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Math Mathonwy

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Everything posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. Things have an absolute value, though. I have a pretty good income. I'm not rich by any stretch of the imagination but am blessed in that I currently have no hobby budget - I just buy stuff if I feel like since ultimately the limiting factor for me is time, not money. So no, 16 dollars won't sway my budget. But I refuse to buy, e.g., a twenty dollar doughnut even if I could easily afford to, since the absolute value of an ordinary doughnut to me isn't twenty dollars. That is too expensive for an ordinary doughnut. And would be no matter what I made per month. If the Scheme and Strategy cards came with, say, new Starter boxes, then we likely would have such a thread. No one is disputing that the cards are useful, some just see little value in buying them twice. For example, Hell Dorado's new plan is to omit the cards from the blisters and only have a deck that you need to purchase if you want the cards.
  2. To me these look the least like Gremlins of all the new releases. I really, really like the metal versions a lot better.
  3. In a game versus Molja I took Distract, which is one of my favourite Schemes that I tend to use a lot. I distracted one of his dudes and then at the end of the turn was utterly surprised that the Scheme needed two to be distracted. And this is a Scheme I have taken again and again! So yeah, happens to everyone. Agreed! I really can't blame Norjanpaavi for his reckless charge with Misaki since it was to kill a Nurse.
  4. Always fun to see a report with a happy ending - go team Gremlin! I do agree with Dirial, though, that was astoundingly non-killy. I think that Resser McMourning is actually one of the toughest opponents for Ophelia due to the ease with which McM can change the squishy Gremlins into Flesh Constructs equipped with the ridiculously powerful Devour.
  5. According to Wikipedia at least, there seems to be quite a few different styles with differing amounts of roundness to them (Shinmei family gates seem less round):http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Torii
  6. Misaki entered the dimly lit room. At the far end a shadowy figure with eyes of flickering green flames intoned: "Welcome, Misaki. You can call me Mr. Z. I have an assignment for you." "And what might it be? And you had better be paying really well," the assassin extraordinaire said. "You need to kill none other than the good Doctor Douglas McMourning." "McMourning? But I killed him already?" "He got better." I had McM with the usual load-out, Francisco with Wade In, Sebastian, Chihuahua, two Nurses and a Witchling Stalker. Cache of six. I was up against Misaki with Stalking Bisento, Survivalist, and Oathkeeper, Bishop with Oathkeeper, Freikorps Librarian with (you guessed it) Oathkeeper, and three Ronin. The Ronin didn't have Oathkeeper. Cache of two. Reconnoiter with the most horrible scheme pool ever. Personally, I blame ZFiend (since he let Molja flip for the Schemes). ALITS, Assassinate, Distract, Entourage, and Vendetta. I could, in theory, take Vendetta for Francisco against Bishop but that really doesn't seem like a good idea. Entourage when I was sure my opponent was going to go for Assassinate seemed like too much all eggs in one basket. ALITS wasn't the best for my models, really. So I went with Assassinate and Distract. Hoping that Misaki gets too confident and that my Paralyzes can lead to Distracts against Bishop and a random Ronin. My opponent went with an unannounced Entourage instead of Assassinate (a complete surprise) and, unfortunately, he read Vendetta wrong and took for Bishop against the Witchling Stalker --- First turn was super intensive when I flipped a Red Joker for initiative and we both advanced. The Ronins spread out with Librarian, Misaki and one Ronin coming at me from the north and Bishop from the east. Misaki Stalked Sebastian but the Witchling Stalker dispelled it. I clumped up with white-haired Nurse going around some woods and the rest of my models forming a tight cluster with Chihuahua and Witchling trailing a bit. McMourning felt brave and got El Mayor and took a Defensive Stance. Second turn things started happening. Misaki Stalked the white-haired Nurse on the other side of the woods and charged her. She survived and pushed into the woods but Misaki didn't want to follow as then McM, Francisco and Sebastian could've charged her. I moved up with the Stalker and shot at Misaki with a total of five against 20. Yeah. Bishop discarded Oathkeeper and moved fast as a hurricane, charged the Stalker and ended him with two blows. Unfortunately Norjanpaavi now read Vendetta again and realized his error. I offered him to move the Vendetta from whomever to whomever but he said that he made a mistake and should pay for it. Chihuahua charged Misaki and didn't accomplish anything but stinked her up with two Poison. The Ronins moved about and Sebastian got Misaki into his aura. Librarian moved and had some choice words for Francisco who took two damage. I noticed that my opponent's hand wasn't probably very good at this point, so I activated the white-haired Nurse. She told Bishop to take some meds and paralyzed him with a cheated 11 of Crows. Then she told Misaki to take her meds as well and paralyzed her with a cheated 9 of Crows. MVP of the match for that gal right there! McM poisoned and pushed Francisco through the woods and into melee with Misaki and ran forward to the Librarian. The good doctor found himself appreciating the leather-clad form of the Librarian and a surprising "How you doing?" got her Distracted there and then. The purple-haired Nurse followed suit and asked Bishop what a guy like him was doing at a place like this getting him Distracted as well. Francisco took Poison damage and then Flurried at Misaki but she defended successfully twice and stoned away the damage from the one hit. At the end of the she got hit with Poison and stoned that away and many models burned a bit courtesy of the Stalker and Francisco took Poison damage. Misaki stoned her poison damage away. He got one from Reconnoiter while I got one from Distract. Third turn began with frustrated doctor meleeing the Librarian to death and slinging a scalpel at the Ronin. Two Ronins committed Seppuku to give Misaki some stones to stave off the poison. Francisco flurried hitting once with a massive seven for damage but Misaki stoned away three and once for three, which Misaki stoned away. Chihuahua ran off to poison Bishop who also got paralyzed by a Nurse again. Sebastian charged Misaki and hit her but she stoned away the three damage. She activated, suffered from Poison and removed Paralysis. The white-haired Nurse charged Misaki and got her poisoned. I stupidly failed completely in my positioning and missed a point from the Strategy while Norjanpaavi really had too few models left. Misaki suffered from Poison. Fourth turn I realized that Misaki was dead when she activated. I won initiative and McM killed the final Ronin to doom Misaki. But I had forgotten that Misaki had Hard to Kill from Survivalist! She activates and dies because Norjanpaavi had also forgotten this. He remembered it at the end of the turn Bishop removed paralysis and Sebastian charged him doing some damage. Bishop got paralyzed by a Nurse. Francisco walked over to observe Bishop writhing in Poisoned agony in Paralysis while still being distracted. I got one for Reconnoited and two for Assassinate. Fifth turn I win initiative and force Bishop to go first and he dies to Poison. I score for Reconnoiter. ... OK, that went really differently from what I expected. Misaki took an insane amount of beating (helped by all her prevention flips being severe) but the double paralysis on the second turn really was what sealed the game. Charging Misaki in like that was reckless but OTOH that was partly because of misread Vendetta so it wasn't quite as crazy at it might've seemed. We really need to take a rematch some time without the Vendetta blunder as that kinda messed up the game. I also got a lot better hands the whole game which played a big part. The minimal cache meant that Norjanpaavi couldn't get extra cards but he was hampered by his limited model pool in Reconnoiter.
  7. "Crazy expense" is usually used in relation to something else. A $16 donut is crazy expensive as is 16 dollars for ten useful cards and a whole host of useless ones.
  8. Are you implying that McMourning has something to do with Zombies other than killing them? He is an honoured member of the Guild in good standing, sir! Just ask his Lawyer if you don't believe me. All talk of resurrecting and such is outright slander, I tell you!
  9. Misaki, why you do this? ... I think I'll blame ZFiend, mostly. OK, fully.
  10. Your reason number has not really been said other than in one post that was between mine and yours. And your reasons 2 and 4 follow from your reason 1. Reason 3 is valid, I suppose, especially if you're trying out a whole crew as opposed to proxying a single model.
  11. Thank you for the report! A couple of observations: 1) A Henchman vs Master is always going to be a bit lop-sided and Dreamer is a powerful Master so congrats on holding down the fort as well as you did! 2) Trixibelle doesn't have all that much Gremlin melee synergy, really. Mostly just her trigger on Slap and she really shouldn't be using that much. However, if you're looking for Melee Gremlins, Francois is the king, but Mancha Roja gives him a run for his money. Other than those two, Burt is very nice, Hog Whisperer is actually surprisingly good, Slop Hauler isn't actually bad, Lenny is pretty good and Taxidermist is nice as well, though very squishy. The inability to declare triggers hampers Taxidermist and Burt when used with Slap. And then there's Mah and Somer and of course. 3) As for the Scheme proximity limits, note that Trixiebelle has a nice way of going around that with her Presents Action. 4) From the pic, it looks like you could use some more terrain - especially once you move to bigger games. But yeah, a good read and thank you for posting it!
  12. Today is the day. McMourning has adorned his base with two skulls in order to blend in better once the time comes. I'm kicking myself for not putting some shoulder pads on him. But thank you so much for the feedback on the plan! I have to make do without Scalpel Slinging! As for the stalking, I have a cunning plan. Norjanpaavi, avert your eyes, please. I made some tests with spare coins and it seems that six 30mm bases should be enough to completely block off all visibility lines to the doctor. So I will surround him with his Ht2 Minions! Ingenious! Wish me luck!
  13. I'm very, very far from an expert in Japanese construction so I have no idea what makes a torii look unauthentic, but would these work: http://shop.zenitminiatures.es/category.php?id_category=9 Zenit at least seems like they are doing quite a bit of research for their Kensei line.
  14. I have to say that this unboxing sold me this mini. In the renders I was rather underwhelmed by it but it is actually rather a nifty model now that I've seen proper pics. Thank you once again!
  15. Oh aye, he can use other stuff as well but I don't think that it really is all that optimal for him to do so excepting some few models. Beasts really do have most roles nicely covered. Compare to Zoraida, however, and she really should utilize all of the Neverborn arsenal if the mood strikes her (maybe not Sorrows) as well as all the Gremlins and then a couple of the low Wp models as well (mostly Nurses but there's a couple of other options as well). I have to say that my experience with Levi is super limited so I suggest people listen to you and not me in this case
  16. I wish they had bundled the generic totems of all factions with their respective Effigies. I realize that this might annoy Collodi players but it would've really helped with both the costs of the boxes (so if the Collodi player isn't exclusively Collodi and plays some other Faction(s), too, then it might've even been cheaper for him as well in the long run) as well as the number of SKUs needed.
  17. Brewmaster vs Hamelin would make for a lovely starter box. ... What? Seriously though, it would mean that people who were introduced to Malifaux through it would have a really, really different view of the game.
  18. "It is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles; if you do not know your enemies but do know yourself, you will win one and lose one; if you do not know your enemies nor yourself, you will be imperiled in every single battle."- Sun Tzu
  19. I disagree about Marcus having a really wide variety in his hiring pool. I mean, sure, theoretically, he can hire any Arcanist and any Merc as well as the beast but in actual practice he is about the beasts. How often would you really hire a Rail Golem or Union Miners or Oxfordian Mages for him? With Levi it also seems that he tends to focus mostly on his thematic models. The less synergistic Masters seem to offer more variety in that you really can use anyone and anything with them. So someone like Zoraida seems to offer more variety. Mind you, Marcus is a very versatile Master and can do lots of things, so I don't think that he would be a bad choice for this just that I don't think that his huge hiring pool is actually all that gigantic when it comes to what you're likely to actually take.
  20. New players get the cards when they buy the minis. The books also have all the cards so they can use them to familiarize themselves with various crews. So why do they need Arsenal decks (other than the generic upgrades)?
  21. It is amazing. In my latest game against Lucius, it's mere threat essentially shut down my Scheme Marker production (oh, and it also killed two Gremlins).
  22. Agreed - really don't see any other way of doing it, really, though I do agree that it is a bit quirky.
  23. To be honest, IME Bag has been really underwhelming. Sinister Rep is so much more versatile. Bag Seamus needs to get into the thick of things but isn't nowhere near as durable. And the gun is sweet enough that a ranged Seamus is plenty destructive.
  24. To be fair, getting a 50SS crew normally isn't a very good tournament force. You will probably need closer to 100SS worth in order to cater to all Strategies/Scheme combinations. That said, compared to GW or PP Malifaux obviously is a lot cheaper. Compared to Infinity or Eden it isn't but then again you can get tournament worthy forces for all three for the price of one PP tournament double-list force.
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