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Math Mathonwy

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Everything posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. Who is it? We're not looking for support Masters or summoning Masters or shooty Masters - I want pure melee power! Who is on top? In west corner, from the powerful Guild, we get one challenger but she is a contender! The one and only, Lady Justice! In the blue corner, from the angry Arcanists, we get two fierce ladies, though one seems a bit divided on which corner she is supposed to occupy. We get burning kung-fu power, Mei Feng as well as the no-nonsense leg-breaking power of Iron-Sides! But wait, what's that commotion over in the lower corner? It's the original, the boss lady, none other than Lilith! From the first green corner, cackling madly, we get a doctor, which is good cause someone is going to get hurt! And maybe he can help. It's Dr. McMourning! From the second green corner we get a small green lady armed with a large spoon of all things. A round of applause for Mah Tucket! Yellow corner sports the tag team of twins giving numerical superiority to the lovely Victorias! Again, in between corners, we get the blossom of the east, master of martial arts, the exotic Misaki! Finally, in the eastern corner, in zen-like calm, we see the austere form of Shenlong. Who will win? Who won't? Who has a chance and who doesn't? Who did I forget to include?
  2. I kinda bring it automatically unless against Guild or Arcanists and even then I highly consider it.
  3. YES! That's brilliant! Love the mottled green and the purplish hues to the flesh. And the face is great. Very creepy and a different look than is usual for these.
  4. Aglaope Rashaar for Carnevale would also be cool proxies: http://vesper-on.com/index.php?page=shop.product_details&flypage=flypage_images.tpl&product_id=44&category_id=10&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=7〈=en
  5. Thank you so much for the feedback, much appreciated! I actually did add a tiny bit of white to the bigger eyes (you just might be able to make it out in the last pic) but yeah, yellow would've been better. Might still try that, but the problem is that the smaller eyes are miniscule and I'm not sure whether I'd be able to add visible amounts of yellow while still retaining the orange.
  6. I'm critiquing in the hopes that they will do even better in the future. If you look at Dark Debts box and the new boxes you can see that their development has been downright incredible. Who knows what they will be like in another year from now? All in all, I have always been extremely happy with how Wyrd listen to their fans. I also take them on their word that the upscaled models weren't a mistake, I'm just critiquing in the hopes of drawing attention to the fact that, for it to look right, upscaling cannot, in my opinion, be done with a straight up percentage growth of everything in the mini equally but needs to be done carefully and from the start of the modelling.
  7. He needs big clothes and such but he doesn't a need bigger lock on his thicker chains. Those kinda take away the massiveness. And if they wanted him to have a bigger gun I would've liked for it to look custom-made, not just 3D-printed bigger. And the coffin could've been bigger but why are the planks that it has been made of bigger? Why not just use more planks? And so on and so forth. If you alter the scale of a model you won't end up with it looking bigger, it just looks like it's bigger scale. As an example, using a 54mm model amongst 28mm models as a giant looks weird because everything is upscaled. For it to appear properly giant, there need to be things that show that it is the same scale but bigger.
  8. I still actually really like the new plastics. I think that they are really finding their stride and hopefully this was just a minor hickup.
  9. Sweet! He looks great - very sinister and sorta foreboding. I also really like the base - the rust is excellent and the stonework is a fun colour. Brilliant stuff!
  10. I did go with the bright orange and managed to finish the whole trio: Rather happy with them. The pics are a bit rubbish (there's so little light here this time of year) but I'm delighted that I liked the blending best on the other two rather than the first one. And the eyes worked rather nicely. Not 100% sold on the claws - they look weirdly drybrushed for some unfathomable reason. But yeah, next is the herald herself, Tara. Hopefully still this month.
  11. The problem with the Death Marshal is that everything on him is bigger. If he was just a giant of man, that'd be one thing, but his weapon is bigger, his coffin is bigger, his chains are thicker, his lock is bigger, his flames are larger - it looks weird. So yeah, maybe it was on purpose, but they should have enlarged only some parts of him so I think that it is a valid complaint. On the Sorrow the down-scaling works a lot better.
  12. I somehow see you cackling madly in firelight as you read these answers *grin* "Can I-" "Yes!" "What about-" "YES!" "Oh, my... mwahahahahahah"
  13. I'm not sure that proxying with Warmachine minis is being very "different" I would go with something like Sphere Wars or Godslayers or something.
  14. Howabout this one: http://www.bushido-thegame.com/catalog/guardsman-ryu Maybe with a head-swap if you wish to get fancy.
  15. That horse is brilliant! Really, really love the work on the sinews (is that the correct word?). And you somehow managed to make the ridonculously big sword look great, too. All in all, I find that sculpt way too over the top but your paintjob has toned it down in just the right way - simply amazing.
  16. I hope to get this crew into playable condition before February - we shall see whether I succeed or not. Started with a Void Wretch. I went for a purple-grey that highlight to light green. I'm thinking dark green for the claws with sharp highlights so that I can do Tara's blade in the same way. But what to do with the eyes? I was at first thinking just black with maybe a white dot, but maybe I should choose something that would pop more since they are kinda the main detail? A blazing bright orange, perhaps? Edit: hmm, maybe a bit big that pic. Well, at least you'll see the paintjob...
  17. That's brilliant! Has a very nice Irish "gentleman" vibe to it. Evokes a sense of danger that works for the mini perfectly. I also absolutely adore the texture you have given his suit (especially visible on the pants) - amazing!
  18. The baffling part about the giant Death Marshall is that his coffin, his gun, and everything else about him is giant as well. He is obviously just bigger scale. Whether that was on purpose or not, I think that the execution was really lazy. I'm also really sorry about the new Lady Justice - not awe inspiring at all, IMO. Viruk did an amazing side by side comparison of the old and the new LJ box in his blog: http://www.independent-painters.com/2013/12/old-and-new-lj-and-her-crew.html Otherwise, I'm mostly happy with the new plastics. They are often a bit annoying to put together but the detail is good when they remember to sculpt it in a way that takes into account the medium. Plastic is able to show really tiny details but they don't lend themselves to painting all that well. Minis need certain exaggerations to work well and it seems that the early Wyrd plastics missed those. The new ones are far better in this regard, though. There are some really impressive plastics released already and on the whole they have a pretty unique look, which is always good. I know that I'm awaiting the future of Wyrd with enthusiasm.
  19. Eh, naturally you can get good results from black undercoat (Mako is living proof of this) but the question was "Which Color of Primer is Best Suited for Beginners?" And I very honestly think that starting with white leads to better practices for beginners. It isn't as forgiving as black but teaches you more and faster and allows for far easier bright colours.
  20. I have no idea what this is in response to or what it even means (why do you need a Student to shoot for 8 damage and wouldn't you miss on the Youngs that way which seems less than optimal)...
  21. And now we know why the OP was having trouble...
  22. This. I also feel that white is a better teacher in that it shows you you need to thin your paints and all in all keeps you forming bad habits better than black. With white your first mini will likely look worse than with black but your tenth one will look better.
  23. First of all, try priming a disposable piece (like sprue or something) before trying this on the minis. With that disclaimer out of the way, temperature isn't a problem. The problem is if it changes while the primer is drying. It's essentially the same as if you take a glass bottle from the cold and moisture condenses on its surface. The same happens here and that messes up the primer. So what you need to do is either leave the pieces to dry outside or spray them quick and bring them in fast. If you opt for the former, be advised that the low temperature means that the drying time gets really long (like 24 hours for example). Also consider keeping the minis outside for a while before spraying to have their temperature match the outside temperature (if you plan on leaving them out to dry, not otherwise!). Finally, be mindful of the humidity level. If it is very humid, then you can't spray prime. I would also avoid spraying in negative F temperatures. I spray prime a lot during the winter and have had no problems once I realized this. I also knew a Canadian painter who only spray primed during the winter because he thought it gave a better surface.
  24. McMourning himself is vastly better than his alt but not quite as good as the original. Sebastian is horrid (my least favourite of the plastic re-sculpts so far). Fleshie is a bit boring and I really don't like his head-thingy or the metal diaper, but passable. I'm just a bit worried since I could use quite a few Fleshies but getting multiples of this sculpt isn't happening. On the good front, the new nurses are awesome and the new canine is great. Such improvements over the originals! The chihuahua is fine. So three great one sculpts, two ok ones, one meh and one horrid. Not a bad box, IMO. As for Sonnia, it's a bit strange that her coat tails are billowing in the wind but her hair or the flames of her sword are not. Also I'm not a fan of the lantern. All in all she really doesn't scream "Master" to me. Samael OTOH is crazy good - my favourite plastic re-sculpt so far. Really great!
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