hopefully I'll get them done before halloween. Also, re-take of the earlier photos, now with better white balance. Adult Neph is black because Lilith was tired of the whole "Def 4 vs Nino Ortega" thing and decided to try out stealth technology. It's yet to be decided if he is invisible to radar. *EDIT* Group shot, I forgot to post it so thanks to Thaehl for reminding me.
  24. Without the shaman, or nekima, there is no point in having the desperate merc. He costs 2SS and produces 1 blood token. Lilith can do the same, for exactly the same cost, so it's pointless. As for lilitu-lelu list, I've been thinkin about it, but it has one major drawback: I'd have to include the lelu models, which are plain terrible IMO. WHich is a pity, because for 1SS more and 1 movement less they bring more hurt than young nephs to the table.
  25. Too bad the rest of the crew can't keep up. Apart from Myranda and Waldgeist none of the original book beasts have scout, so if you happen to play on a dense-terrain board the army's at a disadvantage compared to other masters. The new book redresses the balance with all that flying, but his list is still slower, overall, than Nephilim luftwaffe. Yes, the chances of that happening are very small. You have to have a good hand, good flip, and the enemy has to have very poor hand and flips. Much more likely is that you'll hit Lady J for 4-6 damage, and then she activates and turns Marcus into catfood. In fact, most masters can turn him into catfood, and a good deal of minions as well. He's a melee master with sub-par attacks, he's a buffer master with one, weak buff, and he's a control master whose control spell is insanely expensive and hard to pull off. All in all, he's best treated as another, 7-8SS beast rather than a "real" master in game.
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