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Everything posted by Omenbringer

  1. A lot of those abilities are a lot less reliable than they look on paper. It likely has to do with trying to prevent it them being called broken given the Gremlin proclivity to cycle the deck as well as Som'er's ability to provide required suits.
  2. I am going to actually post photos into two locations due to the massive number of photos I took, didn't think I took that many until running through processing (67 total). Here are the tournament Strategies and Schemes we utilized by Round: Round 1: Guard the Stash, Corners deployment Convict Labor Exhaust their Forces Leave Your Mark Frame for Murder Mark for Death Round 2: Turf War, Standard deployment Convict labor Take Prisoner Leave Your Mark Set Up Search the Ruins Round 3: Reckoning, Flank deployment Convict Labor Take Prisoner Leave Your Mark Public Demonstration Occupy Their Turf Round two featured the largest disparity in Vp points in games and was the defining round in my opinion. Tournament Placings: 1st: Taylor Kanka, Arcanists, Tp 9/ Diff 9/ Vp 22 2nd: Max Wildenhaus, Neverborn, Tp 6/ Diff 7/ Vp 20 3rd: Creed Hensley, Resurrectionists, Tp 6/ Diff 6/ Vp 17 4th: Elliott Frank, Ten Thunders, Tp 6/ Diff 4/ Vp 18 5th: Chris Rall, Resurrectionists, Tp 6/ Diff 3/ Vp 13 6th: Tony Lipira, Guild, Tp 6/ Diff -2/ Vp 14 7th: Bill Redifer, Ten Thunders, Tp 3/ Diff -5/ Vp 10 8th: Mick Lanning, Resurrectionists. Tp 3/ Diff -7/ Vp 13 9th: Tom McFarland, Outcasts, Tp 0/ Diff -6/ Vp 13 10th: Kevin Becker, Resurrectionists, Tp 0/ Diff -9/ Vp 7 The Top Three: Good Job Taylor Good Job Max Good Job Creed For those interested here are the tables that were used for the tournament (though only 5 were used 7 were set), Apologies for the "blurry" photos forgot to set everything to automatic until after the games had started, play photos in another thread will be better. Table 1, The Train Station Table 2, The Gentrified City Table 3, The Boom Town Table 4, The Slums after a Fire Table 5, The Great Henge Table 6, The Cemetary (unused table) Table 7, The Ancient Village (unused table) Here is the link to the other thread where the players can comment on the tournament and hopefully provide some incite into their lists and games.
  3. Round 3 Table 1-Elliott Frank (5 vp) vs Max Wildenhaus (6 vp) Table 2-Tony Lipira (5 vp) vs Bill Redifer (3 vp) Table 3-Taylor Kanka (7 vp) vs Creed Hensley (6 vp) Table 4- Chris Rall (4 vp) vs Tom McFarland (3 vp) Table 5-Kevin Becker (4 vp) vs Mick Lanning (6 vp)
  4. Round 2 (This round featured the largest Vp disparities) Table 1-Bill Redifer (3 vp) vs Taylor Kanka (9 vp) Table 2-Chris Rall (6 vp) vs Kevin Becker (2 vp) Table 3-Elliott Frank (7 vp) vs Tom McFarland (3 vp) Table 4-Creed Hensley (6 vp) vs Tony Lipira (1 vp) Creed promises me there is Killjoy under that umbrella and curtain. Table 5-Mick Lanning (2 vp) vs Max Wildenhaus (10 vp)
  5. Round 1 Table 1-Tom McFarland (7 vp) vs Tony Lipira (8 vp) Table 2-Max Wildenhaus (4 vp) vs Taylor kanka (6 vp) Table 3-Bill Redifer (4 vp) vs Kevin Becker (1 vp) Table 4-Mick Lanning (5 vp) vs Elliot Frank (6 vp) Table 5-Chris Rall (3 vp) vs Creed Hensley (5 vp) The Group in the heat of round 1
  6. This is the Tournament report from the recent GenCon prep Tournament conducted at Ground Zero Comics in Strongsville, OH on July 23, 2016. Here are the Tables. Table 1, The Train Station Table 2, The Gentrified City Table 3, The Boom Town Table 4, The Slums after a Fire Table 5, The Great Henge Table 6, The Cemetary (unused table) Table 7, The Ancient Village (unused table) I will be posting more in game photos (with better focus) throughout the day (so many photos to sort through... For those interested in the tournament Strategies, Schemes, and results follow this link here.
  7. Announcing the next Organized Play Event for the Cleveland Area. Warzone Matrix is hosting a 5 Week league from August 13, 2016 at 1:00pm thru September 10, 2016 at 5:00pm for the purposes of expanding the local Malifaux community and having a great time. The Store is located at 4704 Rocky River Dr, Cleveland, OH 44135 Additional: Event Cost: $5.00 per participant, 100% of costs will be utilized for league support. This league will utilize my own Marshal Law League rule set built around defending and acquiring territories about the world of Malifaux. As players accumulate or squander territories they will gain or lose access to in game resources. All Participants will need to be present for the first day of the event in order to generate their starting territories and receive their league packs. The League will close at 5:00pm on August 13, 2016. Official League Days are scheduled for Saturdays from 1:00pm to 5:00pm and players are strongly encouraged to play during the allotted time. The intent of this is to facilitate a diverse play experience however, in order to accommodate differing schedules players may arrange games outside of normally scheduled day once the league has closed at 5:00pm on Saturday August 13, 2016. All games must be played at Warzone Matrix with League Sheets either turned into the Henchman on Duty (Scheduled days) or Store Staff (off days). Players will be restricted to a single Master throughout the league, however, may alter their crew composition (non-master models and upgrades) between games. Masters are not unique for the purposes of this event, i.e. Masters may be represented by more than one player. Proxies will be allowed as long as they clearly represent their base model. This is intended to be a casual event that is intended to build the Malifaux community. Sportsmanship is a large component of this, in short, games should be engaging and fun, not "soul crushing". All player levels are welcome, even those playing their very first full games. Think of these games as more of creating an engaging narrative than honing your tournament lists. Painted crews, dense terrain, and utilization of the asymmetric Story Encounters Strategy/ Scheme rules vice the Standard Encounters are highly encouraged but not mandatory. This event will utilize the Official Wyrd Event Prize Pack and may have a few additional offerings based upon participation. Each player will receive a Guilder (Poker Chip of various denomination) for participating in the event. Prizes will be awarded upon completion of the last game on Saturday, September 10, 2016. Those interested in attending or with questions regarding this event may contact me via either PM or email at NOLA_henchman@yahoo.com We look forward to seeing you at Warzone Matrix.
  8. Definitely missed having a Gremlin player but perhaps you can make it up to our next one. Hopefully everyone enjoyed the tournament and especially the tables. I will be posting tournament results and photos in the next day or so, so much editing and hosting. With that out of the way I would like to thank everyone who was able to attend, you all made my job easy. Look forward to seeing you all again either in your venues or another one of our local Cleveland ones.
  9. From what I hear the Brew Master is best in a Ten Thunders build where the model pool is a bit more amicable. Hoping that perhaps he'll receive something that makes him a bit more useful in the Gremlin Faction. I would also throw my support behind the Hog Whisperer, a really nice model in an awful lot of situations.
  10. Would really have liked if the Lucky Emissary Brew Master upgrade would have provided a method of generating modifiers for models around him. Would have been helpful as a debuff for opponents models and a buff for the Moon Shinobi's.
  11. I agree with this Noxious Smoke is a wonderful action.
  12. This is off topic but, Seamus was not the only Master that was Df 4, Sonnia, Nicodem, and Rasputina (all from the same book were Df 4) while Pandora was Df 3. Yes that low Df is a huge vulnerability and is often complained about, particularly in regards to an increasing number of models that have Ml, Ca, or Sh of 6. In regards to long movments that are also not heavily limtied by Terrain well Kaeris has Flight and can move 18" (24" if she decides to take a Student of Conflict to gain Fast), Lilith ignores Severe terrain and can move 18" (again the Student of COnflict can augment this), Zoraida with her Upgrade can cover 20" regardless of terrain (albeit she can't use Interact Actions after using Raven Form for the rest of the turn, but she can use them before she uses Raven Form). The Dreamer is Incorporeal and can cover 21" on his own. Lucas McCabe can also cover 21" on his own and can easily gain Unimpeded. Seamus can cover 30" of the table as long as he has 3 cards that are 7+ in his control hand and is out of LOS (though again he can't take Interact Actions for the rest of that activation). And finally there are also Masters like Ulix and C. Hoffman who gain free movement when one of their characteristic models (pigs or Constructs respectively) preforms a Walk Action within 3" of them, and they can still use 2 of their own Actions to Walk further. Both of these can also hitch a ride with models that either have or can gain Flight (Watcher or Pigs). All of these highly mobile Masters are Significant. Both Ulix and Hoffman can easily cover 24" in a turn ignoring terrain and still have an action to spend on dropping a Scheme Marker. In short their are plenty of master models that can cover a lot of ground and still are Significant. There are also plenty of non-master models that are also highly mobile and Significant. And of course the Student of Conflict can aid these movements further by granting Fast. And yes I would have rather had the condition removal on his card than on an upgrade. I would be curious to see which of his abilities you consider essential to him, the only one I can think of for his design is Flight and perhaps his Df/ Wp Trigger, though with that high Df and Wp value isn't as much of a need honestly. Keep in mind this is not emotional investment, more that "Upgrades" should be enhancements or augmentations to a models core not the models core. I understand why Wyrd adopted them and was part of the process to integrate them. Many have been done well in this regard but not all were. As I said earlier though I am reserving judgment until I see the entire crew box, upgrades and all. Given that his Iron Mosquitoes are supposed to gain a benefit from his upgrades it is likely much less of an issue since he will want to attach 3 any way. At any rate I am unlikely to alter your opinion and you wont alter mine so have reached the culmination point where further discussion is pointless.
  13. Is there another Master that can't place Scheme Markers? Zipp is mobile but there are other Masters that are as well and aren't Insignifcant. As for complaints about "must take" upgrades, well there were a lot of those when the new edition came out (especially when it was revealed that Hans could remove upgrades), now people just accept it. That doesn't mean they like it. I for one am of the opinion that something that has to be taken all the time for a model to be effective should just be given to them in the first place. To each there own.
  14. I seem to recall that the RPG books have traditionally been in the November-December time frame. Was hoping to see a bit of a planned release schedule (until January) to sink my GenCon purchases but remember why Nathan is hesitant to do long range release schedules. I am planning on getting it through the online store and will let you know when I get it...if someone who is able to attend the Convention doesn't beat me to it (though even then I will likely comment once I have it in hand ).
  15. You do know that Interact Actions aren't just used to place Scheme Markers right? There are a host of conditions that can be removed via Interact Actions (take a look at Nellie) as well and a model that cant remove them will always suffer from them. Granted Wyrd seems to have somewhat addressed this by placing a condition removal ability upon his upgrades but that isn't really an optimal solution as it means that those upgrades become must takes instead of real options. This means that aside from not being able to contribute to Vp's through dropping Scheme counters (even if only once in ten games, which I find hard to believe as I have Som'er and Ulix drop at least one each game) your Master is also effectively only able to attach two Upgrades. I will reserve judgment until we have seen the entire box (which given the description seems to encourage Zipp to max out his Upgrade slots anyway) but Insignificant is a disadvantage. That is a nice option but there are others that are a bit cheaper, particularly if you already own a Battle Foam bag of the correct size (or are handy with basic metal fabrication). Here is the solution that they offer You could also just build something out of wood and then use magnetic paint (sort of a misnomer as it really isn't magnetic in and of itself but will allow magnets to stick to it because of iron filings contained in the paint, mix really well!!!) Magnetizing resin bases isn't that difficult honestly. Buy some small "Rare Earth Magnets" and take a drill bit a little larger than the magnet. Drill into the rim of the resin base (carefully and slowly) and glue in the magnet. Easy and quick. As an added benefit Rare Earth Magnets are a lot stronger than the magnetic tape so will keep your models in place a lot better.
  16. Great find and yes I would say that is fairly close to how a Warpig is mounted and ridden, though to Kobayashi...Warpigs don't explode or have an action that causes Explosions. Unless of course you are referring perhaps to a method of cornering said Pig until he can be mounted, and then it might be likely that explosives might be used though a terrified pig is a very dangerous animal.
  17. If you are going to make it a terrain piece then I would do in it three parts. The top shell, the bottom shell, and the hanging cabin. The top shell would essentially be just the upper half of the air bladder (this can be done with paper mache or you might be able to find an "egg" shaped card board base from a craft shop). The bottom shell would be the lower portion of the air bladder (which the upper shell would nest into, however keep in mind that airships like this typically had internal gantries that allowed access to the engines and fuel tanks during flight. So this portion could be another terrain element. The hanging cabin would need to feature the control room, a passenger compartment, storage locker for luggage, perhaps a dining area with Galley, and of course a lavatory. If you go the Indiana Jones route then you might also consider adding a biplane or two behind the hanging cabin. This would be an extremely large piece, i.e. it will extend beyond the confines of the standard 3' x 3' table space. I would encourage you to look at the Disney/ Pixar movie Up for a look at the Large Airship of the "Bad Guy" (even has a museum), Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade for a look at a Passenger Zeppelin, and Studio Gibli's Castle in the Sky for some other options in Airship design (more fantasy based than reality). The last movie features the pirate ship I mentioned and showed above and would be a nice design for a terrain center piece.
  18. The Infamy could look like any number of airships, from standard Zeppelin to something more Anima-esque. Here are some examples: Personally though I hope it looks like one of the Airships from the Studio Gibli Movie Castle in the Sky like these Though the other pirate ship could also be cool: Knowing the Wyrd crews sense of humor and disdain of all things Gremlin...this will probably be what the Infamy ends up looking like
  19. Really hoping Zipp's crew has some condition removal abilities, Insignificant is going to hurt him if he can't remove them himself. edit: and his upgrade that allows him to remove them hopefully is not limited.
  20. Looking forward to this release, if for no other reason than it will allow more customization of Bayou Gremlins.
  21. I would go take a look at the Malifaux faction pages, they have the back of the new Masters cards posted there. Linky here.
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